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the dark, paranoid and crazy God of Death? You are trapped by his design (2)

How does he know your name!
    You clearly remember that you never told him his name.
    At this moment, you have goosebumps all over your body and your scalp is numb.
    You were so frightened that you hung up the phone and subconsciously raised your hand to cover your heart.
    One second, two seconds, three seconds pass, why is there no heartbeat?
    You were completely dumbfounded. You were not sleepy, hungry, in pain, or even having a heartbeat.
    When the summer resort came to mind, a legend told by the tour guide - there is Guidu Mountain in the southwest. If you cross that mountain under the guidance of ghosts and gods, the souls of the dead will be trapped in the secluded realm forever.
    On the way out, you remember that the boy took you over a hill...
    Just then, there was a knock on the door of the room.
    The knocking on the door is like a ghost coming, making you break out in a cold sweat.
    You didn't know what to do for a moment and didn't move.
    The person outside the door became more and more anxious and simply kicked the door open. The door panel bounced off the wall and knocked down ash on the floor.
    A hurried white shadow rushed in. The young man's face was full of worry, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that you were safe and sound.
    His handsome eyes were filled with worry, and he asked nervously: "What's wrong with you? Why do you look so ugly, and why don't you say anything on the phone?"
    Your voice was shaking: "I, I just called 110. Why did you answer the phone? ?"
    The young man paused and said, "I guess there was something wrong with the phone. The call was dialed to my room."
    You took a deep breath, but still couldn't calm down: "Then why am I not hungry, sleepy, injured, or in pain?" Heartbeat?"
    This series of questions silenced him.
    After a long time, the young man's handsome eyes flashed with a strange light, and he slightly raised his lips: "What did you guess?"
    You suppressed your tears: "Am I dead? Who are you?"
    He didn't. He answered directly, but moved closer, and unexpectedly raised his hand to rub the top of your hair, and said softly: "Isn't it great that you are not hungry, sleepy, or in pain? From now on, there will be only happiness in your world."
    "So...I'm really dead?"
    When the villa collapsed, you remember that you were hit by a stone and your whole body fell into the lake.
    Then you lose consciousness.
    When you woke up on the shore, you were very lucky that you survived.
    The young man sensed your sadness, and he tried to comfort you: "Do you still remember the way I took you out of the summer resort? We climbed over a hill. That mountain is called Guidu Mountain. If you climb over it, you can leave your soul in the secluded world forever. , will not fall into the underworld and lose consciousness like ordinary ghosts."
    Seeing your eyes getting redder and redder, the boy coaxed more and more gently: "You are living a good life here, you believe me." "
    It sounds like it would be better than being completely dead.
    But you wanted to live more, and you still couldn't help crying.
    You don’t know how long you have been crying, your eyes are swollen from crying.
    He brought a basin of hot water over and eagerly helped you wipe your face.
    "No, I can just do it myself."
    The boy was stunned for a moment, then handed the towel to you, his eyes staring at your every move without blinking.
    After washing your face, you finally felt calmer and asked him: "Then I will stay in the Netherland from now on?" "
    Yes." He was afraid that you would dislike it, so he quickly explained, "The Netherland is very big. The town is just one of them. People in the town are all born ghosts, and so are the two girls at the front desk, so you will find that they disappeared for a while." "
    Born ghosts... How many people in the ghost world are like me later? Who?"
    The young man smiled: "There are many, but they were brought by the ghosts and gods before. Since I took charge of the Netherland, I have only brought you across the mountain alone."
    He felt a little bit asking for credit for some reason.
    You don’t quite understand: “Then why did you only take me over the mountain?
    ” “Then why did you take me over the mountain?” The
    young man looked at you and the tips of his ears turned red quietly: "I don't want you to enter the underworld, it will be very painful there." "
    Thank you..."
    You gradually accepted the fact that you passed away due to an accident, and began to learn about Youjing from him.
    He was very patient, and he would answer whatever you asked.
    You learned that his name was Yan Ci, and he was the new The ghost god who takes office can command all ghosts in the Netherland.
    He is very kind to you and takes you to many places every day.
    The schedule is full every day, and he has traveled all over the Netherland during this time.
    He has not I'm going to lie to you, the ethereal realm is really no worse than the human world.
    Although you won't be hungry, you still have a sense of taste and can eat all kinds of delicious food without stopping, and you don't have to worry about gaining weight.
    "Sijia, do you like it here? "

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