The Young Witch We Used To Know

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Penelope's POV

I sighed as I reached my destination. I walked up the small hill and placed my hand on the tomb stone.

"Hello father, I know I'm not the girl you wished I turned out to be but I hope you are proud at how strong I have become" I vowed and placed a flower on top.

I walked towards my mothers stone and I cried. "I'm so sorry mother. I'm sorry" I cried out. "I hope you are not suffering anymore. I miss you so much and I miss your soft hugs. I miss your home made biscuits, and the smell of your perfume...Happy Birthday mother" once I placed the flower on her grave I fell to my knees and I couldn't stop crying. I would never be able to celebrate my birthday ever again because it felt so wrong.

Once I recollected my self I got up and walked towards my sisters tomb stones and placed a flower on each one. "I know we didn't get along and I'm sorry I bothered you both. I just hope you understand how much I loved both of you and how much I miss your snarky remarks." I giggled and wiped my eyes.

When I reached my brothers grave I smiled and placed a flower. "Kieran, I miss you so much. Thank you for always watching over me and protecting me. You were the best brother anyone could ever ask for" I turned my head quickly when I heard rustling in the branches near by, but saw nothing. I laughed when I saw a niffler run out.

I looked over to my grave and stared at it. I kept repeating my name over and over Emelisse P. Cromwell. I placed a flower over the stone. "Happy Birthday" I whispered softly.That little girl I once knew was now gone.

I sat down for a while and talked about my new family and what I've been doing. This was my first time visiting their grave. I was to scared to do so before but figured it was time.

Jasper's POV

I can now safely confirm that Penelope was in fact Emelisse. I smiled happily she managed to survive. I then felt someone tackle me.


"What do you want with Penelope?" I looked over to see Penelope looking towards the bush. I pushed the niffler that was playing with a coin to get out and act like it made the noise. 

"Shhh" I placed a finger over my mouth signaling Arthur to be quiet. Once I saw Penelope turn her head back I let out a soft sigh.

"Why are you stalking her? I've been keeping an eye on you and all you do is follow her around and stare at her" he grabbed my collar tightly. "Are you trying to hurt her?" I pushed him off of me and sat down.

"Then tell me the truth before I yell out and tell Penelope you've been following her" I clenched my jaw and looked down at my hands.

"She's my sister I just want to make sure she is safe" I looked up to him as he smiled.

"I knew it" he whispered happily. We both sat and listened to Penelope and we couldn't help but smile. Once she was gone we both made our way over.

"You know it's her birthday today" I let out lowly.

"Yes we all know, but she refuses to celebrate it" I nodded understanding why she didn't want to.

I explained to him how I managed to survive. I felt like the weight on my shoulders had been lifted since I had never spoken to anyone about it.

"Are there others?"

"No it's just me and Emelisse. Every one else in our family was either killed or died by illness. Some even drank themselves to death." I looked up at the sky. Our family was not the best either.

"Why don't you tell Emi? I bet she would be thrilled and happy to see you."

"No, you mustn't tell anyone Arthur. Please I'm begging you"

"Don't worry Jasper I won't but you should consider telling her at least. She always spoke highly of you. I often got jealous at the way she described you." I chuckled.

"If anything I'm jealous of you Arthur. You and your brother have both been taking good care of her." I smiled. "Thank you".

"No need. We love her and we are glad she came into our lives. Although she is a handful at times"

I chuckled " yeah she can be" I smiled remembering how I used to chase her around to keep her away from trouble. "I have a question to ask you" I looked towards him with concern.

"Of course what is it?"

"What do you know about that Gaunt boy Emelisse is always with?"

Ominis POV

I roamed almost the entire castle and I still couldn't find Penelope. Where could she be? I had checked everywhere including her room of requirement. I checked her common room as well, but Poppy said she hadn't returned. I sighed thinking I'd never be able to tell her how I really felt. Emelisse what should I do I whispered as I clenched a hand on my chest.

"Ominis?" I turned around quickly and embraced her in a tight hug. She giggled "Ominis, what's going on? are you okay?" I felt her soft hands softly brush over my face. I had tears trying to escape as she wiped them away. "Here, let's go to my room" I held her hand as she led the way. I was trying to figure out how to put my feelings in to words. I also wanted to tell her more about Emelisse. Once we were in she took a seat on the couch and I sat next to her, However she made me lay my head on her lap. I enjoyed as she played with my hair.

"Penelope, I thought about this a lot" I gulped and felt a knot in my chest. "I want to tell you about my childhood friend" I felt her hands stop running through my hair and I sat back up.

Penelope's POV

My eyes widened trying to think if he figured out who I really was. I felt him grab my hand.

"I really cared about my friend a lot. She was loud and bold just like you. At first I didn't like her. To be honest I found her rather annoying, however the girl was stubborn and she would drag me along anyway. She knew I didn't like her, yet she protected me an cared about me just like you did." I felt him squeeze my hand. "She helped me see a different side of life. One where someone chooses the way they want to live and take risks. Almost how you had done when we rode the broom" we both laughed. Hearing how he spoke of me as a child and now made me smile. I guess I hadn't changed as much as I thought I did. My heart was full of love and I was happy he was telling me this. "She described the world to me and I loved it. I like the way you describe the games to me and my favorite one will always be the dandelions. I also like that you give me comfort and are there when I need you. I enjoyed meeting your family and how they made me feel like I was one of them" I interlinked our fingers together. " My friends name was Emelisse and I really wish you would have met her. I believe you two would have gotten a long perfectly" I saw him blush.

"Ominis I am..."

"Penelope there you are. Poppy and I have been looking all over for you. There is an hour left for the dance and we need to get ready. Oh hello Ominis. Didn't see you there"

"Hello Garreth. I didn't see you there either"

"Ha funny Gaunt"

"Go get ready darling" I got up and I hugged Ominis. When I hugged him he whispered in my ear "after the ball we can meet back here. I want to continue our discussion as I have more to tell you. I would also like to spend the night here with you if you wouldn't mind" I felt my heart beat faster and I could feel the blush spread down to my neck. He let go and I walked away all flustered.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now