15-24 December 2024

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15 December 2024

Last night I have a very nasty dream where everyone don't care about my presence in class trip. Being left alone and having to walk through harsh treatment from organizer and being left from bus. The class trip was the people from my college. Rough night huh? And when I woke up I am still tired as last night.

I wondered what happened, lusts, desires, times. Desperation, I have it in my dream.It was about me becoming a father and happy that I have a child with healthy relationships but an unknown mother. But suddenly it came to sadness that I cried. Then I looked back at my dad, that I ran forward and hugged my dad from behind crying.

Knowing that I don't have time or long for the world to foster with the one I love.That sadness and the simulation in the dream felt real and echoed my heart.Is this a sign or secret message that I must treasures the time I have for the loved ones before you or they disappeared?

I am only 21 years old, no experience in relationships. Yet experience a dream where I don't have enough time in the world after a married life. It makes me sad, that's why it reminds me I was young?

Although I don't know what's the reason behind why I don't have enough time for the world. But I still felt sad about it. Since I dreamt about deja vu or foresight. I assume it is likely what would happen, although not the same scene in the dream but similar situation.

Ahh... it's about to be 4 PM. It's sunday, I should go out. Put these PC games and programs behind for a bit, go to bath and step out. Arcade or not, fresh air it is. For odd reason, I like to have curtains open and I just sit at the office chair just to stare at the sky. Unknown reason why but It put my hearts at rest or opposite. Deep thought that am I doing correctly in my life?

Or is it because I cannot stop engaging in activities and doesn't spend enough time to meditate or actually do nothing for once 5 minutes?

By afternoon near evening, I went out at normal pace to go eat and play some arcade game, although I didn't meet anyone I know or friends but I am good on my time. And managed to record some nice WMMT clips.

Although I should thank my friends and classmates that allows me to discover different stuff, My arcade friends to discover anime stores and arcade veneues, my classmate to discover price, offers and good food to eat. My parents too

Night back at dorm, I joined chit chat and talk about various stuff like games, Genting highlands and relevant articles of news with Lyhan and YH my dormmate.

While returning to my room I stumbles upon the girls dormmates talk circle I decided to do small talk with them. Turns out, PENN. One of the girl dormmate who is introvert and more timid than me. Is gonna cosplay as Furina the Genshin Impact character, I wasn't expecting her to cosplay and ask someone to do make up for her.

What is wrong with me. Still up by 4AM, Well I was playing Supermarket Together hours ago. 

16 December 2024

From the past few days I been working in my social media relevant to games and stuff but no progress to my initial Assignment which I am supposed to work on.

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