The Weasley Family Part 3

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I know the song wouldn't be in their time but let's pretend for this chapter please :)

"So why are you up so late?" I questioned as I brought my knees up to my chest.

"Hmm I could ask you the same thing" he tilted his head with his eyebrow raised. "Was it a nightmare?"

"No, just a lot on my mind"

"A galleon for your thought?" I watched as he leaned his arms back for support. I smiled at how handsome he always looked.

"I've just been thinking about what my life would be like after Hogwarts. Everyone I know already has a plan and well I... I have the slightest of clue" I placed my chin on my knees.

"We are sixth years Penelope. You still have time to think about it. Sure Garreth knows already but that because it's something he's been dreaming of since he was young. Arthur barely thought about working with the ministry and if I recall Aria also figured that out last minute. Penelope listen no one knows where life will take them planned or not, so don't worry about it too much it will come naturally when the time comes. Sebastian and I still haven't really decided that either, but we know we will figure it out in due time" I felt his warm hand set above my hand.

It was so comforting and yet so simple at the same time.I don't deserve his compassion. I've killed so many and I've lied to him so many times. I looked over to him and stared at him under the moon. His skin looked as though it was porcelain shining. His eyes empty and foggy but filled with love and care. His lips look so soft I just wanted to place mine on his.

"You're staring"

"No I wasn't" he tilted his head towards me and smiled.

"I felt your eyes on me" he chuckled. I swear one day he's going to come out and say he was never blind.

"So Ominis why are you roaming about in the unholy hours of the night" I smiled at his direction.

"Well I awoke and was planning on going back to sleep , but I roamed outside when I heard a beautiful voice." He looked up and I couldn't help but blush. "I didn't have a nightmare either. It's been a while that I haven't I guess I've just been happier" he whispered. "Although there are times I wake up almost as if my body has become accustomed to do so when I did get nightmares." He sighed "I just want to feel free from this cage even if it's just for a bit" he looked down at his hands and I had an idea.

"Stay here I'll be back" I got up and ran towards the shed.

"Penelope where are you going?!" He yelled but stayed seated on the floor.

"Do you trust me?" I asked panting and out of breath.


"Do you trust me?" I repeated.

"Of course I do" he smiled and I grabbed his hand to help him stand up.

I got on my broom and held it steady. "I'm going to take you flying with me" I saw his face turn to panic and watched as he played with his wand nervously. "Ominis we will be on the same broom I won't leave you alone I promise. I won't let anything happen to you, I mean if I do I'd be out of a date tomorrow" I giggled trying to ease him. "You don't have to Ominis I won't force you okay?"


"Alright then" I said as I was about to climb off.

"No I meant no as in you won't force me. I want to but can we go slowly" I smiled towards him and help him over the broom. He held my hips nervously and his hands shaking. His body was far from mine. I grabbed his hands off my waist and heard him let out a small gasp. I then moved his arms to wrap around my whole waist causing his to scoot in right behind my back. We were so close there was no longer any space left between us. His grip around my waist tightened and I placed a hand above one of his. He leaned his head on the back of one of my shoulders.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now