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The yandere brother who has coveted you for a long time × the bright beauty you (already posted)

After you went to college, due to the huge difference in dormitory schedules, you almost suffered a nervous breakdown from your roommates who played games late at night, so you had no choice but to rent a small apartment off campus.
    It happened that there was an adopted half-brother in the family who went to school in the same university town as you. Your parents were worried that it would be unsafe for you to live outside alone, so they let him stay with you so that they could take care of each other.
    You and your adopted brother have had a good relationship since childhood, and you couldn't ask for more.
    "Jing Chen, help me bring some roasted sweet potato skins back to the apartment."
    "Jing Chen, throw away the garbage at the door."
    "Jing Chen, is my computer in the apartment? Send it to school for me, quickly!!!"
    For a long time, your brother became your errand boy.
    Not only that, when you go out with your classmates on weekdays and need help picking up big items, you always call him.
    Because he is not only hard-working and obedient, but he is also tall and handsome. He has a refreshing and handsome appearance that is very popular at the moment. Every time he goes out, many girls ask for his contact information.
    It's very honorable and very cool for you to take a handsome guy like him out.
    But in the past month, you rarely take him with you when you go out. You rarely stay in the apartment on weekends, and you often come back late from Monday to Friday.
    On this day, you came back in the middle of the night. When you entered the apartment, you found a night light turned on in the living room.
    The boy sitting on the sofa had just finished taking a shower and his hair was still slightly damp. As soon as he heard the movement in the entrance hall, he knew that you were back and immediately raised his head to look at you.
    "Why are you sitting here?" You were confused. He was sitting on the sofa dryly, neither watching TV nor playing with his mobile phone. It was strange.
    He didn't answer but asked: "Why do you always come back so late recently? I don't even see anyone on weekends." "
    The club has activities recently, so I'm very busy."
    It's April now, and the weather in the south is getting hotter. You take off your clothes. You took off your coat, sat on the sofa, and said to him out of habit: "Can you get me a lemon coke?"
    After waiting for a few seconds, your usually super obedient and considerate brother didn't move at all. You frowned and turned to look at him.
    You saw him frozen in place, his eyes fixed on your right wrist.
    On her fair and slender wrist is a delicate and beautiful platinum bracelet with a few jade beads inlaid in the middle. This brand of bracelets is very popular, and some of them are for couples, including the one you have on your hand.
    "Are you in love?" Although it was a question, he said it very firmly, with a hint of imperceptible anger in his plain tone.
    "How do you know?" You were surprised and immediately turned to look at him. This little guy is actually quite sharp. "You should be more strict with your mouth. Don't tell your parents." "
    Is it that Huang Mao who plays the guitar in your club? "
    You frowned in displeasure: "He has a name."
    He sneered a few times, "It's indeed him."
    "How do you know it's him?" You remember that you haven't mentioned this to anyone yet.
    Qin Jingchen lowered his eyes. His expression was dark and unclear, but what he said surprised you: "The way he looked at you was obvious."
    "Really?" You were surprised and fell into a small part of your memories. You didn't think there was anything weird about the way the other person looked at you, but you were quite shy. He is shy and restrained. If he hadn't confessed to you the day before yesterday, you wouldn't have known that he liked you.
    Qin Jingchen didn't speak, then he stood up and went to cut lemons and pour coke for you. After delivering the prepared lemon coke to you, his bright black eyes kept staring at you.
    You were numbed by his look and said, "Just say what you want to say, it's scary to look at me like that."
    Silence spread in the quiet night, and after a long time, he spoke: "Why don't you break up? "
    Did you make a mistake? We broke up?" You laughed angrily. How could anyone persuade you to break up for no reason just two days after you started dating?
    But he was very confident, as if he said in the tone of an elder: "You are now in your sophomore year, which is a critical period for postgraduate studies. You cannot delay it by falling in love."
    You shrugged, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a bright smile: "Sorry, you Sister, I don't plan to go to graduate school in China and go abroad directly."
    He insisted extra and continued, "And that yellow guy is not suitable for you. It is best for you and him to break up as soon as possible."
    "Why is it not suitable?" You are not happy. Well, your brother who is usually so well-behaved has been talking back to you again and again today, which really makes you angry.
    His expression changed slightly and he said firmly: "It's not suitable anywhere."
    "He and I have only been together for two days. We will have to get along more to know
    whether we are suitable." He asked again: "Then do you like him?"
