Such a fool

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Ominis POV

Tomorrow was the ball and I couldn't wait for it to be done in over with. I figured Madeline would still be hovering over me even after the ball since she was already aware of the arrangements. I hated every second of it but I had to play the part to protect my friends from my family. I rather jump off the astronomy tower than listen to her endless gossip about the other girls in school. The only good things is she is a seventh year so I won't have to deal with her for a while once school ends.

"Ominis, Ominis are you listening to me?" Madeline yanked my arm.

"Yes" I always tried to stay short with her as much as possible I didn't want to actually have a conversation with her. I was annoyed she was even sitting with me. I felt horrible for not defending Sebastian and Penelope during breakfast yesterday, but Sebastian already fought me about it. He didn't ignore me, but he didn't say much to me. I wouldn't blame him.

"Oh and Ominis darling you should look into getting better friends. Yours umm... how do I put this nicely." I clenched my fist. "Well Sebastian is obviously a pure blood but he isn't, how do I put it. In our status he is more like below common folk. Damien is wonderful, I mean he is a wealthy pure blood I'm shocked he is even your friend since you tend to hang around some interesting people" I sighed. I don't even like him and he is not my friend.

"And Penelope" my jaw clenched at her name and I faced her direction hoping to see she'd noticed my glare. "She's a very pretty girl with powerful magic. It's a shame she is a Weasley. It's such a waste. Also she acts to laid back. She should work on her image a bit more I mean sometimes I notice she has loose strands of hair. Her clothes are sometimes wrinkly, she's loud, and she doesn't act like a lady should. Very un classy. Also that old bow she wears in her hair is truly undesirable. What is she five? But I guess it comes from being a Weasley. Her brother is weird too always making theses god awful potions. Arthur is always quiet and hardly ever speaks. I've also heard Penelope wakes up screaming sometimes. I don't understand how they are all so happy and cheerful being so poor. I'm happy Aria moved to London I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to live in that old busted house"

"Enough!" I banged my fist on the table."I will not sit here and listen to you bad mouth my friends" I spat. I heard her let out a soft gasp and felt her jump releasing my arm slightly.

"Ugh I don't understand why you want to protect such disgusting half breeds"

"Hold your tongue Madeline I'm warning you" I glared at her.

"Ominis you're a pure blood act like one!" She spat. "Or do you wish for me to tell your mother and father what pathetic excuse they have for a son!" She giggled. Of course she is just like them with such disgusting beliefs. I stood up and left not wanting to speak with her any further.

I walked down the hall whispering things in pareceltounge. Cursing every little thing I could think of. I was so frustrated that I'm even allowing my family to manipulate me. I stopped hearing a familiar laughter.

I leaned against the wall so I wouldn't be seen. I could hear Penelope's sweet laughter fill the empty hallway. It made me relax and smile. I really did enjoy her laugh so much I was glad I was born blind and not deaf. That sweet sound echoed around the walls. I wish I was the one making her laugh. I can hear her talking with Damien and it irked me that he was getting closer to her.

I walked away not wanting to be caught eavesdropping. I was such a fool to let her go. Why couldn't I be strong enough to stand up against my family for the girl I so desperately craved to have by my side.

After class I heard Sebastian and Penelope talking playfully teasing one another. I missed them I missed both of their company, but I pushed them away by not talking back to Madeline. I still thought about the way Penelope still made my tea. I wish I could have drank it instead of the plain black tea Madeline prepared for me. It's funny how I used to drink my tea that way until fifth year when Penelope accidentally spilled honey in my tea. She had been trying to pour honey over her tarts but grabbed the wooden spoon to harshly causing it to splash everywhere. It's amazing how much honey that girl eats. She also called me boring and splashed sugar in my tea. I had complained to her about it, but instantly took back my statement after tasting how sweet and perfect it was. She was shocked when the next day I asked if she could put honey in my tea. She wasn't aware that she had done so the day prior, and I wasn't going to tell her since I didn't want her to apologize. Funny because this was during the time we couldn't stand one another, so I thought she had done it purposefully at first.

I walked up to our spot and sat under the tree hoping Penelope would show up and sit with me. We'd often meet here and I'd lay my head on her lap or she would sit leaned back between my legs as she read a book to me. I played with the necklace around my neck thinking about her soft touches, her warm laughter, and the sweet smell of her hair. Lavender, honey, and iris.

I smiled hearing the sound of dragging feet walking towards me. She actually showed up. I then heard a pair of faster footsteps and I growled in frustration knowing exactly who that was. I was about to call Penelope's name when I heard her steps stop and then fade away, but was quickly stopped by Madeline's fake cold embrace.

"Omi you told me we would go to the library together" she whined.

"Stop calling me that!" I yelled. There was only one person who was allowed to and she is gone.

"My goodness Ominis you are such a grumpy man" she huffed as she yanked my arm around her. I sighed and jerked it away. I was done with her stupid theatrical gestures. She scoffed at my movement and stood up.

"Ominis I am your future wife and I demand you show me some respect"

"And I demand that you act like a proper wife who obeys her husband!" I yelled back not caring who heard me. "As your future husband I command you to go study and leave me alone" I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

"Fine!" She yelled back sniffling as she walked away. I hated that I made her cry. I didn't want to be like my father. I would often hear him argue with my mother until she was left with nothing but tears. As much as a powerful and cold woman my mother was she was still very emotional. I stood up and followed her quickly.

I grabbed her arm and turned her toward me "I apologize Madeline. I shouldn't have acted so harshly. I'll try my best to be better" I hugged her. It didn't feel as warm as Penelope's. This hug felt meaningless and cold. It felt as though I was hugging the snow in the winter. There was no joy from this quick embrace just emptiness. I hugged her tighter trying to find that warmth trying to convince myself that this was my life from now on. No matter how much I tried searching I was not able to find it. I wanted Penelope and only Penelope.

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