One star of a Million

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Ominis POV

"Ominis I can't believe you would ruin your status for some stupid half breed bitch!"

"Madeline I won't warn you again!" I just wanted to go after Penelope I had to find her.

"Madeline I don't appreciate the way you talk about my sister." I heard Garreth place a hand on my shoulder. "Go get her Romeo" he patted my shoulder and I nodded.

"Oh shut up, this doesn't concern you. You and your family are nothing but poor trash. I bet the only reason you are allowed in here is because of Professor Weasleys position"

"Enough!! Madeline you are the most vile woman I have ever met. I would never love someone like you. You are so cold and so cruel. I don't want to marry someone who only cares about themselves." I stopped and turned around. "They are my family and I won't allow you to treat them like they are nothing. Every single one of them is better, stronger, kinder, and smarter than you ever will be."

"Don't forget Ominis you are not a Weasley you are a Gaunt, and you should be honored to be one"

"He's a Weasley by heart" I felt Arthur pat my head.

"Yeah, he's most definitely a Weasley" Garreth laughed.

"I don't think Gaunt fits him at all" Sebastian joined in.

I heard Madeline make a sound of frustration. I started walking once more to make my way to Penelope. "Ominis where do you think your going!?" Madeline yelled.

"I'm going to go find a very special girl"

"If you walk out those doors Ominis it's over!" I kept walking not wanting to further entertain her antics. I felt someone stop me.

"That was a close one Gaunt" I heard a chuckle. "Here I believe this belongs to you" I felt a ring be placed in my fingers. "Madeline chucked it straight to your head so I managed to catch it for you"

"Thank you Jasper"

"Go on, we can handle it from here." He pushed me forward and I smiled. I never thought I'd have so many friends. I always thought I'd end up alone. I was convinced that no one wanted to get near me since they feared my family. I'm so grateful to have all of them. Now to go get my princess.

Penelope's POV

I kept running I didn't want to stop. I felt so embarrassed. I can't believe he's engaged. He most likely kissed me out of pity. I stopped once I reached the boat house and released some magic. I looked at my hands as they slowly started loosing the blue glow. I sat on the dock and took my shoes off. I felt as the cold water kissed my feet.

I looked up at the night sky and saw Highwing flying around in circles. I thought back to the first time I had introduced Ominis to him. I laughed remembering how terrified Ominis had been.

"There you are" I turned my head to see Ominis panting and standing at the edge of the dock. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here"

"Well I thought I was the dense one" he chuckled. "A knight in shining armor is supposed to come find the princess in distress"

"You're engaged Ominis" I glared at him.

"Unfortunately yes, however I don't think I am anymore" I watched him reach for something in his pocket. "I never gave her this ring. This was most likely my parents doing. It's meaningless." I watched as he tossed it in the water. "I never wanted her Penelope. I only did all of this out of fear my family would hurt my friends."

My eyes widened in realization. His family had forced him to be with Madeline. I moved my feet back and forth in the water.

"I bet there are a million stars in the sky right now, but none of them shine as bright as you" i smiled.

"You can't even see Ominis"

"No, but I just know you do" he laughed. "You are so special to me that I can't even find ways to describe it. In all the darkness in my life you my darling, shine so bright that the darkness just disappears. You make me feel as though I can walk on water, and fly above the moon. I know we had a rocky start, but I will never regret meeting you. You changed me for the better, and I could never thank you enough. You showed me what it feels like to be loved and cared for. I love when you place food on my plate and make my tea. Your laughter and hugs fill me with warmth. I love how soft your skin feels against mine and how soft your hair feels. I enjoy your company and wish for you to never leave my side. You have this beautiful soul and you are so kind to others. I love everything you do for me. You take my breath away every time you are near me. I never thought I would fall in love with you, nor did I think you'd ever fall for someone like me. Penelope you are my one star in a million, and I am so desperately and hopelessly in love with you"

I looked over at him with tears in my eyes. I got up and ran to him as he held his hands open for me. I jumped in his arms and giggled as he spun me around. He laughed and kissed me softly before placing me back down.

"I love you my spicy little hufflepuff"

"I love you too my grumpy little snake" he chuckled and kissed me once more holding me close to him. "I see why Sebastian likes doing this with multiple girls"

"Ominis Gaunt, are you telling me you are going to start kissing other girls" I chuckled.

"Maybe three more" he chuckled as he grabbed onto my waist. "I'm only jesting darling. You are enough for me" he smiled.

"You were my first kiss Ominis"

"You were mine too and I'm hoping you are my last" I hugged him and he embraced me tightly. "This dress feels so beautiful"

"Would you like to touch it to feel what it looks like" he smiled and his hands started roaming though all the lace and gems. His hand gently ran up the back of the dress and he rubbed his fingers in between the ribbons. He went up to my hair and smiled when he felt a familiar bow.

"You wore it" he kissed my forehead.

"Of course" he went to the front of my hair and felt the butterfly clips.


"Yes, I fell in love with them the day you charmed one for me" I saw him blush and laugh. His hand roamed to my neck and felt my necklace before trailing down lower to my chest. His fingers trembled a bit as he tried to feel the details on the front. He let out a soft gasp and turned his head back towards me. I leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were so soft I wished to never let this moment end. He gripped me tighter and kissed me deeper.

We quickly parted from one another when we heard a loud explosion.

"What in Merlin's name was that?"

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now