Ball Gowns and Kidnaps

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"I'm going to strangle him" Poppy huffed as we walked to Hogsmede. "I can't believe the nerve on that boy. See I knew he was bad news Penelope you can't ever trust a Gaunt" she continued blabbering as my mind wondered about why he hurt me that way. Was it intentional or was he clueless? "Would you like me to jinx him for you?"

"Oh Merlin's no it's okay Poppy" I laughed at how worked up she had gotten about the whole ordeal. With only three days until the ball we were off to meet the rest of the girls to pick out our dresses. I felt horrible they waited for me this long, but they insisted they wanted us to go together. At the entrance we noticed Natty and Imelda waiting for us.

As we were about to walk in the door to glad rags Ominis and Madeline had walked out. Madeline was embracing Ominis arms tightly against her. "Thank you Omi the dress is so beautiful" she looked at my direction and gave me a fake smile as they continued to walk close to one another. My fist clenched to the point my knuckle had turned white. I wanted to cry again and run away but Poppy squeezed my hand making me relax and loosen the death grip.

Once inside I was looking through dresses while the girls tried theirs. Natty ended up picking a dark deep burgundy dress with ruffles on the skirt that looked absolutely wonderful on her. Imelda picked a royal blue velvet dress that sat nicely against her curves. Poppy choose a soft yellow dress that was tight at her chest but flowy towards the bottom. She smiled at me and pulled me behind the curtain. "I found one for you here try this on" she said excitedly. I stared down at the gown and smiled thinking how Aria had worn one like this to the ball.

When I stepped out of the fitting room the girls gasped and their mouth all gaped open. "Is it bad?" I questioned nervously.

"No it's perfect. I'm jealous" Natty laughed.

"Damien is going to be speechless when he sees you. He won't even know what hit him" Imelda winked at me. I turned my head towards Poppy who gave a mischievous grin.

"What are you planning Poppy?" I smiled at her.

"Ohh nothing let's just call this a revenge dress. Make Ominis regret not asking you to the ball." She giggled.

"He's blind he can't see me anyway" I laughed.

"Yeah but doesn't mean he won't hear the people around him taking about how gorgeous you look in this dress" she patted my shoulder. Then Imelda wanted all the tea of what happened between me and Ominis after hearing Poppy's little side comments.

"Come on you can't hand a guest a tea cup without placing the kettle in the center" we laughed and explained to her the situation but we insisted this stayed between us.

"I'm sorry but what an idiot letting a girl like you go!. Hufflepuff seeker, savior of Hogwarts, everyone's hero, and you are just naturally beautiful. Merlin I just want to smack the blindness out of that boy" Imelda ranted as we continued to walk.

"Well you guys up for butter beers?" Natty shrugged. I was going to agree to the suggestion until I saw Ominis walking hand in hand with Madeleine inside the three broomsticks.

"You guys go on ahead. I'm going to head back to the castle. I need to help Damien with his herbology paper" I lied.

"No then we can all just go-" I cut Poppy off.

"No you guys go on a head. Maybe next time we can get one together" they hesitated for a brief moment before finally leaving my side.

As I walked down the path I felt tears threaten to escape once more. I was in denial that he didn't fancy her. I thought maybe he was just asking her to the ball, but I was wrong it seemed like he was trying to court her. I then felt a cold hand cover my mouth and suddenly we appeared in the forest. I could see the path in front of me. I was going to run before I was pushed to the cold muddy floor.
**************violence skip to the end of the (*)symbols to skip************************

"Hey there" I gasped as the person placed a foot on my back preventing me from leaving. I quickly grabbed my wand out of my pocket but before I could even lift it he stepped on my hand. I saw my wand roll a couple of inches away and I winced in pain. "Now now that's not very polite" he chuckled menacingly. I then felt him lean down over my ear. "I know who you are " he laughed again.

"I don't know what you are talking about let me go please" I felt him tug my hair harshly.

"Stop with your ignorance. I know plenty I've been watching you!" he yelled in my ear. "I'll make you a deal you show me some of your ancient magic and I'll let you go" I couldn't see his face but I can sense his evil grin. Would someone like this actually let me go? Was this a trap?

"I don't know what your talking about I don't use ancient magic I'm just a student" I then felt my face hit the mud hard. He had slammed me into the mud and rubbed my face against it.

"Tsk tsk tsk" he pulled me back up this time putting his wand against my neck. "I didn't ask you a question I gave you an option. Now are you going to obey like a good witch or am I going to have to beat it out of you."

"I don't wield ancient magic you have the wrong person" I felt my face hit the ground harder this time.

"Bullshit! And here I was trying to show you kindness" I tried to reach for my wand but he grabbed my hand and bent my finger back. I yelled loudly but he covered my mouth. "I'm starting to loose my patience!" He yelled. He grabbed my wand and threw it in front of me. I started to cry in pain.

I then felt my body turn over as I gasped for air. I grabbed my stomach tightly feeling the heat from the kick. He came down to my face once more "Last warning or I will head into Hogsmede and burn your little friends!" He yelled. I spat in his face and got kicked once more. "Alright then what were their names again Poppy Sweeting? Imelda Reyes? Ominis Gaunt? Natty-"

"Stop I'll do it just please don't hurt them" I begged as I gripped onto his pants. He kicked my hand off of him and handed me my wand. "No funny business or I will kill you and then I'll go after your buddies do you understand me" he dug his wand into my neck once more I could feel blood coming down. I nodded and swirled out some blue magic out of my wand.

"Good girl" and with that he apparated out of sight. I ran back towards the path still wincing in pain. I was then pulled and grabbed harshly once more. I was turned to face Sebastian.

"Merlin what... who did this to you" I jerked out of his grasp and kept running. " oh no not this time sweetheart Accio!" I was pulled against his chest and he gripped me tightly. " let me help you let's go now!" With that Sebastian snuck me back into the castle into my room of requirement. Sebastian sat me on the chair and went to get towels.

He grabbed the wet towel and wiped the mud out of my face. He looked so worried. "We need to get you to the wing Penelope"

"No Sebastian" I gripped his arm tightly. He looked down into my eyes then my arm that held him tightly. He sighed and nodded his head continuing to clean my face.

"Penelope who did this?" He questioned me again.

"I went into the forest because I thought I saw something but it was an acromantula. It caught me of guard" Sebastian grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"There is no secrets between us right P?" He looked me in the eyes. His warm honey colored eyes inspecting my face as for any hint that I could be lying.

"No Sebastian" he gave me a weak smile and handed me a vile of wiggenweld potion. I was trying hard to think who that man could have been but I was confused.

Sebastian then inspected my wounds more and told me that that's the best he could do. He wanted to stay with me but I told him I needed some time alone since I was still shaken from the ancromantula attack. It felt like he believed it a bit knowing well I'm traumatized by those vile things.

I got up in front of the mirror inspecting the cuts and bruises on my lips that didn't go away with the potion. I sighed and whispered "Episkey" I winnced a bit but they were vanishing. I then heard the door open once more. "Sebastian I told you I'm fine I just want to be left alone please" as I turned my head I saw Ominis standing there with a worried look on his face panting as if he had ran here.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now