The Real Penelope

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Sebastian's POV

"Look at me!" Her green eyes hovered over mine. "Stop making yourself seem like a bad person. I've been lying too and to everyone I love, and it's killing me inside." She cried louder as she looked up to the ceiling and back down to me.

"What? What are you talking about what lie?" I asked as I gripped her shoulders.

Penelope shook her head and her lip quivered. "Sebastian there is something I need to tell you about me. I'm not who you think I am" she stood up from the ground and fidgeted with her hands. "My real name is not Penelope"

My eyes widened and my brows furrowed to where one was higher than the other. I quickly shook out of it before reaching for her fidgeting hands to stop her. I gave them a gentle squeeze as I looked at her confused. "What?" I chuckled. "Of course your name is Penelope... what else would it be?" I watched her shake her head and look down at our joined hands.

"Sebastian... I'm protecting my true identity because of my past my real name is Em-"We were both so focused on the conversation we hadn't heard the Undercroft door chime.

"Hey what's going on? What are you talking about?" Ominis chuckled coming towards us. "I see you were the lucky one to find him" he gave me a playful punch and smiled. "I apologize for being so harsh Sebastian, but we know if we are kind you won't tell us anything"

My eyes still locked on Penelope. Her face filled with worry as she held her cheek. It looked as if the undercroft door sounds muffled her words so Ominis wouldn't hear."Did I miss something?" Ominis asked as he tilted his head. She shook her head as her big eyes begged me to stay quiet.

"Not at all Ominis" I said without breaking eye contact with the girl I thought I knew in front of me. "Just about me hiding my true feelings" I whispered as my hand loosened its grip on her small hands.

"I see. So Penelope was able to get through to your thick skull?" He smiled.

"Yeah she was. I promise I won't hide anything from you guys anymore" I finally separated my hands from Penelope's. I wasn't upset at her or anything. If anything I wanted to know what was going on, but I won't break the trust she had to tell me in the first place.

"Good. Now unfortunately I was stopped by Professor Sharp on my way here and he found someone to tutor me a bit on my potion brewing." He sighed. "Shall we meet up later at the great hall?"

"Of course" Penelope finally spoke kissing Ominis cheek happily. "Good luck" with that Ominis snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her close to embrace her.

He kissed her head "Could you walk with me to keep my company my beautiful butterfly?" He asked almost with a pout. She nodded against his chest before taking his hand and walking out. She turned to face me and gave me a weak smile. What was she hiding?

Penelope's POV
I sat down near the Black Lake. My hands twisting and tugging at the grass below me as the wind blew my hair back. It was cold as the snow had barely melted away enough off the ground.

I wanted Ominis to know. I want to tell him, but it terrified me when it came down to it. I also wanted to let him know in a special way and when we are alone. I don't want anyone hearing our conversation as I still want to protect him from being judged by his parents actions.

I sighed pulling my knees up to my chest. My head went down and all I could hear was the droplets from the branches. After a while I lifted my head up and a chocolate frog appeared in front of me. I giggled taking the frog before looking to my side and seeing Sebastian smile at me.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried and leaned into him as he held me. My hands gripping at his jacket and my cheeks turned red. I could see my breath before I finally calmed down. His hands comforting my head while he combed his fingers through my hair. He was silent not saying a word.

"Sebastian" I said peeling off of him while I wiped my eyes. He responded with only a hum. "About earlier... I wanted to tell you that my name is actually"

"Don't" he said sternly. "You don't have to tell me. I don't care who you are just as you don't care who I am. Whoever you are I know you. I know you are kind, silly, a clumsy mess, strong, and one of my best friends. Your name doesn't change that." He smiled at me.

"Sebastian but I want to tell you. I want to tell all of my friends. " I whimpered.

"If you want to. I'm not going to force you to tell me something so secretive as that. Maybe if it was what color underwear you had on I'd keep begging for hours until I got it out of you" he joked trying to make me laugh.

I playfully punched his arm laughing. "My name is Emelisse P. Cromwell. One of the last known descendants of Merlin. My family was murdered on my sixth birthday" tears formed in my eyes again. As much as my family hurt me they were still my family. It made me sick feeling as though them dying set me free, however I don't think they deserved that fate. "To protect my real identity my name was changed. They thought the ones who murdered my family would come after me if they knew I was still alive. Professor Fig wanted to adopt me from that cruel orphanage, but the school wouldn't allow him. Then the Weasleys came in and took me as one of their own" Sebastian reached for my hands and rubbed them together to keep me warm.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Penelope. I know what's it's like to loose my parents. I do remember seeing your story around on the newspaper as well. Uncle Solomon was shocked and said your father was a powerful man to had been taken out like that." He squeezed my hands. "Why have you not told Ominis?" His eyes widened

"The only ones that know are the Weasleys, Professor Black and Jasper. I'm going to tell Ominis on Christmas Day when it's just the two of us." I smiled knowing it wasn't far away.

"Let me guess Jasper is also a Cromwell?" He teased.

"Yes he is." I smiled "he's my older brother"

"I see. You two look alike and now it makes sense why you two are together most of the time" he chuckled "Ominis has been a jealous man around him" he smirked my way. "Wait... what does the P stand for in your name?"

"Penelope" I whispered. "Jaspers real name is Kieran J. Cromwell"

Sebastian fell back laughing loudly as his hands held his stomach. I raised a brow confused to why he was dying of laughter.

"You are trying to conceal your identities and you decide to use your middle name?" He continued to laugh. "You should have made one up"

I playfully punched him before laughing. I never thought how stupid it was but Kieran had the same idea as me, so it can't be that bad. "I was six Sebastian. I didn't know any better" I laughed shaking my head.

"What would have been bad is if you had put Analisse"  he said as he tried to catch his breath and sitting back up. "Thanks for trusting me with this. Your secret is safe with me" he hugged me tightly. "I mean you've kept mine all this time, so I will return the favor" I nodded as we stood up. "Now let's get back inside it's freezing out here" he bent down infront of me. "Come on Princess your carriage is waiting" I laughed jumping on his back. As we walked to the school we continued to laugh and tell eachother funny stories. He tried to get some embarrassing ones out of me to annoy Kieran, but I didn't have many.

I couldn't be more grateful to have such an accepting friend as Sebastian. He loved me with all my secrets and flaws just as I did with him. It's a friendship that will never be broken and I will cherish forever.

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