    You were stunned, do you like it? It seemed okay. I agreed at the time just for a fresh idea and wanted to have a campus romance.
    "It's okay, I have a bit of a crush on him."
    "That's not really like him." Qin Jingchen repeated again: "You should break up with him."
    "Crazy." You were speechless, thinking that he had taken the wrong medicine today and was in a bad mood. normal.
    The conversation ended unhappily.
    The next day, after you wash up, you see your favorite breakfast on the table.
    The young man standing at the dining table, his white T-shirt shows off his youthful appearance, his fair and handsome face is hidden in the sun, his eyes that are always looking at you are lowered, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes.
    "Sister, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken like that last night. Don't be angry." You
    were originally depressed, but with such a face and such a sincere admission of fault, you couldn't get angry at all.
    "Forget it." You sighed and motioned for him to sit down and eat quickly.
    Halfway through breakfast, he suddenly held your hand, his bright eyes were your reflection, and his pleasant voice was full of begging: "Sister, can you break up with him?"
    You took your hand away and frowned. He said, "You just apologized, and now you're crazy, aren't you?"
    He remained silent, lowering his head and feeling aggrieved, as if you were bullying him unreasonably.
    In the next week or two, he will still mention breaking up with you from time to time.
    Although you didn't like the senior very much in the first place, and you only wanted to experience campus love when you agreed to the senior, but people always have some resentment in them. The more others persuade you to break up, the less you want to break up.
    Besides, you can't understand why your brother insists on you breaking up with your senior. It's even more incomprehensible why your brother, who is usually so obedient to you, would be so stubborn on this matter.
    This weekend, you and your brother had a fight over this matter again.
    You were annoyed by what he said, so you simply said: "I don't care. And I want to go out with him on the weekends, and we will live in the same hotel! I can do whatever I want, it's not your turn. Come take care of it!”
    Qin Jingchen's eyes suddenly darkened, as gloomy as clouds passing by. He pursed his lips tightly and tightened his jawline. He looked extremely depressed, and it was like the strange calm before the storm.
    You regretted your angry words, but for the sake of face, you had no choice but to continue to be tough: "Anyway, my relationship is my business, so don't worry about it."
    After saying that, you turned around and went to take a shower.
    When you came out of the shower, you saw him still sitting in the living room. There was a cup of steaming milk on the coffee table, which you must drink before going to bed every night.
    Even though the trouble had just been so unpleasant, he still made milk for you without saying a word. You suddenly felt uncomfortable and said sarcastically: "I was so angry just now that I couldn't speak clearly. Don't be angry." "
    You said you wanted to spend the weekend with him. Is it true that we have to stay in the same room when we go out to play?" He raised his eyes and looked directly into your eyes.
    You nodded, then took a sip of milk, the fragrance of milk overflowing between your lips and teeth, and added: "But we live in a suite."
    It meant that the two of us did not sleep together, but this did not make Qin Jingchen's face improve. .
    He stood up, walked in front of you, and suddenly raised his hand to touch your head. His voice was so soft that he said, "Sister, go to bed early. Good night."
    "Oh, good night." You drank the milk.
    After returning to the room, you were so sleepy that you lay down on the bed and fell asleep quickly.
    The sky is getting slightly brighter, and your consciousness gradually wakes up. You feel the warm towel gently wipe on your face, all the way down your neck after wiping it. Your body is as cold as if you are not wearing anything.
    Nothing to wear? !
    You woke up suddenly and quickly opened your eyes. You saw that your body exposed to the air was green and purple, with ambiguous marks everywhere.
    The person who was wiping you was stunned and looked over at you.
    Against the light, only the outline of his face was clear, but you could recognize this person as Qin Jingchen at a glance.
    He is the sweet little brother who is always obedient to you.
    "Good morning, sister." He smiled at you.
    "You..." Your eyes were scarlet, you pointed at him and said in disbelief, "What's going on?"
    Qin Jingchen chuckled a few times, pinched the hand you pointed at, covered it with a towel, and squeezed it tightly You wipe your hand back and forth, and the other hand goes up to your face and scrapes gently. The stinging touch makes you shiver.
    "My sister's skin is so white and tender. I like it so much. I can't get enough of kissing you."
    How could he describe the act of sucking and kissing you and leaving marks on you so calmly?
    No, how could he kiss you? Or was he kissed all over his body?
    You are siblings, even though you are not close.
