Game Day

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"Ah there is my beautiful sister" Garreth hugged me as I approached him.

"Garreth is right our sister is the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts which is why we have to scare the boys off" Arthur teased.

"Oh please for one you allow Sebastian and Ominis around me all the time and second you are only kissing arse cause I'm wearing your house pride" I playfully punched Arthur.

"Well I rather not have you hang out with any boys but I rather like the little snakes so I will allow you to continue your friendship" Arthur said with his hands on his sides.

"Ah why thank you your highness for giving me your blessing " I vowed. Arthur laughed and picked me up over his shoulder spinning us around as Garreth laughed.

"Eww Penelope what in Merlin's name are you wearing?" Sebastian scrunched his face and Arthur placed me back on the ground. I ran up to Sebastian giving him a big hug and whispering a soft good luck. I noticed Ominis behind him and also gave him a welcoming hug.

"For your information Sallow my lovely sister here choose to wear winning colors today" Arthur smirked.

"Yeah the W stands for winner" Garreth pulled his sweater and pointed at the W with his finger. I looked down at my sweater smiling down at the big yellow W on the dark red sweater. I was happy to also see Ominis wearing his dark green sweater with the white O on it.

"I thought the W stood for Weasley family" Ominis chuckled.

"Winning Weasley" Garreth smiled.

"I rather like the way Penelope looks in green it suits her better" Sebastian teased.

"No no she looks good in red" Arthur walked up to Sebastian. Oh boy here we go I rolled my eyes.

"Either way she's supporting Slytherin with that big green bow in her hair" Sebastian started walking towards Arthur. I noticed Ominis mouth open slightly as he turned to look at me. Was he shocked I still wore it?

Sebastian and Arthur were now face to face. Although Arthur had to lean down a bit considering he was much taller than Sebastian. They glared at one another before snorting into laughter and giving each other a hug.

"Good luck Sebastian remember what I thought you" Arthur patted his back. I laughed as Ominis pinched his nose and shook his head.

At the field we found three empty seats. I sat in between Garreth and Ominis. I felt bad listening into some whispers about Ominis and I hoped he couldn't hear them. As I turned behind me I saw some scared looks on their faces. Ominis is not a bad person why where they acting this way. I saw Ominis head lower and my heart sank knowing he heard the whispers. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I think it's best for me to sit on the Slytherin side" he said very lowly I could barely make out what he said. I leaned my head on his shoulder and tightened my grip on his hand so he knew I wouldn't let him go. He let out a small sigh and when I looked up I saw the corner of his lips turn into a small smile.

"What the hell are all you looking at" Garreth spat. I quickly raised my head up and turned towards Garreth. Ominis squeezed my hand. "What is wrong with you people huh? Why do you think it's necessary to pick on him? Don't you all have something better to do? Watch the game for Merlin's sake! Have you no shame?"

"It's okay Garreth you don't have to" Ominis reached over me to grab Garreths hand. Garreth squeezed Ominis hand so he was aware he heard him. Ominis opened up to Garreth and Arthur about his family and ever since then they have become more protective over Ominis. Ominis was worried they also thought ill of him but on the contrary. Garreth said he always considered him a friend that's why he always wanted to talk to him even when he knew Ominis didn't want to when they were first years. Arthur also didn't believe the rumors people were spreading and actually looked up to Ominis for not acknowledging people for making fun of him.

I stood up and insisted Ominis sit in the middle. He refused but eventually caved in when I told him I'll stand the entire game if he didn't move. While he sat in the middle I held one hand while Garreth held the other. We took turns describing the game to Ominis.

We would jump up in excitement when we would hear either Sebastian or Arthur score. The game was cutting close with Slytherin taking the lead. I felt my breath stop as I heard that both Slytherin and Gryffindor were head to head for the snitch.

"The winner is Gryffindor!!!" The announcer yelled as we watched the Gryffindor seeker raise his arm up in the air showing off the Snitch. We all jumped up cheering including Ominis even though Slytherin had lost. I never thought Ominis would be the type to be excited over a simple game, but now I'm starting to think we corrupted him. I smiled as I watched Garreth and Ominis hugging and jumping in a circle. The once quiet cold boy who was always very proper now looked like a normal boy just wanting to have fun. His hair was all over the place and his clothing seemed more relaxed than formal. Even his shoes held a bit of mud on the edges and his pants looked a bit more wrinkled. I jumped when both boys attacked me with a hug and made me join their happy circle.

As we walked over we saw Arthur and Sebastian shaking their hands. "You did great out there Sallow. The way you turned on that broom to block ooof I was shocked." Arthur praised.

"Are you kidding me did you not see your own flying skills. Merlin it was mesmerizing" Sebastian held his hands on his head. At the end both the boys were real team players not caring who won or lost. They had respect for one another and supported each other even if they were on opposite teams. "Congratulations on your win Arthur"

I ran over to him and hugged him almost causing us to stumble back. Arthur chuckled then grunted once Garreth did the same this time causing all of us to land on the ground. We laughed as me and Garreth laid above Arthur. Then it felt heavier once we realized Sebastian has joined our pile as well. "Come on in Ominis don't be shy" Arthur waved to Ominis to join. Ominis twirled his wand in his hand and shook his head. He hesitated a bit longer but soon caved in joining us. We all laughed at how silly we must look to everyone else.

Authors Note

I know things have been a bit slow but trust me I am working on the chapters for the Yule ball after Arias wedding but I don't want to leave you guys with nothing while I work on it. So I added cute little chapters in between. I had a vision but wanted to change it more to add more drama between Ominis and MC. who knows maybe the ball will be their first kiss and maybe more. How much longer will their happiness last? Please let me know suggestions or things you guys might want to see I will be more than happy to accept your ideas and or critiques .

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