Chapter 51

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Christine's POV

“Bye, Mary. See you on Monday.” I tell Mary who smiles and waves at me.

I groan as the wind hit my face, my hair going all over the place, some strands stick on my lips because of a fucking lip gloss I put. How lovely. As I walk towards my car, the sound of my heels clicking against the ground annoying me, I heard someone yelling in the background. My eyes recognize blonde hair that belongs to Niall and another guy who’s with him, I can’t recognize.

“Fuck, Zayn! Fuck. How are we supposed to tell him that? You know how will he react! Fuck, he’ll kill you. And me too, now when I know.” Niall screams at the guy, who I presume is Zayn. I can’t hear what Zayn tells him, but I definitely do hear Niall’s raised voice afterwards.

“Chill out? Did you just tell me to chill? What the fuck is wrong with you? Fuck, Zayn.” Niall yells at him. He says something after, but I can’t hear him. I don’t have the slightest idea about what those two are talking about. I’ll ask Harry after if I remember.

When I come to my car, I reach with my hand down in my bag, trying to find my car keys. I curse under my breath when I don’t find them. I put the files I had in my arms on the car and flip the bag over, shaking it for everything to fall out. People who pass near me look at me with confused looks, couple of them even laughing at me. I don’t blame them though. I look ridiculous.

I don’t find the keys and I already feel like crying. This day just can’t be worse. I put all those things that fell from my bag back in, annoyed with this situation. When I stand up to take the files I see keys with blue heart pendant and I feel like slapping myself. I groan in frustration and take my car keys. I feel so stupid, God.


Finally I’m in my lovely flat. I put the bag and the files on the table. I pat Sugar on the head and give him some dog food I find in the drawer. Couch looks very comfortable from here, so I head over to it and plop down. And, on my luck, just when I’m about to pass out, the front door opens and Susan flies into the room.

“Susan, I’m seriously ti-“ I start, but stop as soon as I look at her face. Her face is pale and tears are rolling down her cheeks. “What the hell happened?” I whisper as she sits down next to me. I wrap my arms around her and hum one song in her ear for her to calm down.

“Chris, I-I’m,” she sobs onto my shirt as I play with her hair, hoping that’ll help, “I’m pregnant.” She whispers and I can feel my face go pale the same second. I pull away and look into her eyes.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“Yes. I bought three tests there in Chicago and they were all positive. Chris, I don’t know what to do.” She cries and I hug her again. I know this is hard for her. She was always afraid of giving a birth and I'm sure she’s not ready to be a mother.

“How did Spencer react?” I ask her, pulling away.

“He freaked out at first, but then he calmed down. We didn’t say a word to each other for like, two days.” She tells me, looking down at her lap. “I’m so scared.”

“I know. Look, we’re here for you. I’m here for you and if you need anything I’ll be there for you.” I state and she smiles a bit. “You know, you don’t have to birth this child. You can always go to abortion or you can give the baby to foster parents. So many people really want to have kids,  but they can't. ”

“I know. I’m keeping it. But, I’m just not ready for this, you know?” she speaks and I smile slightly at her.


Susan and I talked for like two hours until she calmed down. I still can’t believe she’s pregnant. There’s a reason why condoms exist. I don’t know what I’d do if I’m pregnant.

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