Because Of A Song

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I shivered a bit as the temperature started to drop, but we had to get things done before snowfall. I looked over to see Jasper come out of the house. He looked as though he had been crying. I bet it's all the stress from being a Black. I never really got the chance to properly thank him for what he had done for me. I watched as he went inside the tent.

"Hey Ominis I'll be right back" I kissed his cheek as he blushed.

"Alright darling. Don't be too long" he kissed my hand. As I walked away I noticed Arthur smiling at me.

Once I got closer to the tent I stopped. That song I've heard it before.....

"Ugh.. I can never do anything in this house" I huffed while I crossed my arms.

"Well what did you do this time?" Kieren laughed.


"There is always something Emelisse"

"I made mud pies and none of the maids would play with me. I made enough for all of them. Do you have any idea how many that is? They told me that father had instructed them to no longer play with me can you believe that! The nerve"

Kieren laughed "Well Emelisse maybe you shouldn't be playing with them mud all the time you are a lady"

"That's not the point. I get lonely and they would keep me company"

"I'm sorry Emelisse, but maybe when Ominis comes he will play with you"

"I miss him"

"Me too" Kieren smiled.

"What was that song you were playing? I've never heard it before?" I gasped "is it one of those muggle songs?" I whispered.

"No, I made this song"

"Really? It's beautiful Kieren"

"Yes it is. It was meant to be your birthday present, but you came barging into my room" he laughed.

"I love it! You are the best brother ever!" I hugged him tightly.

"I am your only brother" he laughed. "Would you like to learn it?"

"Yes please" he grabbed my hands and placed them on a couple of keys.

"Okay Emelisse, when I play these keys you push down on those alright" we started playing beautiful music together....

I smiled as I stood near the entrance listening to the beautiful music Jasper played on the piano.
"That's beautiful" he jumped and turned around.

"Umm thank you Penelope" I watched as he leaned his head down and placed his hands gently brushing them over the keys. "Im sorry for using it."

"Don't be" I walked slowly towards him. "That song was absolutely beautiful"

"Thank you" he laughed "you have good taste in music"

"Yeah so did my brother because he made that song for me" I stopped in front of him and he slowly lifted his head up towards me.

"Emelisse I..." before he could say anything I dropped to the floor in front of him crying my heart out and clenching onto his legs. He came down to the floor and hugged me tightly as he cried as well. "Im sorry... I'm so sorry" he pulled me closer to him as he placed kisses at the top of my head.

"Kieren... I'm so happy you are alive" I gripped on his shirt tighter.

"Im sorry Emelisse. Im sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. I wanted to protect you. I wanted you to move forward and live a life of your own. I was too much of a coward to tell you" he cried into my shoulder as I rubbed his back.

"No Kieren. I won't allow you to be sorry. I love you and I'm... I'm sorry I left you there" he clutched me tighter. After a while we finally let go and he helped me back up. We took a seat back in front of the piano.

Kieren told me what happened in his life. He told me about Amelia and how much she cared for him, but passed away because of an illness that could not be cured. He told me about Headmaster Black and his brother.

"I'm sorry you went through so much. I can't believe you did all that for me". I felt guilty that he had done so much to keep me safe that he didn't care about his own wellbeing. "I wish I could have done something for you"

"It's okay you didn't know I was alive. None of it is your fault" he patted my shoulder. I leaned my head on him and told him my story and what I have been doing. He seemed to have gotten a bit mad at first but understood why I had to do what I did.

"So does Ominis know?"

"No he doesn't, not even Sebastian" I looked at him. "I also didn't tell anyone it was the Gaunts. I don't want them to think bad of him"

"Do you not trust him?"

"I do, but I feel like now is not the time. He is gentle and kind. He isn't like his family. At first I was mad because I felt so betrayed and I was thinking our friendship was nothing but a lie to get close to our family. I soon learned that was not the case... he truly cared about us and felt regret for what his family had done" I sniffled and Kieren wiped tears off of my face.

"You really do love him"

"Yes I do" I smiled.

"I'm glad you found someone. I didn't like him either, but Arthur told me how kind and gentle he was to you and I started changing my mind. When we were kids I enjoyed the time we spent together and was grateful for our friendship" he grabbed my hand and placed it on the piano. I smiled. Once he started playing I pushed down on the keys and laughed. Soon we started playing the song together and I was so happy he was okay. I looked over my shoulder and saw Arthur leaning against the frame smiling before nodding and walking away.

Jaspers POV

I can't believe she actually remembered my song. I smiled thinking how it all worked out at the end. I had planned to just tell her the truth by the end of the week before heading back to school, but this was perfect. I felt so many emotions at this moment. Happiness, sadness, relief, and love. I looked over towards her smiling with tears in her eyes as she played the piano keys....

"Kieren!! Kieren!!"

"Emelisse what is is?" I asked worriedly as I grabbed onto her shoulders. She was crying "what's wrong Emi?"

"I fell and my knee is bleeding" I looked down and smiled.

"It's okay Emelisse, your big brother is here to save you" I grabbed my fake sword and swung it around. "I'll defeat the knight who pushed you" she giggled.

"It was a dragon brother" I smiled as she slowly stopped crying.

"I'll slay the dragon then. No one touches my little sister! But first I need to heal you" I led her to my chair and started cleaning her wound before wrapping it up. I handed her a shiny pebble to hold. "This is magic okay, you have to hold it tightly and whisper they magic words...Love" she smiled and did it. "There all better" I fell back as she jumped on top of me.

"Thank you Kieren. I love you"

"I love you too Emelisse" ....

I laughed at how silly we used to be. I stopped playing and held her close to me once more, like If I didn't she would disappear once more.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now