Ask me

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"Crucio! I know who you are!" I heard screams in the distance. Where they mine? "Crucio!"

I woke up covered I sweat and gasping for air. My head was spinning and pounding. My mouth tatsted bitter maybe from Garreth's weird potions.

"Is everything alright Penelope" I heard Poppy groan.

"Yes my apologies for waking you up" I slowly got up and grabbed some fresh robes and headed to take a shower. The steam relaxed my muscles and the warm water felt wonderful on my cold sweaty skin. I hadn't had a nightmare in a while and was caught by surprise that I had gotten one. Maybe because the day is slowly approaching. The day my family was ripped from me by the Gaunts. I clenched my hair and cried out till I fell to the cold floor. I sat there with my knees to my chest shivering. The day was so morbid I'd often would forget it was my birthday. I hadn't celebrated it since and no one knows about it. It's better this way.

As I walked in the great hall I laughed at how Sebastian stuffed his mouth with bread. I then looked in front of him to see Ominis sit the with his plate empty. I smiled at how adorable it was he always waited for me to put food on his plate. I squeezed his shoulder to let him know I was here and he smiled.

"Good morning boys" I started placing fruits on Ominis plate.

"Good morning princess!" Sebastian said with his mouth full of food.

"Good morning Penelope" Ominis said softly while glaring at Sebastian. I then reached over Ominis to make his tea. I put in two sugars and a dash of honey just the way he liked it.

"So how do you feel?" Sebastian questioned I laughed and reached over to wipe the jam off the corner of his mouth.

"Great just a headache." I started spreading jam on Ominis toast when Garreth approached as well.

"Hey P! How are you feeling"

"I'm okay Gary just a headache. Your potions are brilliant and they have gotten a lot better. I can't wait to see what other ideas you have" I smiled and he was very happy.

"You don't remember what happened do you?"I saw Ominis turn towards me with a terrified expression across his face. What in Merlin's name happened?

"No I don't recall? Mind giving me clarity?" I questioned now terrified myself of what I said or did. "The last thing I remember was drinking a pink potion and then nothing"

"Well nothing happened" Sebastian mumbled "you were just standing there not moving" I didn't believe it one bit.

"Sebastian you pig chew your food first and then talk! Can't you ever be decent" Garreth laughed as they bickered.

"I have to eat a lot Imelda is working us like dogs out there. She wants to prepare us for the game against my little badger here. I need all the energy I can get Ominis!"

"Ehem, everyone settle down please." We heard Black say. "Merlin... Everyone be QUIET or DETENTION for everyone!!!" He yelled and the room was filled with silence. "Thank you" I pulled Garreth to sit down next to me so he didn't have to run to the gryffindor table.

"As you all know due to certain circumstances last year most activities where canceled, however I am slowly bringing them back. So in two weeks we will be hosting our annual Yule ball, but only 6th and 7th years will be attending. Thank you and it's a good time to return to your umm feasting" he said as he turned away in disgust. Well someone give him an award for best headmaster I thought.

"A ball sounds exciting!" Garreth said loudly." I already have a girl in mind to win over" I giggled at the thought that Garreth was actually interested in a girl.

"What about you Sebastian have any in mind?" Garreth smirked.

"Plenty to choose from Weasley. Girls are like putty in my hands I drive them crazy"

"The only one you drive crazy is me Sebastian!" Ominis spat.

"Alright Romeo who are you planning to ask?" Sebastian looked over to me and winked. Ominis was now blushing but didn't say a word.

"How about you P? Is there a boy you want to be asked by?" Garreth asked kindly.

"I have one in mind but that's a secret" I giggled.

"Well I hope they are brave enough to ask you. They will have to go through Arthur first since he is very overprotective over you" he laughed. He's right the last time a boy tried to wake me out Arthur glanced over to their direction once and made him jolt. Soon flyers about the dance started flying down towards the 6th and 7th years. My eyes widened st the date, my birthday. I watched as Ominis finger trace over the date and then crumbled the paper in his hand and stood up.

"I have something to work on if you excuse me" and with that the blonde was gone.

A week had gone by and I had been bombarded with invitations to the ball but none of them were by Ominis. I lost count on how many I had turned down maybe like 30. I was still anxiously waiting for Ominis to ask.

"So Penelope are you going to the dance with Ominis?" Poppy questioned.

"I'm not sure he hasn't asked me yet" I sighed as I looked down at my wand.

"Well why don't you? I mean I don't really know Ominis but I know he's very reserved so maybe he is just shy to ask" she might be right but he was bold enough to ask me to be his date for my sisters wedding. Maybe he just didn't want to go to the ball considering the date.

"No I mean if he's going he would ask me. I think" I started playing with the necklace.

"I think you guys would be cute together. You guys are always next to one another and are very close too. I just don't want to see you get hurt Penelope" Poppy sighed. I got up and hugged her.

"Thank you Poppy you truly are a good friend" she smiled.

I made my way to the library to meet Sebastian and Ominis. When I walked in they were discussing something so I walked slowly trying to listen in.

"Flowers Ominis. You ask with flowers" Sebastian was balancing on the chair leaned back as far as he could. Was Ominis going to ask me with flowers I smiled and blushed at the thought. I got closer to the boys to greet them.

"Hi Penelope" darn I could never scare them. "You still drag your feet" I playfully punched a Ominis arm." I have a question to ask you" Ominis faced my direction. I blushed and got all sweaty. Was he going to ask me now. He placed his hand on mine and my heart fluttered." What kind of flowers are the best to give someone?"

"Umm well any kind that has a pretty scent or color. I um I love sunflowers they are my favorite. I also like roses but white instead of red" I blushed.

"Interesting combination" Sebastian smirked. We then heard fluttering and looked up to see a dark black owl appear. His gaze was very intense and dropped a letter in front of Ominis. I recognized the was seal right away it was from his family. Sebastian gave me a worried look as well.

"Excuse me I'll be back" Ominis walked away and left me and Sebastian.

"What do you think it's about?" I questioned worriedly.

"I'm not sure, but whenever they reach out it's never good" he shrugged. I looked at where Ominis once sat noticing his beautiful handwriting on his parchments. He might be blind but I've never seen anyone with such organized notes and incredible penmanship.

"Ominis is everything alright?" Sebastian asked as he grabbed his arm.

"Yes everything is alright just my family being Gaunts is all" he took his seat and we started studying. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now