Chapter 2

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 ''I love you, you know that.'' he tells me, looking right into my eyes. I literally can't move. My heart hurts. He's leaving me. Maybe I won't see those emerald eyes ever again. Of course you will, a little voice inside my head speaks. I know I will, but I've never imagined he'd be leaving.

 ''I love y-you too.'' I reply, my voice breaking at the end, and hug him stronger than ever. I cry, all kind of thoughts dancing on my mind.I would lie if I said I'm not terrified, because terrifying is not even as close as to how horrible I'm feeling. What if he forgets about me? He probably will. London is so far away. I can't live without him. I love him too much. It's amazing how much I love him and we're in relationship for a quite short time.

''Don't cry, baby. I love you and nothing will change that. You're the only girl for me. Only you have my heart.'' His words only make me cry harder.

''I know, I know. Harry I-I love you. P-please don't f-forget me.'' My voice cracks at the end and Harry lets out a little chuckle.

''I won't. Never. I love you so much, Chris.'' He whispers before he places a small kiss on my forehead. I look into his beautiful eyes and notice one tear falling down his cheek. Maybe I'm over reacting but I'm just so afraid to let him go. We'll be miles away from each other.

''Harry we have to go!'' his mum shouts from the car. I stare into his eyes for a while and he stares back into mine. Harry puts my head between his large and beautiful hands and leans closer. My heart starts beating so fast like it always does when we're so close.

Finally, his lips touch mine. Our lips moved in sync and it feels so good, feeling his lips on mine. Tears are still rolling down my cheeks as he slowly pulls away to break the kiss. My eyes are closed and I fight with myself to not open them. I can't watch him going away from me. I

''I love you.'' he whispers and gives me our last kiss. Last kiss before he goes far away from me. What if he finds someone else there? That would just break my heart. Or what if he gets sick? What if something bad happens to him? There is so many questions without an answer. The real question is what am I going to do without him? What am I going to do without my Harry? How will I survive?

I'm over reacting like always, but London...London is so so far away. I got used on his presence. On his hugs. I have to see him next week. 

He just left. Calm down. 


''Chris, please get out of your room sweetie.'' My mom tells me from the other side of the door.

''I don't want. Leave me alone!'' I yell and start crying again. I've been in my room since morning. Since Harry left. My heart breaks on mention of his name. He didn't call me yet and I'm worried as hell. I'm over reacting, again, and I know it but I can't help it. I just miss him so much. I miss his kisses and his laugh. I miss his beautiful emerald eyes. His smile. His curly hair and his stupid jokes. They are so stupid, but they always make me laugh like crazy. And I miss his scent. I just miss him. I'm so pathetic. I shouldn't be like this. He'll come back. He promised me. I'm the biggest drama queen in this world. I'm always like that. But he loves me which makes me officially the luckiest girl in the world. If you ignore the fact he just moved to Europe. We've been in a relationship for almost one year. We're young, too young too say that we love each other. But, I love him and he loves me. Oh, I hope he'll like it there. An-

''Christine, Harry needs you!'' He did call me. I get up from my bed faster as ever and open the door. I take the phone from my mom's hands and before she can say something I close the door right in her face. I know that's disrespectful, but I'm not in state to think.

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