Fireflies and Pixie Dust

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Sebastian's POV

As I walked into the dorm I folded the Owl I received from Wendy in my pocket. What an interesting choice of color I thought to myself. All the girls I've ever taken to dances have always chosen dark colors but Wendy went with something bright. I guess it matches her personality I smiled.

I looked over to see Ominis sitting on his bed fixing the stuffed niffler. "What are you doing Ominis?" I asked as I walked closer to him.

"The niffler Penelope got me has a string that came loose" he frowned. I sighed and grabbed it from him gently.

"Don't worry. I'll fix it." I gently pushed most of the string back inside. "Hey Ominis guess who has a date" I smiled.

"I don't have to guess. You've already told me you were going with Samantha Dale" he sighed.

"Well actually I'm not anymore. Hey do you think I can borrow that suit you wore to Penelope's hero ceremony last year?" I turned the niffler to check for any more loose strings.

"Of course it's in the bottom drawer, but who are you going with, if not Samantha?" Ominis raised a brow.

"Oh I'm going with Wendy and she requested me not to wear a black suit" I smiled as I handed him back the niffler.

"Oh I see... what!" Ominis shot up from his bed. "When did you? How? What?!" He shook his head.

"I asked her today when I saw her walk by. I felt a bit bad as she thought she was my last choice" I rubbed the back of my head.

"You just asked her? As in a simple question right before the ball?" Ominis grabbed my shoulder.

"Well yeah I mean she was just-"

"Sebastian Sallow! Weren't you the one berating me to ask a girl properly with flowers?" He squeezed my shoulder.

"Well yeah but-" Ominis cut me off once again.

"Merlin your an idiot! That poor girl has every right to feel like your last option!"

"But she's not I actually wanted... what are you doing?" I watched as Ominis walked to his night stand and threw a card at me.

"What's this? Flowery and cakes by owl?" I read out loud.

"Yes! Send an owl now! Get her some flowers" Ominis turned me and pushed me forward. "Be a man and ask her properly. Wendy isn't one of your little toys she's a proper lady" Ominis shoved me out the door and slammed it. I could hear a string of parsletounge through the door.

I turned once I heard Jasper chuckle and shake his head. "I smell trouble in paradise. Did you upset your wife Sallow?" Jasper teased. "If he sent you to sleep on the couch again you are more than welcome to stay with me in my dorm. As long as you don't cuddle me" he laughed.

"Actually Jasper could I borrow your broom?" I watched as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, just don't break it"

As the sun set I got on the broom and flew towards the Gryffindor tower. I got nervous and felt my palms become sweaty. What if she wasn't there this time? I thought to myself.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now