5 March 2025
My minds have being bothered sometime by the fact my WMMT team leader set a condition while I am on my hometown time.
The condition for the arcade game map is Time Attack for 3 specific map with a good standard of times. At least the one not aim for top time.
Said he could train us by recording a video. It's not on hurry but do it when free or something. Well I been doing research whaat car model to use, whether is the meta one or try to score it with lower tier cars to show unique individuality points and challenge. The trouble is I want to set up a bipod and record a time there at arcade, I mean I could do it at local hometown arcade or should I do it when I return to big city?
From the reference video my leader sent, it's not very good in settings. As a media designer I find a lot of flaws but I am hesitant to correct and think personally that I can edit and do better. Such as actually locking camera exposure so it doesn't jump or mess with qualities.
During my brother short break. We always end up watching some Automobile videoes. During the afternoon me and my online discord friends plays Rainbow Six Siege. For the recent days, my brother feel like he should let me feed Josh the Hedgehog for a while since he is tired after work and I am here so.
6 March 2025
I have a weird dream. Living in this a bit 2010 ish years. In a universe where I am in closer relationship with PENN my dormmate which is not possible in real life. Where she is willing to dress good looking and allow me to take photographs. But then, epitome falls out and we are forced to stay in and our room. Situation is not well, insects and bugs makes people sick.
Outside is like big haze of smoke all over outside and then the cure and solution is found.
As we and everyone like up to 20 people in this big house walk outside it surely is a small town behind big mountain at night.
So for this afternoon I decided to hang out with my dad than staying home a bit, Congratulations my brother for his first paycheck from his job even though he earned a bit from his trip for musical performance. But it goes well in his career and life. Yes, my younger brother scored a trip to Korea for musical performance years back then.
By the house at 6:50 PM. I assisted dad replacing the celling lights of the Dining room with a new one.
7 March 2025
I have one of those weird dreams again. This time is usually the old building design language as my period. The one of the end building at Primary school I was once at. Holding a Japanese products shop event. I was woken by my dad at 8 AM, he's taking me for another blood test at nearby clinic. Well, it's scheduled and he been telling me for days about this. Regarding the liver status of mine.
My plan for borrowing my brother's regularly used car is to visit Grandpa then play WMMT after in the afternoon for lunch break with my brother.
After the arcade session of today. I received a message from one of the college lecturer. It's probably about the quality of my assignments works. I guess it wasn't enough give it a pass. Oh, the stress is coming back. Honestly speaking, I managed to beat and overskilled a player even though they try to outplay me but cannot. Which I feel bad, but now suck it up because I am using a non meta car to beat a meta car so given the fact going all out justify it and It's fine.
I was told I failed this subject but given a chance to resubmit by the weekend. Maybe a bit more score I will be able to pass, I am gonna pick up my brother tonight and use the laptop for homework tonight.
8 March 2025
I been given this weekend to work on this Final Assignment for 3D Animation sufficient to give it a pass and avoid subject failure. let's work on it today.
It's been 7 PM, I haven't done rendering stuff but my discord friend managed to help me by sharing what he discovered and check out my work as a professional and now my rendering is faster with his advices. But the trouble is I still have to wait long time for 670 frames to render. Guess I can do something while it sits in the back.It just I am kinda worried it will sleep and halt rendering or something happened because afterwards the rendering is done I am gonna have to do Image Sequence on my video editor.
It crashed by 9:10 PM, luckily I can manually continue where last frame last off rendered. As the only one who is only at home currently while brother at work and dad out having tea break with friend. I will be the one who welcome mom back home.
Dad opened the door instead, it's been a while that I haven't see my mom. By late night along with my dad together eat out at nearby the town as dinner. I introduced Josh the hedgehog which my brother adopted. by 10:30 PM ish my brother finally returned from work and meeting mom. I was thinking of him sharing his experience in line of work. For me I been focusing on this overdue assignment. Technically.
The truth is I failed this subject but the lectuerer gave me a chance to work on this final assignment which I didn't complete it so i decided to work on it today. But it has to before the end of this weekend. Now the deal is I have to wait for the rendering sequence to pass through. It would take hours of waiting through so while I can't play any intense video games on my laptop since the program need that resources without slowing down. by late night I played light resources 2D visual novel type of game and scroll Instagram.
The more I read back the older entires of this journal, The more I value and precious to think how good hometown home is. Knowing living in city is desperation of life and despair while I am having relaxing time to be leisure around family members and small times. But the only way to expand and explore out is big city and imporve yourself.
Through midnight, Project SEKAI music aid my boredom and anxiety well. Hope I get this render finished 670 frames for a 20 seconds ish final animation with 720p. and throw it into video editor then make it a good edit then call it submission.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of Journal 2
NonfiksiThis is the continuation of the previous book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/237179531-whitegxroblox%27s-slice-of-journal White is just his online username. But everyone calls him "Chin" in real life. Quite a literal little brat who never take wor...