Chapter 1

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 "It all started with rain, it will all finish with rain."


Rain was falling on my face and clothes, leaving me completely wet. I was already feeling cold and the rain only created a frozen layer on skin, making it impossible for me to warm up.

I was alone, in the middle of the street, waiting someone to come, so I could ask for a ride home. Being stupid like I was I forgot my phone. Continuing with my stupidity, I was prepared to ask a stranger for a ride, which want against everything I was thaught at home.

But then he came.

''Chris? What are you doing?'' he asked taking my hands in his.

''Waiting for someone to come.'' I answered shaking a little. Then he laughed. His laugh was so beautiful. Somehow I smiled and started laughing with him.

The only thing people could hear, out there, in the middle of the night and in the middle of athe street was our laugh.

''What's so funny?'' I asked still laughing.

''I was doing the same thing.'' He chuckled making me laugh even harder. The thing was, I didn't know even why I'm laughing. Then I took a better look at him. His clothes was soaked just like mine. But he wasn't shaking. He was laughing and smiling, showing me his beautiful dimples. And then I realised something I never thought I would. I felt something more then friendship for my best friend.

He took my hand in his and looked in my eyes. I enjoyed in perfect green colour of his eyes, focusing completely on the greenness they held.

''I wanted to tell you something for a long long time.'' he said ''I know it's not really the time or place to say this,'' he let a nervous laugh ''but I-I,''. He stopped and I started feeling nervous, impatiently anticipating to hear what he had to say.

''I like you. Not like a friend, but like a girl. I like you a lot.'' He confessed and looked at ground.

That moment was perfect. I didn't care if it was raining and I was all soaked. A smile formed on my face as happiness ran through my veins. I could have exploded in any second from all the happiness I felt inside. That moment was perfect. He was perfect. Everything was perfect.

''You're not gonna say anything?'' he asked.

''Harry, I like you too. Like a lot.'' I smiled and he grinned at me right before crushing our lips together.

I felt those butterflies people always talk about  in my stomach for the first time. It was confusing, but nothing has ever in my life seemed more right than that moment, that wonderful moment Harry and I shared. I was so happy. And shocked.

But nothing will never erase that moment. It was pure perfection. Something like in movies I used to watch with my mum when I was little; it was a taste of romance every girl always dreams about. It was a taste I found myself liking too much and wanting more of it.

In any other situation, with any other person, this would have been a disaster. Rain was falling mercilessly on my face, erasing every bit of makeup I had as water was dripping from every part of my body.

But, with Harry, I was smiling and completely enjoying in this moment, secretly hoping it would last forever.



This is my first fanfiction and if you're reading it, I appreciate that. I know the first chapter is very short but it's not like real chapter. It's just like an introduction to the story...Yeah...So please keep reading because it'll get better. The first 21 chapters are something like a prequel but I was too stupid to remember to make a prequel when I first started this. So, sorry. But, after 22nd chapter things kick off; small spoiler alert.

Also I apologise if you notice any mistakes because English is not my first language, so yeah..there might be some mistakes..

Anyway, you will not regret reading this trust me :)


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