Get A Grip

207 9 23

Jasper's POV

I heard a slight knock on my door but ignored it. The knocking continued and I was grumbling. Merlin it was too early for this. I then heard and even much louder knock on my door and got up frustrated. I was about to give that person a piece of my mind. I slammed my door open harshly.

"What!" I yelled seeing Ominis flinch and jolt back. I instantly regretted my hostility and sighed "I'm sorry I thought it was someone else" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"My apologies Jasper I didn't meant to wake you up this early, however I was worried since Sebastian didn't come back to our room last night" he fidgeted with his wand and I pulled him in closing the door behind him.

"What do you mean he didn't come back?" I asked worriedly trying to think where that troublesome idiot had gotten himself into this time.

"I waited but he never showed up and then this morning I woke up to an empty room. I figured since the game against Hufflepuff was coming up he'd most likely came here with you"

"Don't worry Ominis we will find that idiot" it was almost like Merlin heard our pleas because an owl came down towards us. I took the letter in my hand and opened it. I laughed which caught Ominis off guard.

"Found him" Ominis looked at me confused as he tilted his head to the side. I got ready and walked down to the common room explaining to him that we had to pick up Sebastian from the hospital wing.

"I forgot my tie. I'll be back wait here" and with that I ran back to my room. Once I came back I heard another group of students in the distance.

"Shut up Rios!" Ominis yelled.

"It's true once Arthur is gone there will be no one left to protect you" Rios mocked him.

"Bloody hell and you are dating that stupid Weasley girl now as well" they all laughed.

"If your family finds out your dating a mudblood they will certainly come down here and-"

"Enough" I walked down the steps with a cold tone. The boys froze and looked up to me. I truly terrified everyone in this school.

"So now you have Jasper protecting you too" more laughter. "How pathetic"

I grabbed Rios by the collar. "I'm not protecting him at all I don't need to. He can protect himself. I just done like people harassing my friends" Rios gasped and his eyes widened.

"Careful Rios or his inbred germs will infect you" I turned to the boy and he immediately stopped and looked at the floor.

I pushed Rios away. "Actually Ominis here beat me in a duel... twice to be exact so I'm pretty sure he doesn't need any protection" I grabbed Ominis by his hand and pulled him outside. I listened to everyone whispering how Ominis was able to beat me in a duel and smiled.

The walk to the infirmary was silent. The halls were empty as well since we did wake up even before the great hall opened.

"Jasper..." I hummed and looked towards Ominis.

"You... I... you didn't have to lie to them. Now they will pick on you for losing to a blind man"

"I could care less what they think. I'll be gone soon once I graduate. Also if they want to pick on me let them try" I chuckled.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now