Can you just shut up?

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Penelope's POV

My nose was hit with a scent of sage, rich sandalwood and a hint of vanilla as I opened my eyes slowly remembering I had gotten it in the back of the head. I looked towards my hand that clenched onto fabric tightly almost as if someone would steal it while I was asleep. I realized that what I was holding on to was not a pillow, but a person. I moved my head up slowly feeling my head rise and descend slowly by the chest below me. I watched as Ominis slept clutching my back close to him and holding my hand that slowly released his shirt. I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful man in front of me. I watched as his pale skin held warmth on his cheeks with slight hints of pink, and his strong jaw line and other facial features. I raised my free hand to caress his cheeks softly not trying to wake him, but I needed to touch him. I needed to make sure I was not dreaming and I was actually laying down with Ominis Gaunt. I felt him grumble a bit to which it made me smile at how adorable he was while he slept. I noticed him slowly open his eyes and look down towards me. "Penelope are you awake now?" his voice still low and husky, it made my heart flutter to just the sound of it.

"Yes I am Ominis, I am sorry if I awoke you from your sleep" I whispered.

"No, Im glad you did I was worried about you and was waiting for you to wake up, but I fell asleep. Everyone was here for you but Nurse Blainey kicked them out to let you rest. I stayed behind since you had a death grip on my shirt and wouldn't let go." He chuckled as I felt his fingers run through my hair gently."How are you feeling darling?"

"I am okay now, I don't feel anything although I still have a small headache" I let out a soft sigh. "I am sorry I didn't let you go and you had to stay with me on this small bed" I blushed at how close we were since the hospital bed was only made for one person.

"Don't worry about it Penelope I promised you that  I would be here for you whenever you needed me. Let me get Nurse Blainey"

"No" I gripped tighter so he wouldn't go. "I am sorry I just..." I released my grip. He suddenly grabbed my hand and held it tightly against his chest.

"I was so scared" I heard his voice crack a little. "You fell back in my arms are you didn't respond. I carried you all the way here because I refused to let go of you until I knew you were okay. Arthur and Garreth led the way for me and I was happy you didn't want to let me go either because that way I was able to stay with you this whole time." I felt water kiss the top of my forehead and it pained me to see Ominis break down. "I was terrified I was going to loose you... you were asleep for hours. I... I... I don't know what I would do without you Penelope you are one of my closets friends" I leaned up and cleared the tears from his face. His words made me feel warm, loved and special. Oh how my heart fluttered as if a million butterflies flew around my stomach. How I longed to kiss his soft lips and tell him how much I adore his kind heart, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I lifted my hand up slowly above his forehead and gave it a light flick.

"Don't cry Ominis I am okay now, you will never loose me" I smiled warmly.

Ominis's POV

My eyes widened at her actions as I placed my hand over my forehead.

"You have to be happy okay. I flicked your forehead to snap you out of your gloomy mood and to raise your spirits". Played inside my head from a distant memory.

I smiled and gave Penelope a huge hug. She laughed at my sudden gesture. I moved my hand into my pocket and asked Penelope to sit in front of me. She let out a confused sound but did as I asked. I pulled my hand out holding the green ribbon and placing a soft silent kiss on it. I then grabbed Penelope's hair as much as I could and tied the bow on her head. "There now you are ready to get out of this clamy place" I laughed.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now