You Were Meant To Be Mine

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Penelope's POV

"Penelope, I was wondering if you would like to go on another date with me? I want to see what could happen between us" Damien said as he twirled me to the other side of the dance floor.

"Damien, I am going to be honest with you. I would be lying to myself if I told you I didn't have feelings for someone else. I'm sorry"

"No it's okay Penelope I understand. No hard feelings. I'm just glad I got to dance with the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts"

"Thank you Damien. I hope we can still be friends"

"Of course." He smiled "I'm going to get us some drinks, why don't you have a seat" he kissed my hand and walked away. I walked over towards our table but noticed Ominis standing outside. I smiled and charmed a butterfly the way he had done for me.

"Hello Penelope"

"Ominis are you able to sense my magic?"

"No, you still drag your feet" we both chuckled and I punched him playfully and stood next to him. I looked up at the stars as the cold air brushed up against me.

"So why are you out here if the party is in there?" I asked.

"I needed some fresh air. I was getting annoyed of Madeline's constant bickering and all the loud chatter" I smiled and tried not to laugh. I remembered how much Ominis hating both those things.

"May I ask why you came out here? I thought you were waiting for Damien to ask you? Why leave him to come out here?" I blushed.

"Well my knight in shining armor looked as though he was in need of some company. Also I wasn't waiting for him to ask me I went with him as my last resort as bad as that sounds" I started fidgeting with my hands in the cold air.

"Oh" I saw Ominis scoot closer to me. "Last resort? Darling the whole bloody school wanted to take you to the ball" he chuckled. "Then who were you actually waiting for?" He turned his body towards me and gently placed his hand above mine to stop my fidgeting.

"You" I whispered. I watched as Ominis gave me a loving smile and grabbed my hands. The warmth from his hands radiating on mine.

"I wanted you too" I smiled hearing his voice

"What about Madeline?"

"That was a horrible choice on my part" he squeezed my hands "last resort one might say" he lifted an eyebrow and chuckled. "I wish it was you I could spend this lovely night with" my heart started fluttering and I felt as though I was floating.

"Ominis sweetheart... oh it's you" I watched as Madeline stood in by the door. Ominis let go quickly and my hands grew cold once more.
"I'm going to the ladies room with Addison, I'll be back" she came closer and kissed Ominis on his cheek and glared at me. I thought back to what Garreth had said to me, and he was right. I wasn't going to allow her to win. I loved Ominis with all my heart and I wasn't going to wait till we got back to my room of requirement. I needed him to know now before it was too late.

"Princess.." I turned my head back to Ominis quickly. He had never called me that only Sebastian. My heart began to race and I can feel my face get hot. Merlin what was wrong with me? Sebastian calls me that all the time and I never get this worked up about it. "May I steal you for a dance?" I smiled and grabbed his hand.

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