Chapter 65

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hii friends

so this chapter will be completely dedicated to harry and christine and it'll be cute (I guess lol) and I really like it bc it's in harry's pov yay


I love you all and thanks for reading

-Ivy xx

Harry's POV (A/N: asdfg k bye)

Love. A four letter word. A feeling not even the best writers can describe. Love. You can find it in all kind of shapes, even in hate, anger and pain. It'd be so nice if I could tell, put in a sentence the way I feel. The way love makes me feel. 

Funny thing is, sometimes you think you know what love is. You're positive you already found it and now you're an expert. But, no. Love, the real love, will hit you out of no where. And you won't even know it. It'll take time for you to realize that you're in a trap. A trap without an exit. When it hits you, you'll be ready to say the three words and this time really mean them. And then, for the first time these three words will have a real, powerful meaning behind them.

I found out what love is ages ago. When I was just a kid who wanted adventures and everything a normal teenager wants. But, I was an idiot and I didn't know I found the love, the love people seek for ages. I mean I thought I found it, like every other 17-year old guy did when he had somebody to kiss and fuck. But, I realized I had it when I lost it.

And that's the moment when you know it hit you. But, just a bit too late. And then, when you're sure you love the person with all your heart, but you also know you lost every possible chance, you go through hell. Like me. I did so many things to get my mind of her, to forget the pain. And the things I've done back then helped. But, when I'd wake up the next morning, it'd hit me again. The thought that I've could be waking up next to her if I haven't done what I did. 

But, I'm a lucky piece of shit. And I did got another chance, but I know I'll blow it up again. And when I do, she'll forgive me. I know she will. She loves me more then anything and I can see it right now in her eyes. She loves me so much that even if I do the same thing I've done in the past again, she'll forgive me. And I'm selfish enough to be happy about it.

But, dammit, I tried, I really did try to let her go. But, then I'd look at her, watch her closely like now, and my heart would skip a beat. I love her. And there's not a thing I wouldn't do for her. We're not good for each other. I'm not good for her. I was, but not any more. 

But, I love her. These three words will be my blessing and my curse till the end of my life. I love this woman, this beautiful woman that's sitting in my lap right now, looking at me with her big red and puffy eyes and I know there's no going back. I'm hers, completely. My mind, soul, heart and my body is hers. 

There's no one, no one who ever made me feel like her. You'd say that she's just pretty, short, average girl. But, to me she's the most perfect, the most beautiful living being. And she's the nicest person I've ever met. I've never met someone who gets excited and fascinated by simple shit like she does. 

"Harry?" she whispers, and an eruption of feeling happens inside of me from the way she says my name. It sounds so pure and so beautiful. Like me in her eyes. She doesn't see the bad things about me, she just ignores them. 

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