Forgive and Forget

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Penelope's POV

The train came to a stop I quickly rushed out before I would bump into Ominis and Sebastian again. Once outside Arthur grabbed my trunk and carried it to the Carriages. I started fidgeting more with the pin in my hands until Garreth told me how excited Professor Sharp will be when he sees him again. I laughed knowing he is the last person Sharp wanted to see this year. I thought about all the fun times I had last year will all my friends. I can't keep letting the bad thoughts and memories flood my mind. I smiled remembering how Sebastian tried one of Garreth's potions and ended up going bald for three days until nurse Blainey found a cure. I then remembered all my trips to Hogsmede with Poppy and Natty. Competing with Imelda, Seeing the stars with Amit, and all the quiet peaceful moments I shared with Ominis in the shade. My smile suddenly turned into a frown. What if I can't protect any of them? Should I even get near them? No, I can't think this way they need me as much as I need them. I grabbed Garreth and Arthur by the arms and pulled them close to me."Let's have a great year guys" I smiled widely and they both returned the gesture.

I sat next to Poppy in the great hall as we saw all the new students getting sorted into their houses. I still remembered how anxious I was to get sorted and how I thought I would end up in slytherin. As all the students were being sorted a boy with dark black hair caught my attention. He was a transfer student. He looked at me and winked. I quickly turned my head and felt a blush form on my cheeks. As I saw him walk up to the front I was trying to guess where he would be sorted into. He seemed like a Gryfindor or maybe even a Ravenclaw. "Damien Moon you belong in Slytherin" I heard everyone cheering as he was the last student to get sorted. Why do I keep finding myself being attracted to Slytherin guys I sighed. I started filling my plate as Headmaster Black talked about this years changes. When I heard him say that quidditch was coming back this year I turned my head to the slytherin table looking for a familiar feisty girl. As soon as I spotted her she glanced up to me and smiled. Her face looked as if she had won a year supply of broom upgrades. I gave her a thumbs up knowing Imelda will be the slytherin captain.  Me and Imelda were not necessarily close, but we did have a lot of respect for one another. As the night came to a close I said goodnight to my brothers and walked back to my common room. I kept thinking if maybe I had been to harsh to Ominis. I felt horrible for the way I treated him. I wont avoid him or Sebastian anymore tomorrow I will speak to them.

The next morning I got up and got ready for classes. I brushed my hair and placed the bow in my hair. It's been a while since I had worn my hair down, but mom insisted I should since my hair was long and healthy. I used to wear bows all the time when I was younger, so it made me happy to see myself again. As I grabbed my guide book and walked towards the door I saw an owl swoop in. A dark gray owl, I knew exactly who it belonged to. My eyes widened when I noticed it drop tons of letters my way. What in Merlin's name? I picked one of them up and opened it. My eyes filled with tears as I read the letter, Ominis had written a reply to one of my owls I sent him during the summer. I quickly opened another one, and it was another response. I grabbed all of them and placed them on my bed. One after another I quickly skimmed through them and noticed they were in fact all responses from last summer. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't help but smile like a hopeless idiot. My heart felt warm, and I loved it. I can't believe he remembered every single one, and all his responses. I wiped my eyes and ran to the great hall. I had to find him, I had to see him.

 I had to find him, I had to see him

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