To Friendships

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When I awoke I could not help but smile hearing her soft snores, it sounded so peaceful. I wished I would have been able to see her as she sleeps because I feel as though she would look absolutely beautiful. I caressed her hand that still remained above my chest, it was soft but she did have a scar that ran up from the top of her hand to just above her wrist. She has faced so much danger to protect everyone, even people who never truly cared for her or hated her.

As much as I wanted to stay like this forever we had to wake up before everyone wonders where we are. I can already hear Sebastian's teasing. I placed a soft kiss above her head to wake her up gentley. "Good morning sweetheart its time to wake up or we will be late for breakfast" I said softly as she let out a small sound of disagreement and buried her face in my chest. I felt my face start to heat up once again as I felt her mall breathes touch my open skin. Her lips almost caressing my skin made my heart flutter, but I shook my head I can't think about her like this at least not yet.

I hated her in the beginning and we never really seemed to get a long. There was even a point were I thought we would never really be friends with each other since we couldn't stand one another and the only reason we played nice was for Sebastian's sake. I was so cold to her and cruel I regret ever treating her that way when I knew she didn't deserve it, but now I cant help but feel these butterflies in my stomach whenever I hear her sweet voice. My heart skips a beat whenever I feel her soft touch, and my heart aches in her absence. I truly want to tell her how I feel, but I am scared she will reject my confession and ruin our friendship. Not to mention the danger she will go through if my family finds out that I'm pursuing a girl who is not a pure blood. I need to become stronger so that I can be with her and protect her from my family with my own two hands. For now, as long as she is close to me I am happy with it. "Penelope come on unless you want Sebastian to eat all the bacon" I teased knowing how much she loved eating bacon in the morning. I felt her stir a bit and jump up.

"Alright lets go before Sebastian's fat arse eats all of it" she giggled and I hummed at how adorable she was. We both headed out to our common rooms to freshen up and met back at the great hall entrance. When we walked in I heard Penelope laugh and pull me faster to the table. "Sebastian your plate is so full it looks like you are going to hibernate"

"Very funny princess, now where has my roommate been all night?" He questioned and I can sense he had a grin on his face. I almost wanted to reach across the table and smack him, but I was starving and wanted to eat. I heard clanking noises and knew Penelope was putting food on my plate, as she always did. I loved that she was so kind to me even when I don't deserve it, and I had gotten used to her placing my favorite food on my plate and making my tea. I did feel guilty at times for her going out of her way to do it, but if she ever stopped it would be weird since it has become a routine.

She never really sat at the Hufflepuff table unless she had to, but even then she'd find her way to sneak over. "So are you going to tell me Ominis, I missed you last night I had no one to cuddle with in our cold room" I heard him making kissing sounds and I threw a biscuit at him. I heard Penelope break into a laugh, and I couldn't help but smile. "I see I have competition, might it be that princess here stole my lover for the night hmmm" he teased.

"Sebastian!" I let out in frustration, I felt myself glowing red.

"I thought so" he laughed "so ho wwas your first time" he teased again, I let out a deep sigh and pinched my nose knowing he was not going to let this go.

"Sebastian don't be jealous we can both share Ominis" Penelope teased and Sebastian let out a loud gasp. "Im only jesting, we stayed in my room of requirement to avoid getting caught by the prefects after curfew"

"Ah I see..... Room of what?!" Sebastian questioned as we both broke out in laughter. I continued eating my fruit as I heard Penelope explain to Sebastian her secret get away. "Penelope its not fair that you only took Ominis you know Ive been your friend way longer than he has" he huffed.

"Don't be a baby Sallow, I will take you later" Penelope giggled. I felt my heart flutter once more as I felt her place her hand gently on my lap. I turned to give her a smile hoping she was looking in my direction before placing my hand above hers and giving it a light squeeze. Our small affection was short lived when Garreth startled us and we jumped quickly releasing one another.

"There you are P, Arthur and I have been looking all over for you" Garreth said while he slowly came between me and Penelope.

"Yeah we asked Poppy, but she said you didn't return to the room. Is everything alright?" Arthur questioned and I was terrified about her brothers finding out I had slept in the same bed as their sister . I felt my hands start feeling sweaty and my hear start to race.

"Everything is alright don't worry Artie, I stayed in another friends room on accident. I had fallen asleep while we were studying and she didn't want to wake me" Penelope said nervously.

"She was in good hands Arthur, very good hands" I heard Sebastian tease so I kicked him from under the table.

"Well that's good I want my sister to be safe" Arthur said oblivious to what Sebastian actually meant. "Oh it reminds me, Happy belated birthday Ominis" He said as he patted my shoulder and Garreth squeezed me into a tight hug. I heard Penelope laugh as I struggled to break the long embrace Garreth was giving me. I then felt a box in my hands. "Our mum made you some lemon biscuits and some other treats, she also knitted you a sweater with the letter O on it" Arthur said and I can feel tears forming in my eyes. Is this was love of a mother feels like? I though to myself. It was truly a warm and caring gift one hat I had never received from my own mother. My mother always gave me the same thing a tie, and it dress shoes not really putting in any love into getting me a gift. She herself would also never pick t she would just send one of her maids to go buy it and wrap it. I hadn't met Mrs.Weasley but I can sense she has a kind soul. I felt Penelope give me a small hug.

"We all have sweaters with eye letter W on it for Weasley, but I told mum you'd probably prefer an O for Ominis than G for Gaunt" she whispered in my ear. I felt a tear escape and run down my cheek but was quickly wiped away by Penelope. I can tell where Penelope gets her kindness from now.

"I want a sweater too" Sebastian whined as we all laughed. I felt him reach for my box of treats but I smacked his hand out of the way.

"When ever you see your mom again could you please tell her thank you from the bottom of my heart. She is very kind for this" I said softy trying to keep my emotions under control.

"Well you can tell her yourself Ominis" Arthur said as I turned to him in confusion. "Aria's wedding is next weekend and she wants Sebastian and you to come as well.It's a small backyard wedding but I promise it will be fun if you two would like to attend. Also don't worry about missing class our Aunt Matilda has made accommodations to allow you to spend the weekend with us"

"We would love to" me and Sebastian said in unison. I smiled more than I ever had feeling as though I had gained more friends that I would consider family. When I lost Emelisse I thought I was alone , but then came Anne and Sebastian. Then I thought I had lost Sebastian and Anne forever, but I didn't loose any of them. And then there was Penelope stubborn, but not wanting to let me go or give up on our friendship, and I was already friends with Garreth, but I grew closer to him this past year as well since we have more classes together. I rarely talk to Arthur and Aria, but they are kind to me as well and treat me as though I am also part of their family. When we got back to school Arthur even defended me in the bathroom from a couple of bullies. I might not like my real family, but I do rather enjoy the new one I have found. I truly loved each and everyone of them.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now