My New Family

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Penelope's POV
"Darling please be on your best behavior tonight we are having guest over. They are pure bloods just like us, and I will not be made a fool in front of them do you understand me?". "Yes, father." "Telling her to act like a lady is like telling her to act like a hog."my sister snickered. "No man will ever want to marry that". My sisters always found it amusing to bring me down. I was jealous of them they had thick raven colored hair just like mothers. Anything they did always looked so elegant even while eating." Stop pestering her" my brother said. "Why must you two always make fun of her, she is our sister". "That's enough, all of you." My mother said. "Your father is expecting us all to be in our best behavior, and act like a proper family... For Merlin's sake young lady why is your dress covered in dirt". "I'm sorry mother I was in the garden" I said not noticing the dirt on the rim of my dress. " Sweetheart please go change" my mother said softly. I heard my father grown "They are here go to your room and change this instant". "But father-". "NOW!" He interrupted. I ran to my room and slammed my door. Who cares about the guest this is our house why should they care how we act. I was angry. I changed quickly, but decided I would stay in my room. I opened my door and sat on the floor with my doll. I can hear my father greeting them. I heard another woman telling my mother how beautiful our home was while the other man told my father if they can speak in private. I heard their foot steps getting closer. I looked up as they stopped in front of my door. "My,my look what we have here. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful. You are a lucky man Mr.Cromwell, you've been blessed by not just one beautiful daughter but three and a handsome son. I only have two sons. How old is this lovely lady" the man asked. " She is five years old, my twin daughters are eight years old, and my son is 6 years old" my father said proudly. " I see this one the same age as my son I bet they will get along just well". I looked at the corner of my door and noticed a young blonde boy standing there. It looked as if he was looking directly at me, but it was hard to tell. I noticed him fidgeting with a small gold thing in his hands. I could not tell what it was. "Sweetheart"was all my father needed to say. I let out a soft sigh and curtsied "thank you sir, welcome to our home". "A very lovely lady indeed" the man spoke. "Yes she is a bit rough on the edges sometimes. She keeps everyone on their toes" my father said nervously. "None sense, she still has time to grow into a fine young lady" the man said with a smile. "Come now we will speak in the study"my father said. I stared at the boy. "Hello do you want to play?" I asked. The boy continued to stay silent. Then out of no where the boy was shoved. "She's talking to you, I know your blind, but you are not deaf. Would you like me to tell father?". "No please don't" the boy pleaded. I felt a knot in my stomach. The boy was blind, why was his brother so cruel as to push him? Why was he so terrified of being told on to his father for simply not answering my question? I stood up my hand balled into a fist. I started walking towards them, but as soon as I reached the door all I saw was fire everywhere. "Mother, father!" I yelled. I woke up covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Merlin it was just a dream. I looked around to make sure I did not wake up Poppy. I slipped out of bed quietly. I needed to clear my head. I thought about going to my room of requirement, but it would not be the best option if Deek sees me and tells Professor Weasley. I let out a deep sigh. Well I've been avoiding Ominis for weeks now like he had the plague, but I guess he wouldn't be there at this unholy hour of the night. I made my way to the Undercroft quietly and fast trying to avoid getting caught. As I slipped inside I let out another deep sigh. It's not fresh air, but it sure is cold enough to make me relax. "Who's there?". Great just my luck. "I'm sorry Ominis, I'll be taking my leave". I turned around but felt someone grab my arm. "Wait". I turned to look at him. I was confused I thought he hated me. "What do you want?" I asked frustrated. "Why are you up at this hour?". "Well why are you? Why do you even care?" I asked rudely. "Fine, like I care anyway. Goodnight Penelope" he let go of my arm and pushed past me. Ugh. I could feel this is going to be a long night.

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