Chapter 98

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hiii guess what guess what

double update today yasss..i know.. this is a huge surprise

this chapter is well..yeah..two more to go omg..comment&vote

(just gonna leave this here..happy reading)

happy reading)

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-Ivy xx

Christine's POV

January 25, 2015

I hold on tightly onto the brown coat I'm wearing as I march forwards, the sound of my boots clicking against the grey pavement beneath me interrupting the silence that occupied my mind. It's been two days since I last saw Harry. Two days ago he was arrested and I was not allowed to see him until today. They haven't really explained it to me why, even though Harry's lawyer, Hank, said he'll explain it to me, he never did. Hank is one of Robin's closest friends and supposedly he's one of the best lawyers around here. 

Tomorrow is Harry's trial and I don't remember when I was so terrified. Robin, Harry's stepdad explained it to me that they have the letter Justin wrote for me and that it might be very helpful. Hank is the only one who visited Harry in this past two days and apparently, they agreed on Harry's testimony. 

I talked to Anne a few minutes ago. She's just finished talking with Harry and she says he's cold and refuses to talk with her. The only thing he's said to her in half an hour was sorry. I don't know how this whole prison thing will affect on Harry. I know he was in prison before, but it wasn't as long as he probably will be staying now. 

I spent these last two days in our flat, crying my heart out and wearing Harry's shirts and reading his favourite books. I don't remember when was the last time I've felt so alone and abandoned. I know it's been just two days, but they are just the beginning.

Once I enter the big building, I walk over to the woman sitting behind the counter. She looks up at me and speaks, "May I help you, miss?" she asks and I nod with my head at the black haired woman. 

"I'm here to see Harry Styles." I say, my voice sounding hoarse since all I've done in the last 48 hours was cry, cry and cry a little more. The woman types something into the computer and turns her head back to me.

After I give her every possible document I have, she lets me go and do my visit. One short policeman guides me towards the small cell where I notice a figure of a man sitting on the wooden bench inside. I notice the long curls immediately and I automatically bring my hand up to cover my mouth. As soon as the policeman leaves, I grab one of the metal bars, before I quietly speak, "Harry?" 

He rises his head and the moment my eyes meet his now dark, green ones, I just break. I don't know how am I supposed to do this because looking at him, sitting here in a cold cell alone and knowing that he'll soon be in real prison with people who're probably serial killers when he does not belong with them. 

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