Strong Bonds

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When we reached the hospital wing everyone was running around frantically. The spot in which Jasper was being held was completely covered and Headmaster Black was pacing right outside of it. Sebastian placed Imelda on a bed near by and made me sit on the other.

"Someone charmed those bludgers and I want to know who now!" Headmaster yelled at my Aunt. Sebastian sat next to me on the bed also slightly turning his head to listen in. He then placed his hands in mine and squeezed them.

"It all happened so fast. The bludgers were going crazy all over the place but then it looked as if they were targeting you Penelope" Sebastian furrowed his brows and looked down at our hands.

"I also got hit in the process trying to stop one" Imelda whispered.

"Yeah without a bloody bat Imelda" Sebastian glared at her. "What we're you thinking?"

"I was thinking about the only person I consider a real friend getting seriously hurt and ... Jasper too" Imelda looked the other way.

"Don't ever do that again Imelda" Sebastian scoffed making her blush. "We are friends as well even if you don't see it or get on my nerves" Sebastian smiled towards her.

"Penelope are you alright my dear?" Professor Weasley looked at me.

"Yes Auntie just a few bumps and scratches" I smiled as she inspected me.

"With these incidents occurring Headmaster Black might cancel quidditch all together"

"No he cant!" Imelda sat up pleading and begging. "It's the only thing I'm good at. It's the only thing I have" Professor Weasley walked over to her and made her lay back down.

"You are a very capable witch Ms. Reyes. Quidditch doesn't define you" she waved a nurse down to help Imelda before leaving.

After a few hours the running stopped and everything became calm once again. I woke up with Sebastian's head laying on me and gripping my legs as he sat on a chair.

"They told him to leave but he refused" Imelda said handing me a glass of water.

"Explains the death grip" I laughed placing the cup of water down and running my fingers through his hair softly. As much as I loved Ominis's hair I loved Sebastian's even more. His hair fluffed up and his curls were soft.

"I can't believe he can even sleep in that position" Imelda chuckled softly.

"Yes he has always been a crazy sleeper" I giggled. I watched as a small smile appeared on his face while I played with his hair. Sebastian was a good friend and I loved how caring and protective he could get.

"He really does care about you" Imelda smiled. "Ever since you came to this school he's been attached to you by the hip"

"We share a bond that can never be broken" I smiled at Imelda as she sat up.

"I always thought the two of you would end up together"

"I did too at one point, but..." I hesitated.

"You fell in love with Ominis" Imelda finished my sentence.

"Yes" I smiled. "It's better this way too. He's a really good friend" I jumped when I heard a door slam open causing Sebastian to get startled as well.

"Mr.Gaunt we aren't allowing any visitors at this time" we heard a nurse say in a distance.

"Well I can't wait any longer! I've been sitting out there for hours!" Ominis yelled storming towards us.

"Mister please you can't be in here"

Imelda laughed shaking her head. "He's bloody brilliant if you ask me" she placed her book down. "And all for you. Hopefully he doesn't break down the school like last time"

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now