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The mutant boy who is crazy about the perversion × You, the rescuer who is being targeted (1

A major accident occurred in the Lingdao Laboratory, killing countless surrounding residents.
    You rushed to the front line as soon as possible to save lives and heal the wounded.
    The ruins in front of me were lifeless and terrifyingly silent.
    You suddenly feel like your ankles and feet were cut by gravel.
    He lowered his head and glanced down, and there was a small hole very close to him.
    There were a pair of pitch-black eyes inside, eyes as heavy as the sea that suddenly shone with a glimmer of longing and hope, making one's heart tremble at the sight.
    You didn't hesitate to call for help.
    The group of people worked together to rescue the people from the cave.
    The man was a very young boy. He fainted the moment he forced you to call for help.
    Before he fell into coma, he looked at you and said crisply: "Thank you, sister."
    His name is Lingjing, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old. Not only is he handsome, he is also very obedient and lovable.
    You couldn't help but care more about him, and went to see him every now and then.
    But you have been busy with other rescue activities recently and haven't seen him for several days.
    Today, you suddenly received a notice from the hospital saying that Lingjing's injury was suddenly infected...
    You rushed over in a hurry.
    He didn't know what he was thinking while sitting on the edge of the bed. His skin was so pale that there was no blood, and his lips were light-colored. Only his eyes, which were hooked inward and outward, were dark and lively. "Sister, are you here to see me?"
    You clicked. He nodded and put the porridge he brought on the table. "Why did the wound suddenly become infected?"
    He shook his head and said pitifully, "I don't know. I obviously took medicine on time."
    His hands were bandaged. It's hard to hold a spoon.
    "Xiao Jing, how about I feed you?" You hesitated for a few seconds and couldn't stand it anymore.
    He looked surprised, then shook his head and said, "I can trouble you once, but I can't trouble you every day. I don't have money to hire a nurse, so I can always eat slowly." You
    then remembered that he seemed to have mentioned, He is an orphan and his family is impoverished.
    "It doesn't matter, I can feed you until you are healed."
    Although you were busy, you still couldn't bear to see him like this.
    I thought that his injury was not too serious anyway, and he would be able to eat by himself in a week.
    "Isn't sister very busy?" He raised his head, his eyes were disappointed and aggrieved, "You haven't had time to see me recently."
    He was young but thoughtful.
    You smiled awkwardly, "There is still time to deliver food."
    "Then, thank you sister."
    "You're welcome."
    After feeding him, you watched him swallow the medicine before going out with confidence.
    Without even noticing, he spit out the medicine as soon as you stepped out of the door.
    Oddly enough, his injury was repeatedly inflamed and infected many times, and he couldn't get better.
    Patients several times more severe than him can move freely, and he still has to be fed.
    However, he ate politely and quietly, with the pear dimples looming at the corners of his mouth, and his smile was even more endearing, so you weren't bored at all.
    You are just a little worried: "Why can't your injury heal?"
    Lingjing raised his eyes, his eyes fell on your face, and asked softly: "If my injury heals, will my sister stop visiting me? ?"
    I wanted to blurt out, "Do you still need to see me after your injury is healed?" But when I saw his smart and seductive eyes, I couldn't bear to say the words.
    You subconsciously changed your words: "I will come to see you when I have time."
    Hearing this, he smiled so hard that his eyes curled up, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Then can I add my sister as a friend? I will be discharged from the hospital later. Do you want to come and see me?" I can contact you directly."

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