Chapter 39

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I feel two strong arms wrap around me, as I quietly sob into Liam's shoulder. After a while, sobs turn into loud cries and sobs that are constantly leaving my mouth. I don't even try to stop them. I can't find the strength in me to stop them. My breaths become heavier as a second passes.

''Shh, Christine, what's wrong?'' Liam's gentle voice whispers into my ear, as he draw circles on my back, and I have to tell it helps a bit. (A/N: imagine liam doing that to you just ugh)

I pull away, and wipe the tears away with my fingers. I look up, just to meet Liam's concerned look. It's uncomfortable because I just cried the shit out of me in his car. But, I'm glad that he was there to hug me, because, let's be honest, I needed it in that moment.

''I, I just don'tknow what to do.'' I tell him, feeling my eyes water once again. But, I decide to hold them in for this time.

''How do you mean?'' Liam asks, and it doesn't feel like he's pushing me because he's curious. It sounds like he really cares. Maybe he's acting, or not, but I need to take it from my heart.

''There's Luke, my boyfriend on one side, and on there's Harry on the other side. I'm so confused, Liam. Everything was okay, but then Harry came on my way, and made all my plans fall into the water. I'm not blaming him for this. It's all actually my fault. Louis told me to stop Harry from one fight. And I didn't do it, so instead of that, I, for one unknown reason, went to Harry's place. And there I don't know what the hell happened to me, but all I know is that we almost had sex together.'' I say all in one breath, as Liam listened to me carefully, like he was taking in all the words I've said, and thinking deeply about them.

''Have you ever thought of feeling something for Harry's that's more than friendship?'' Liam asks, and I shake my head as no maybe to quickly than I should. 

''Look, maybe now it does look complicated, but everything will be okay after a while. Just stay strong as you are, I bet.'' he tells me with a goofy smile, that makes me instantly smile back. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him in for a tight hug, and he hugs back.

I hear, and I bet Liam did too, a knock on the car window. We pull away, and look at the window on my side. And you will not believe who's here.

''What the?'' I mutter, and look at Liam who has the same face expression as me. I get out from the car and face to the green eyed boy, that has been on my mind in a while.

''Harry, what do you want?'' Liam asks behind me, as he closes the car door.

''What do I want? I want you to stay fuck away from her.'' he speaks angrily to Liam, and Liam only rolls with his eyes, not taking Harry's attitude to his heart.

''Harry, you cannot tell anyone to stay away from me.'' I jump in the possible argue that might happen any second.

''Yes, I can. And now you're going with me.'' Harry says with a stubborn face, and I just have a feeling he will not give in easily. What's his problem now?

''Harry, I'm not going anywhere.'' I state as I cross my arms over my chest. Harry's eyes burn with fury, and it only makes me mad at him for unknown reason. He does not have any right on deciding where am I going to be and with who. 

''Christine, we have to talk. It's serious.'' he tells me, his eyes still dark green, burning with the same anger.

''Harry, I'm no-'' I start, but soon get interrupted by Liam.

''Chris, I think you should go with him.'' he states, making my mouth drop. I turn to Harry, who's lips are curved into big smirk. And just to mention, it drives me insane. On a bad way of course. Not like...yeah.

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