The Undercroft

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Omini's POV

I was annoyed from all the loud chatter. I just wanted to go back to my room, this whole sorting ceremony was just a waste of time. Well at least the sorting ceremony was finished. Just as I was about to stand I heard Headmaster Black shout we have one more. Ugh. I sat and grumbled as I heard Sebastian chuckle. "It's the new fifth year Ominis. My god look at her Ominis she's beautiful." Sebastian said. "May I remind you i'm blind Sebastian I can't see". I spat. "Well I can at least say she doesn't look like Garreth at all. She has white hair almost like snow and smooth pale skin." "I don't know why we are wasting time we all know she will be in Gryffindor, so they should just tell her to go there." I said rolling my eyes. I felt Sebastian smirk and shake his head. "Ominis she is staring directly at you.". "What? Sebastian stop jesting" although I think he might be right I can feel eyes on me, How strange. I adjusted my posture and looked at her."Do you know her?" Sebastian asked. "No the only Weasley I'm so unfortunately aquatinted with is Garreth." I found it odd that the Weasley siblings never mentioned having another sister . I heard rumors that it was because she wasn't able to wield magic until now. It was strange, but for some reason I've felt this presence before somewhere."Hufflepuff!". I looked up from my thoughts. I guess I was wrong. If only I got lucky enough to be sorted in a house that wasn't expected from my family lineage. "Well would you look at that she must be the black sheep in the family" Sebastian said.

Penelope"s POV

As I woke up I felt the sun radiate over my face. It was going to be my first official day as a student at Hogwarts. I felt my stomach twist, and turn but I figured it will all be alright. I walked around our common room, it felt warm and cozy. All the people I met were very nice, and caring. There was a girl named Poppy I shared the room with she was so happy to have me be there. "Hey fifth year someone is looking for you outside the common room" I heard someone yell I guess I have to get used to being called that for a while don't I. "I'll be right there". I quickly made it down the stairs and out the barrel. There they were the Weasley family. They all smiled at me except for the taller boy. "Good morning Penelope, I assumed you slept well?" Professor Weasley asked. "Of course, it was wonderful the common room is beautiful, and the students inside are wonderful" I said smiling. " Hello Penelope, My name is Aria, Aria Weasley. I'm your new sister". I suddenly felt arms wrap around me tightly before I could say anything. I was alone his whole time I smiled at the thought of actually having a family again. I embraced the red hair girl back, and looked over at the two other boys. "I'm Garreth, at your service". The boy said and smiled. I looked over at the tall one, but he was looking away from me. Aria nudged his arm and he let out a deep sigh. "I'm Arthur" he said annoyed. After meeting them all Professor Weasley showed me around handed me a guide book to help me navigate around the school.

I walked to my first class DADA. As I stepped inside I noticed the slytherin boy with the wild brown hair fight another from Gryffindor. I was entertained till I felt someone next to me. It was him again. I kept looking at him his eyes, his pale skin, and his blonde hair. He was very handsome, but I can't get myself distracted or let my guard down. I couldn't help keep taking glances up at him, but stopped when I saw him let out a small smile. Did he know I was staring at him? Could he sense it. I turned away fast my face a bit red. I was so occupied with him I hadn't noticed the Professor walk in. She started moving tables to the side, and I remember the blonde boy was leaning on the table. I quickly turned and grabbed his sleeve, but it was to late he was already falling. Next thing I knew I was on top of him my face felt like it was on fire. I got up quickly and apologized. Why was I apologizing? why did I even care if he were to fall or not in the first place?. I shook my head and helped him off the ground. I then walked to the other side of the room where Professor Hecat chose the Slytherin boy, and myself to duel. I sighed at not wanting to stand out, but I guess this could be fun. "Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome" he said with a smirk. I could not help but smile back. 5 seconds later the cocky slytherin was on the ground. I let out a soft giggle. He introduced himself as Sebastian Sallow, and asked me to join a dueling club which I gladly agreed to join. I saw him run off to the blonde slytherin boy.

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