Chapter 81

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hello guys

we're getting closer and closer to the end and I love you all


anyways...hope you like this chapter 

comment&vote bc you're all fab

I love you all

-Ivy xx


Harry's POV

"Harry, we've been already there! He's not there!" Louis yells and I plop down on the couch. I place my hands on my face and breathe in and out slowly, trying to calm myself down.

It's been a week. A whole week of searching. And we've got nothing. We've been everywhere. Every fucking place we could think of. Every fucking place that had anything to do with Justin. The last place we've been to was an old garage where he used to have meeting with his little club years ago. He was not there, but there was as note that said 'You'll never find us.' 

I'm not giving up. I'm never going to stop looking for her. She's been there with him for days now and all I can think of is him hurting her. It can be physical abuse, but I really hope it's not. Because if it is, I swear to god I'll kill him. But, knowing Justin, he's going to hurt her mentally. He's going to put her through hell with that. Tell her things she will believe because he'll come up with proves to prove he has right. 

We tracked down every hotel, every left building, but there was nothing. No sign of him. Zayn gave us some places where he thought he might be, but guess what. He was not. He's nowhere to be seen. 

"Maybe we should look on places where he'd never expect to be found." Liam suggests and I snort. That's what always seems like the best plan. Going on a place where no one would expect you to.

"No. Justin knows we'll search for him in places we'd never guess he'll be in. He knows that very well and he's probably staying somewhere where we should know. He thinks we'll go and search on places we think he'll never go to. That's his plan and it's fucking up my brain. " I say all in one breath.

"Then what should we do? That bastard is literally no where. Like he's somewhere under the fucking ground building an empire without anybody knowing about it." Niall scoffs and his fist connects with the wall.

"He's probably in a building and he-" I start, but stop, realizing that what Niall's just said makes sense, "My fucking god, Niall." I rise my voice with a thrill in my voice. 

Liam raises his eyebrow as and basically run over to the table. We turned Liam's house into something like our base where we plan everything. We took the map of the city and it's spread across the table with black x's on it, marking the places we've been to.

"What are you saying exactly?" Louis asks, walking over to the table with Niall and Liam by his side.

"Look, maybe you were right, or not, I don't know. But, Justin was always talking how much he wants to create a little basement and basically heaven underground because that'd be probably the only way police wouldn't find him. Being underground makes you completely unavailable to the world because you can by literally anywhere," I explain as I take my phone, "We counted from the start that he might be in some old building or a garage or I don't know what, but that fucking bastard was fucking with out brain while we were searching for him like a bunch of idiots."

"How are we going to find where he is if he's underground?" Liam asks as he crosses his arms .

"I have a plan." I tell them and dial a number I'd never thought I'll need.

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