Chapter 22

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Hello, I'm sorry it took me so long to update, I'm sorry. I'm so mean.

Please read the end of the previous chapter just to remember everything that happened.

I love you all, forgive me...


''Well Harry's back and that's great. We missed him so much. Thank you.'' Anne finished smiling widely. I'm so freaking confused.

''Okay, umm you're welcome, but I don't understand. What are you guys talking about?''

''Since his big change,'' What? ''that happened so suddenly, we thought we're losing him. But things started to get better and better and then you came and...Harry's the same like he was. And I can't thank you enough for bringing my baby boy home. He got back how he was before because of you.'' She said, me staring at her completely confused. 

''Darling,'' Anne laughed ''don't you remember how he was months ago?''

''Yes.'' I nodded my head ''He was okay and old Harry so I don't get you at all. And he studied a lot so that you can be proud of him and that's the reason why we were basically only messaging. He didn't have time for long talk, and I understood that.'' I answered. They just looked at me with amused expression. What did I say?

''W-what? Do you know about the parties?'' Gemma asked me and I shook my head. But seriously, what are they talking about?

''What parties? Did Harry go to parties?'' I asked, but Gem ignored me looking at Anne who is confused as Gem.

''He didn't tell her.'' Gemma whispered to Anne, but I heard.

''How could he? He told us he did. What have we done?'' Anne said, her green eyes starting to tear up.

''What he didn't tell me? Tell me right now. What I don't know? Did Harry go to parties?'' I rambled on those question. Anne nodded.

''But what's bad if you go to couple of parties. I mean there's nothing bad at it.'' I smiled but their faces are pale and Anne was trying to hold her tears in her eyes. What.The.Heck.

''What's going on? Tell me.'' I whispered grabbing Anne's hand. Then Gemma's, looking at them with serious expression.

''We-we shouldn't tell you that. He should.'' Gemma shuttered.

''Tell me what? Please.'' I begged them.

''Okay. You have to know.'' Anne said as she took deep breath. Gemma looked at her shocked.

''But mo-''

''No Gemma! She deserves to know!'' Anne yelled making Gemma and me jump in surprise. I'll never get use on Anne yelling.

Gemma looked down at her hands.

''But don't you think what will happen if they broke up? How will Harry react on that? He will get back to old and mom I don't want that to happen again.'' she whispered, I can say she was fighting with tears.

''But we can't keep hiding it honey. I know you're worried about your brother just like me but, this is the right thing to do.'' Anne assured Gem putting her hand on Gem's shoulder. Gemma nodded her head, wiping her tears and looked at me.

''What are you talking about?'' I asked them, one tear escaping my eye. I have one weird felling that something they'll say me, won't be good.

Gem took a deep breath and starts ''Harry went to one party with his friends. You met them I think,'' probably the boys I met ''and well something happened on that party. Harry told me what but I promised I won't tell anyone. Even mom.'' She wiped her tears away ''and after that, he started drinking. A lot. He went to party every night, and he would come home in the morning still slightly drunk. There was a guy, Justin I think, and he took Harry to all different parties in town.''

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