Our Decision

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At night I could not stop thinking about Ominis. I kept thinking about the way he held me tightly and wanting to protect me. How he still holds a tight grudge against himself for casting Crucio on me when we were children. Although I don't think he knows it was me, since I go by a different name now.I thought about his eyes, his lips, his pale perfect skin, and the way I could smell a hint of rain and sandalwood on him. Ugh why can't I stop thinking about him its not like we are close anyway. After the events that transpired we only talk a bit more than we usually do, but only during class. We didn't speak much outside of that unless it was with Sebastian. I blushed remembering the things I said to him, and how I kissed his cheek. I shoved my pillow to my face. Merlin i'm such an idiot. He probably thinks I'm some harlot now. I'm worried about Sebastian as well he's changed. He seems more distant, and sometimes I can feel a dark aura on him. I miss the old Sebastian the one who used to flirt every chance he'd get. The mischievous boy that used to get us into detention for sneaking into the restricted section, or causing a mess in the great hall. I miss the way we laughed for hours over the most idiotic things. Most of all I miss how much of a friend he used to be. He is so hung up on finding a cure for his sister that he doesn't notice who he's hurting a long the way. I can tell Ominis is also worried about him, and is also hurt by all his recent actions. Just the other day he made me cry because he called me ignorant for having a goblin friend. Ominis walked in on me, I tried to lie myself out of it. Ominis was smart enough to know I was lying though. I talked to him about it, and he was upset Sebastian had even said such a thing to me of all people. I told Ominis not to let Sebastian know I cried. Ominis agreed to respect my privacy. At some point I thought I was growing feelings for my Prince Charming, but now I feel as if he's only been using me to find a cure for Anne. Why can't I just live a normal life? I never asked for any of this. I never asked to hold a huge responsibility on saving Hogwarts, or the whole wizarding world. I didn't even want to have this kind of power. I never asked for my family to be killed. I'm just a child who am I going to save? Why should I have that huge weight on my shoulders when the whole world turned their back on me when I needed them the most? I was so frustrated about the whole thing, but I knew deep inside that no matter how much they hurt me, I can't just turn my back on the innocent.
Ominis POV
I didn't sleep all night. As I sat in the great hall I didn't feel like eating anything for breakfast. I kept thinking about Sebastian. What has happened to my friend. I was worried about what he might do next. I was angry at him for calling Penelope ignorant, and making her cry after all she has done for him. I was angry at the way he was just tossing her a side. I was angry at him for casting crucio on her, and not even showing a care. That is not the Sebastian I knew. The Sebastian I knew would have ran to her to save her. He would yell at who ever even dared make her cry, which he has. He would have never left her side. What was going on with him? Before Penelope was all he talked about. About their adventures and trouble they would get into. I would find myself getting jealous at the way he described her, and how much he trusted her. I remember the way I would hear her laugh at his flirtatious remarks, or when he would pick her up and carry her. I smiled at the memory of us by the lake when Penelope made him eat a sock flavored jelly bean, and Sebastian chased after her. When he finally caught up to her Penelope pushed him inside the water and she hid behind me trying to protect herself. I laughed so hard that day until Sebastian splashed me with water. By the time we walked to the castle it looked like we all went swimming in our school uniform. I miss those times. I have been sending owls to Anne, and she also is worried about him. She doesn't want him to keep going down that path. She wants him to focus on building a life for himself. I sighed not know what else to do. I suddenly felt something cold touch my face. "Merlin, can't you people ever just leave me alone." "Good morning Ominis, do you care if I sit with you, also you should really eat something it's not healthy to starve yourself." "Penelope, I apologize I was so lost in thought I didn't recognize you, please the seat is all yours." I heard her giggle. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Ominis you are blind how would you be able to recognize me?". I smiled at her "well there are plenty of ways, for one your footsteps, you seem to drag your feet a bit when you walk. Let's see... your scent, you have this overpowering smell of lavender on you. You also seem to breathe quite heavily whenever you are near. I can name lots of ways" I smirked. "Ugh, Ominis I don't drag my feet, and I don't breathe heavily" I heard Penelope scoff. I laughed a bit which made her shove the crème puff she'd tried to feed me earlier in my mouth. "Delicious" I teased as I waved it in front of her face. I normally wasn't a fan of them, but at this point I was willing to eat anything so she wouldn't worry about me any further. "Ominis can I ask you something?". I was shocked, she never asked me anything. "Of course, what's on your mind Penelope?". "It's about Sebastian... I feel as though he is different. I don't know what to do, but I also feel like I'm just going insane and overthinking it." I stayed silent for a while. "You are not going insane Penelope I feel it too. He's the reason I haven't slept. I keep thinking about him, and what he might be up to next. I'm so worried about him." I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Do you think he used me" she whispered. "From my prospective no. He seems to care for you a lot. when you first started hanging out there wouldn't be a second in which he did not bring you up. He kept saying you where his new charge, and that you had something special about you that radiated on those around you." I said comforting her. I gave her hand that was placed on my shoulder a tight squeeze to reassure her. We stayed silent. I didn't mind. I think we both knew we needed the company, but needed the space to think about everything as well. It was like a silent agreement.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now