Chapter 4

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 ''Mom I'm home!'' I yelled, stepping into the house.

 ''Mom will come home later.'' Bella informed me. What I should do now? I always wanted her to come back but now...I'm so lost. I don't know what to think, what to do? I've always dreamed about this moment, and now...

''Chris?'' Bella woke me up.

''Yeah?'' I said, my voice calm which obviously surprised her.

''Can we pleas-'' I cut her off by hugging her tightly. This is so nice. My sister is back.

''Shhh it's okay.'' she said me. I didn't even notice that I'm crying. Probably because this...

It just...It's so weird now but so comfortable. I loved my sister when she left, and I still love her. I'm so glad that she's back.

''I'm so sorry. I'm so glad you're back. I missed you so much.'' I cried on her shoulder.

''You don't have to apologize. It's my fault. Everything. I shouldn't leave you and mum. You both needed me after dad's death. I'm so sorry Christine. I missed you too.'' she cried too.

''We should calm down.'' I offered to her and smiled.

''Yeah. When did you get so smart?'' she teased me. I just smiled. I missed this so much. Teasing and our sister moments.

''Chris, I'm so so fucking sorry. If I could, I'd never leave. The worst thing is that I left my family for an asshole.'' She laughed and her face turned into a frown.

''What happened with Derek?'' I asked her. I want to know what he has done to her.

'''s terrible....''

''No tell me sis'' I assured her. She smiled and took a big deep breath. 

''Well, when we come to his friend's apartment, he started to act cold. Two days after he didn't even want to look at me or kiss me. Or tell me that he loves me. And when I asked what's wrong, he just pushed me away. I was broken for days. And then he told me how much he was stupid and that he still loves me. And me, the biggest idiot in this fucking planet, believed him. We were okay for a half year. Everything was back to normal. At least I thought that. Then one day I found out, that every Friday when he told me that he's with his best mates, he was with someone else.'' She took a big breath ''One day I came 2 hours earlier home from work than usual. And I went to our bedroom and'' she started crying and sobbing and I took her hand in mine.

''If you don't want to finish it's okay.'' I assured her, somehow already knowing the end.

''No no..I'll finish.''she told me and sighed ''He was in our bed with another girl. He was cheating on me whole time.'' She whispered the last part and started crying again. One tear escaped my eye. I can't believe. I knew this would happen. We knew this would happen.

''I'm so sorry.'' I said and hugged her.

''It's okay. You know what?'' she asked while sobs escaped her mouth.

''What?'' I replied wiping tears away.

''I finally understand the sentence Love is blind. And it is.'' she said, big and hard sob leaving her mouth,

''When you're in love, you, you're literally blind. You can't see the clues, that refer that something's wrong. You don't listen people warnings, or what they're saying. You're blind and deaf. All you see is the person you love.'' she finished, tears streaming down her beautiful face. I stared at her. I can't believe my sister, my sister said something like that.


We were sitting on couch and crying and talking for half an our. When we finally calmed down, we started laughing how stupid we were. Then she started talking about life, after I said how's school going and blah blah. She told me a lot about one boy Jacob. She showed me his pictures and he's really handsome. His eyes are really blue and his hair is dark brown color. He's really handsome. But ya know, Harry is much more.

''So tell you have a boyfriend?'' she asked me. Right...She doesn't know about Harry.

''Umm...yes I do.'' I replied her. She smirked at me.

''So, did you have sex?'' What?!

''No! I'm 16 for goodness sake!''

''For 4 months you'll have 17.'' She remembers. I love my sister so much. I know that yesterday I said that I hate her, but I was really really angry.

''His name is Harry.'' I tell her.

''Harry? I like his name. Sounds familiar. Do I know him?'' she asked and I laughed.

''Actually you do.'' I finally said ''It's Harry, Harry Styles.''

''Harry, you mean our neighbor Harry, like your best friend Harry?'' she raised a brow at me.

''Yes. What?''

''Nothing. But how?'' she asked me. I expected 'I'm so happy about you two! He's such a nice boy.' But no. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my sister.

''Well, when you left I was so sad and we started to get more closer every day and...'' I stopped and smiled at the memory.

''And?' she waited for me to continue.

''And then he confessed me how he feels about me and I told him what I feel about him. And then we kissed. After that we started going out on dates and I fell more and more for him every day.'' I said and grinned showing my smile. Harry said my smile is beautiful, but I know it isn't.

''That's it? Do you love him?'' She asked me.

''Yes. I do. He's so nice to me and he loves me too. He calls me every day and only he can make me smile when I'm sad. Only he can say so stupid jokes. Only he know how I feel by just my face expression. Only he knows me truly. Only he can make me feel beautiful. And I..I just love him so much.'' I finished my sentence smiling but I frowned very quickly and started crying.

''You really love him don't y- Chris what's wrong?'' Bella asked me and wrapped her arms around me.

''H-he m-moved to L-London.'' I told her her and started crying harder.

''Really Chris?'' She looked, at me, confused and smiled. ''You acting like he's dead.'' She repeated Sus' words. ''You'll see him for Christmas, school breaks. Don't be sad like that okay? I don't like seeing you sad.'' She said and got up from our comfy couch.

''Where are you going?'' I asked her.

''I'm going to bathroom and then I'll make tea. Do you want some?''

''Sure.'' I smiled at her and spread all over the couch.


Today was pretty interesting. Finally me and my sister are okay. Harry called me when I was drinking tea with Belle and she took my phone out of my hands and yelled at Harry.

'If you hurt my sister I swear I'll kill you. I'll rip you're head of your shoulders and throw it to the lions. Or just rip of your dick.'  

I couldn't stop laughing.

 He was so freaked out. I think he's afraid of my sister now. Wow. And I can't wait! Only 4 months birthday is here! I hope the time'll pass really quickly. And I hope Harry will come here.



Okay I hope you liked it. I enjoy in writing this little crap, so I hope you like it.

Sorry if this is short. I'll try to do a double update today. I'm trying to update for my lovely readers.

And this is dedicated to @Hazza_Girl20 bc she's so nice and omg I absolutely love her story The Game! It's amazing. 

Luv ya

(Sorry if there's any mistakes)

{Beautiful Harry on the side}

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