Chapter 59

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"I really think you should." I say and cross my arms. It's Wednesday today and I'm exhausted. Mary is taking me for granted and I just don't know what to do. I mean I need a job because I'm not letting Harry pay all the bills.

"But, Christine, it's not that easy. I can't just quit my job and open a club." Liam replies and I nod. Liam wants to open a club and call it Heaven, but he says he can't do that because the job he has right now brings him more money than working or being the owner of a club ever would.

"I know. I understand you completely to be honest. I always wanted to be a therapist, or I thought I wanted. I think becoming a therapist was just something what I decided to do for my dad, you know." I tell him and he nods with his head. I like talking with Liam because no matter what, he always listens to me. And somehow, he understands me.

"Well, what do you want to do?" he asks and takes a sip of his beer. I really find it funny seeing him drinking bear. I don't know why.

"I've always wanted to have my own hotel. A small one with the view on the beach." I tell him. I always pushed that idea away, but lately it's been coming on my mind quite a lot.

"That's nice. I'm telling you, life's too short and we should stop being cowards and do what we want. I think we can make these wishes come true."

"You're right." I chuckle. I really like spending time with Liam. He's probably my best friend right now. I lost contact with Eleanor and Susan, we kind of stop talking when I moved. But, I should definitely call her.

"So how are you and Harry?" Liam asks and I smile at the mention of Harry's name. I can't believe what's happening with me and Harry. If you'd tell me that we'd be together right now, two and a half months ago I'd slap the life out of you and laugh into your face.

"Okay, I guess." I answer with a soft smile.

"How do you mean 'I guess'?" he asks.

"I mean, we're okay and we get along and we don't even argue. But, lately he's been acting weird. He's too careful with everything. He texts me like every minute asking where am I and with who I am. It was cute at first, but now it's tiring." I tell him honestly.

"I think there's a reason why is he like that. Just tell him you need some space and I don't know. I'm not really familiar with a situation like that." he says and I chuckle.

"Never mind, thanks for listening me. I have to go now." I say and stand up. Liam repeats my actions, taking his wallet out of his pocket.

"No, today I'm paying." I smile and Liam rolls his eyes. I put the money on the table and walk out of the café with Liam.

"Okay, see you soon." Liam says and hugs me. I hug him back and then pull away.

"Bye, Liam." I say and start walking away.

I take my phone out of my purse just to see that I have three missed calls from Harry. I sigh and put the phone back in my purse.

I don't know. I really don't know what to think any more. He's been acting so weird and it's so annoying because I don't know why. When we're at home, everything's almost perfect. It's actually too perfect. I don't know what to think. Everything's fine until he has to go somewhere and leave me alone or when I have to go somewhere. I don't know.

Thinking about that makes me wonder how much do I really know Harry. Maybe I just think I know him, but maybe I don't. To be honest, this is confusing me. He's still like a mystery to me. When I look at him, I see the old Harry. But, his eyes tell me something else. And it makes me feel like I'm living with a stranger I know.

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