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(forced love) The crazy ex-boyfriend who was abandoned by you × the heartbroken man is not self-conscious

You are born beautiful, come from a good family, and have an interesting personality. You have had no shortage of suitors since you were a child.
    Whether you are the school idol of the sports department, the flower of the high mountain, or the hot-tempered school bully, there is someone who can express his love to you.
    You adhere to the "try" mentality, interact with them seriously, and break up with them if they are not suitable.
    We are all adults, stay together when you are happy, and separate when you are unhappy.
    So far, all the handsome guys I have talked with are very transparent and know how to get together and part ways easily. Although they are occasionally sad and uncomfortable, they have never been too stubborn.
    You have long been accustomed to this way and think this is the correct way to love.
    However, no one can walk by the river without getting wet shoes. There are always some unique lunatics hidden among normal people.
    Your latest boyfriend, Jiang Jin, is quite handsome and has a great figure, but he is too possessive and always jealous.
    He always checks your cell phone, urges you to go home before eight o'clock in the evening, becomes unhappy when he sees you chatting with the opposite sex, and even makes your cat jealous.
    You couldn't bear it anymore: "Let's break up."
    Jiang Jin froze on the spot, his eyes were stunned, and he was holding the dessert he just bought in his hand.
    "Why?" He said harshly, the ends of his eyes were red, and he looked like he was about to cry.
    You turned your face away and said cruelly: "Why are there so many? If you don't want to be together anymore, just break up."
    You opened the door directly, but he blocked the door and refused to let you go.
    "Get out of the way!"
    Jiang Jin not only refused to give in, but also cautiously went to hold your hand, but you ruthlessly shook it away.
    The dessert in his hand fell to the ground, and the pastry instantly shattered into pieces.
    Just like his broken eyes at this time, pitiful: "If you tell me what I didn't do well, I can change it. Please."
    You closed your eyes helplessly and said, "No need. , just break up."
    "I don't want to break up. Please don't break up..." He came up to hug you regardless.
    You took a few steps back and said impatiently: "Can't we get together and part ways? It's really annoying for you to be like this."
    His eyes were filled with tears, and his lips were almost bleeding from his bite, and he stubbornly refused. Let you go.
    The stalemate lasted for almost an hour.
    He finally moved to the side in despair and gave up his position.
    But his eyes were still full of stubbornness: "I won't agree if we don't break up."
    You were too lazy to talk nonsense to him and walked over, then blocked his phone number and WeChat.
    After this boyfriend, you have learned a lesson. You must be cautious in your future relationships.
    But within a month, you couldn't hold on anymore and fell in love with your brother, a surfer.
    this is not your fault! The handsome little puppy pursues you forcefully. He knows all your preferences and steps on your every point. How can anyone resist this?
    "Sister, are you free this weekend? I want to take you to a private island." He asked.
    You were surprised: "Private island?"
    He smiled sheepishly: "Yes, my island. It's great for surfing there." "
    I don't know how to surf."
    "I'll teach you."
    You just want to learn more He asked for some skills and agreed with a smile.
    You first arrived at a port city in Southeast Asia on the same flight, and then took a ferry to the island he was talking about.
    "It's so troublesome. Is that island so remote?" You are a little tired.
    "There are still three hours left. If you are tired, go to bed first."
    You asked for it and fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.
    As you drifted off to sleep, you seemed to hear someone talking next to you.
    What did you say - I delivered the person, remember to pay the money.
    Then you felt yourself being picked up by someone, who carried you off the boat and up the stairs.
    Vaguely you smell the long-lost scent of sandalwood.
    Sandalwood? Isn't this the perfume you often wore last time?
    You opened your eyes suddenly, and what you saw was a handsome face looking up. How come the face was that of your ex?
    When he noticed that you were awake, he tightened his grip a little and carried you into a room.
    After being stunned for a while, you sobered up a lot: "Why is it you? Get out of here!"
    With a snap, he stepped on his feet and closed the door.
    You were gently placed on the bed by him.
    As soon as you lay down, you jumped up and looked around for your bag, only to find it on his arm. "Give me your bag back!"
    Jiang Jin took out the phone from your bag and said jokingly: " What, you want to call your pretty face now?"
    "What do you mean?" You realized something was wrong.
    Jiang Jin played a recording in front of you.
    The content is very simple. From beginning to end, the little puppy comes to you as his instruction.
    You realized it later, no wonder that person understood you so well when he first appeared, and you foolishly thought you had met the chosen one.
    It turned out to be his trick.
    "We said we should get together and part ways, what do you want to do now?" Your eyes widened with anger and disgust.
    Jiang Jin is the most handsome person you have ever had a relationship with, but he is also the most difficult to deal with. You almost regret it to death.
    He was stung by the strong disgust in your eyes, lowered his eyes, smiled, and broke your phone in front of you.
    Then he opened the cabinet on the side and took out a set of locks...
    "What are you doing?" You were frightened by him and stepped back quickly.
    But your ankle was grabbed by him. His strength was so strong that you couldn't resist at all, and your whole body was dragged by him.
    Follow-up: The male protagonist locks the female protagonist into a small dark room and forces love
    to be watched. ID: Xiong Xiongnan

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