Birthday Wishes PART 1

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Penelope's POV

I woke up earlier than I usually did, but I barely slept to begin with because the excitement of today was eating me alive. I wanted everything to be perfect, and I wanted Ominis to have a wonderful birthday, since from what Sebastian has told me he rarely had any celebrations apart from Anne and himself. I jumped out of bed and moved quietly trying not to wake Poppy. Once I was out of the room completely I ran towards the exit sliding down the railing and grabbing an apple along the way. I walked outside towards the Pear portrait and tickled it. I walked in and looked around to see all he house elves getting ready for this mornings breakfast Once I spotted Deek he introduced me to his friend Pip. She led me to a table where I could work on baking Ominis birthday cake. She offered a hand, but I wanted it to be special and made by my own two hands. I quickly started throwing flour and sugar into a bowl causing it to fly everywhere. I kept throwing ingredients and stirring them quickly. How hard can it be right? I mean I excelled in potions class and this was fairly similar. Once I noticed the batter looked smooth I tasted it only to find my face contouring into a scrunch. Woah was it salty, so I added a lot more sugar to try to sweeten it and mixed it in. That should help I thought to myself as I placed it in the brick oven. while I waited I started cleaning up my mess, so that the elves wouldn't have to clean up after me. I then started working on the icing which turned out super yummy. I had no idea how to ice a cake so I struggled a lot. I frowned at how messy the cake looked and how unreadable the message was, but I had run out of time. I placed the cake in a small box and wrapped it up. I went back to my room to clean myself up and get ready to meet the boys for breakfast. I placed the box with the necklace in my sweater pocket while I placed all the other gifts and the cake inside my magical bag and made it disappear. Today I figured I would wear something out of the usual, I wore a flowery dress with a pretty white cardigan with sunflower shaped buttons. I felt confident and beautiful as I twirled in front of my mirror. I smiled to myself thinking about how perfect the day started out be.

After breakfast we started heading out to Hogsmede. I interlinked my arms with both the boys and brought them close to me and smiled widely as the sun kissed our faces and the wind danced lightly around us. "Penelope are you wearing a dress? I hear something making a ruffling sound" Ominis asked.

"Well yes I wanted to try something different" I blushed looking the other direction.

"And dare I say you look absolutely beautiful in it" Sebastian teased and I playfully punched his arm. We walked to various stores and stands trying to see if anything caught our eye. I found myself back at the elderly woman's stand and pointed Ominis out to her while he was in the stand across from me. She smiled widely and brought her hands up to her chest.

"my my handsome fellow is he" she said while she winked at me. I couldn't help but blush and laugh. Ominis then approached the stand and I introduced him to Mable. He was very polite and introduced his self in a very proper manner which I found highly attractive. We said goodbye to Mable as Sebastian called for us.

"Well my shirt is now covered in a ton of goop. I think I should head back and change" Sebastian said.

"That's okay we can go to my shop and you can grab a new one" I smiled leading the way.

"What?!" Both the boys yelled at the same time scaring me as I turned around fast and confused. Oh that's right I never told them I laughed and explained to them the story about how I had to beat a poltergeist while we walked towards the shop. Once inside I introduced them to Penny and she was happy to meet more of my friends. Ominis had stuck his hand out thinking Penny was tall, but Sebastian smiled and lowered his arm down towards Penny. While Sebastian picked out a shirt, Penny wished Ominis a happy birthday and gifted him a flower to which Ominis smiled happily and placed it in his front vest pocket and vowed to her. I smiled at how kind Ominis was to anyone no matter who they were. As we walked outside we couldn't stop laughing at how messy Sebastian was, and how careless he could be. I had to grip on to Ominis's arm as I couldn't stop laughing at how offended Sebastian had become.

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