Fears and Comforts

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Jaspers POV

I looked around at the fire that surrounded me. I coughed as the smoke filled my lungs. "Emelisse where are you!" I yelled but I didn't hear anything other than the sounds of crackling fire. I then heard my family's screams and I fell to the floor covering my ears and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again I was a child once more and my hands were shaking. The fire got closer to me and the screams got louder. "Emelisse!!!"

I got up panting and breathing heavy. I watched as everyone looked at me with concern written all over their faces.

"Are you alright mate?" Sebastian gripped my shoulder.

"Don't worry I get nightmares too" Ominis patted my back.

"Do you need anything?" Garreth asked.

"We don't mind getting up to get you something Jasper" Arthur said with a soft smile. I looked over to Penelope who held her hands together and her eyesbrows furrowed.

"I just need some fresh air" I got up and exited the tent. I looked up at the cold night sky and let the cold breeze cool my warm body.

"You need to tell her" I turned around as Arthur walked to me.

"I cannot.. it's for her protection" I shook my head.

"For hers or yours?"

"What are you on about? Of course it's for her it's always been for her" I got closer to him.

"What it looks like to me is that a brother is scared to tell his sister he is alive to protect himself from the truth."

"You don't know me, you don't know anything! You wouldn't be able to understand. I have sacrificed my whole life for this girl. I have been behind her making sure she is okay" I pushed him. "So don't you dare tell me that it's for my own protection"

"I do understand. I have an older sister who works for the ministry. I worry about her safety daily. I have a younger brother who messes with potions and experiments daily. I worry about his safety in all of that as well. I have now a younger sister who has gone through hell and back and I can't do much to help because I wasn't there to see the horror she had to witness. There is only so much I can do to comfort her at night when she is here!" He shoved me back. "As an older brother I feel like I am a failure to her" I let out a deep sigh.

"I started getting nightmares again not too long ago. I started getting them again when I saw Penelope" I sighed. "I was trying to forget everything because I..." Arthur placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm scared of fire. I'm scared to be burned alive. I hear my family screaming in most of my nightmares and I can't do anything to help them" I lifted up my sleeve to show him a burn mark I carried since I was a kid.

"So you are right. At one point I did want to tell her, but now I'm scared to tell her because I want to protect myself from that past. I'm happy to just be able to see her and make sure she is safe"

"If you don't tell her Jasper. You might find yourself to regret it later. She needs you as much as you need her. You guys would be able to understand and comfort one another more than anyone else can. Sure Ominis is the one who brings her the most comfort out of all of us, but to a certain extent. Sebastian also does a bloody hell of a job comforting her and making sure she is well."

"I'll tell her... I just hope she won't be upset with me"

"She will never be upset with you Jasper" we headed back inside only to find everyone had fallen back asleep. We laughed as we watched Sebastian cuddling Ominis. Garreth sleeping sideways with his legs on top of Ominis and Sebastian and Penelope's head on top of Garreth's chest.

"What a tangled mess" I chuckled.

"Yeah this is how it always is" I smiled as I saw Arthur place a blanket over all of them and then grab Garreth's head and place it on his stomach. I went back to lay next to Sebastian and notice he turned and was now holding me. Arthur laughed as I stiffened and looked mortified.

"He's a big cuddler" he chuckled.

The next morning we all helped prepare the table for breakfast. Although somewhere a long the lines Sebastian and Ominis fought over the last pancake. I chuckled as they bickered. "Here" I cut it in half. "There is enough for both of you". I smiled remembering how this always happened with my twin sisters as well. Ominis blushed and cleared his throat.

"Thank you Jasper"

After breakfast we went out to help Mrs. Weasley with some chores. I was raking leaves by the front of the house. Ominis helped Penelope gather corn. Sebastian and Arthur were hanging up clothes to dry while Garreth helped me rake the back of the house. They insisted I just relax but I wanted to help.

"Jasper dear, could you come help me bring a box down for me please"

I placed the rake down "of course Mrs. Weasley" as we walked inside the house she pointed at a box on the top shelf. I grabbed it and handed it to her. "Thank you Jasper"

"No worries Mrs. Weasley. Thank you for allowing me into your home" I smiled before I walked away.

"Jasper" I turned back around. "You are welcomed here anytime you'd like" I nodded.

She sat down on the sofa and patted the seat next to her. I sat down and looked over to her. "Don't be shy. It's okay Jasper I am aware who you are, but I won't say anything" I got up quickly in defense.

"Did Arthur tell you?!" I stood there anxiously. Was she going to do the same thing like every one else. I had nothing else to give. I was already betrothed. I already gave my freedom and my life.

"No sweetheart, he didn't tell me anything. The moment I saw you I knew who you were. The way you looked at Penelope was not one of romantic love, but rather a love from a brother. You know my brother used to look at me the very same way" she smiled at me and I relaxed.

"I'm not going to say anything Jasper." I sat back down next to her and began to cry. I felt Mrs. Weasleys arms wrap tightly around me as she comforted me. She was truly a kind woman. When I looked up at her for a brief moment I saw my mother smiling.

"You are very kind Mrs. Weasley. I am glad you are my sister's guardian and thank you for taking such good care of her"

"No need to thank me Jasper. It is what a mother is supposed to do" she patted my knee. "Our family might not be the most perfect one but we do love one another. She will always be safe here and we all care about her dearly. She is our little ray of sunshine " I nodded, my mother was kind, but strict. My father was tough and rarely showed us any affection. My sisters were mean but they loved us. Our family was far from perfect as well, but at the end of the day we did love one another.

Once I recollected myself I made my way back outside. Mrs. Weasley was truly a magnificent woman.

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