    Your scalp went numb for an instant and you moved to the head of the bed warily, "Are you crazy? I am your sister. Do you know what you are doing?" "
    I know. But you, sister, still do n't know what you are doing?" Don’t you know what I’m thinking?” His eyes were burning, and the burning gaze he looked at you seemed to set you on fire.
    "Pa-" You slapped him hard and cursed: "You lunatic! Get out of here, I feel sick when I see you!"
    You have never hit him since you were a child.
    First, he listens to you very much, is smart and patient, and you can't even spoil him.
    Secondly, his face is so delicate and handsome that he can't get angry just by looking at it.
    "Disgusting?" He covered his face, his narrow and clear eyes instantly turned red, and said harshly, "Sister, do you hate me so much? You clearly said before that you like me the most." Without
    waiting for you to answer, He then said aggrievedly: "If you like me, why are you so angry when I kiss you?" "Do
    you understand what the problem is?" You think he is simply unreasonable and does such an unethical thing. , what he actually cares about is whether she dislikes him?
    He smiled and said, "What's the problem?"
    "You're my brother!" You yelled angrily.
    He didn't take it seriously: "We're not biological."
    You were speechless. After taking a few deep breaths, you said again: "It has nothing to do with blood. I have always regarded you as my brother. This can't be like this between us..."
    Before you say anything. After that, your lips were blocked by him, the back of your head was violently held by big hands, and your whole body was trapped in his arms, unable to struggle.
    This kiss is extremely aggressive, completely different from his usual gentleness and obedience. It is bound to take away all your breath. His hands wrap around you tightly, as if he wants to melt you into his body.
    Your mind was in a state of confusion, and you were out of breath from being kissed. Your body softened unsatisfactorily, and your hands lay weakly on his shoulders.
    Just when you thought you were about to suffocate, he finally let go of your poor lips.
    His left hand gently caressed your moist lips, and his right hand flexibly reached into the thin quilt, lifted the edge of the underwear and touched it... It was
    smooth and moist, and he smiled slightly: "Sister, your mouth is not honest, but it is very honest. "
    You blushed instantly and argued feebly: "I don't!"
    "Sister, you said you like me, can we be together?"
    "The love I said is between brother and sister!"
    He didn't say anything. He looked at you covertly, with greedy eyes: "I don't want to be your brother and sister, I want to be your man." "
    I'm sick!" You could only choke out these two words after holding it in for a long time.
    After a long silence, he said: "I used your WeChat to tell that Huang Mao to break up."
    He pulled out the chat history and showed it to you, and added: "He agreed very readily, without even a word of reservation. He's just a prodigal who doesn't care about his feelings. Sister, he doesn't like you one thousandth as much as I do."
    You snatched your phone back. You didn't really care whether we broke up or not. What you cared about was how he knew. Your mobile phone password.
    "How did you open my phone?"
    He leaned over and kissed your forehead, and said, "Your lock screen password is my birthday in the lunar calendar."
    "No," you quickly retorted, "That's my college entrance examination score plus I got one!"
    "Yeah, I remember your college entrance examination score was 608, not 619."
    You didn't expect that he remembered your college entrance examination score better than you did.
    The lie was exposed, and you pushed him away angrily, pulling up the quilt to cover your head.
    "Sister, admit it. In fact, you also like me. I just always thought that this kind of love is bound to the relationship between brother and sister."
    He used his low-magnetic and seductive voice to brainwash you, while leaning down and pulling off the thin quilt on your body. Walk. His big hands roamed your body, and his hot lips and tongue kept lingering on your skin.
    You shuddered at his teasing, waves of electricity surged through your body, and a strange feeling came over you.
    The strange thing is that you don't reject it at all.
    "Sister, is it okay?" He stopped suddenly, with beads of sweat on his forehead, as if he was suppressing the urge to ask for your opinion.
    Your mind went blank for a moment, then you nodded slightly.
    He leaned forward, lowered his head to take the breasts on your chest into his mouth, and slowly pumped them. After your brows stopped frowning, he increased the intensity and amplitude, and the sound of flesh colliding resounded throughout the room.
    "Ah~ be gentle!" You couldn't bear it, so you wrapped your arms around his neck and bit him on the shoulder.
    He kissed your lips soothingly without any loss of strength. He rubbed your buttocks with his big hands, thrusting them more and more quickly.
    In the misty morning, in the fragrant and spacious bedroom, the boy and the girl recognized each other sincerely in the pink and ambiguous atmosphere. Their beautiful bodies tested each other, the temperature rose, and they opened their hearts to each other and became one.
    ————Single article completed————

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