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Crazy Bamboo Horse × Yandere Tiansheng × Sweet Little Qingmei You (Part 2)

After you put on your makeup, you hurried to the artificial lake and specially ordered a bouquet.
    After waiting patiently for nearly half an hour, Lin Zhihuai still didn't show up.
    You quickly sent a message to Qi Xin: [Why hasn’t Lin Zhihuai come yet? ]
    Qi Xin: [Didn’t he leave long ago? 】
    You frowned immediately and looked around to make sure there wasn't even a ghost. "No, he's not coming." ]
    Qi Xin: [He said he was almost there forty minutes ago. If you really don't see anyone... it can only mean that he doesn't want to come. 】
    This news is like a bolt from the blue, and your mood instantly sinks to the bottom.
    If you don't want to give in, keep waiting.
    But when it got dark, no one came to keep the appointment.
    You sent a message to Lin Zhihuai without giving up: [Are you in trouble now? 】
    However, the other party did not reply at all.
    A thunderstorm started coming near nine o'clock, and you ran into the pavilion to hide from the rain. The wind by the lake was chilly, and you were wearing thin clothes and shivering from the cold.
    The pent-up emotions suddenly came to you, and you couldn't help crying while squatting.
    Were all the previous feelings wrong? Doesn't Lin Zhihuai like you at all?
    Then why would he stay up late to help you draw pictures, vote for you at meetings every time, and go out of his way to bring you midnight snacks?
    "Isn't it embarrassing for such an old man to cry?"
    A familiar voice came from above your head, and you knew it was Qi Xin without looking up.
    He must be looking at your jokes with disdain, and he must be laughing at your stupidity in his heart.
    You cried to yourself and ignored him. After a while, you suddenly felt a warm breath approaching, and the next moment you were pulled into a warm embrace.
    You raised your head blankly, with tears still hanging from the corners of your eyes, and looked at him in confusion: "What are you doing?"
    "Crying while holding her, it's not that cold." He turned his face away, unable to see his emotions clearly.
    It was rare that this mean-mouthed guy spoke human words, and you didn't care how many tears were shed on your face, you just buried your head in him.
    "Aren't you stupid to cry like this for this kind of man?" Qi Xin rubbed the top of your hair randomly.
    He kept urging you in your ear, and you were annoyed by him, so you puffed up your cheeks and said, "I won't do it anymore!" "
    Who knows if you will contact him again after today? Anyway, you never I don’t have a long memory.” He deliberately provoked you.
    "No!" You angrily took out your phone and blocked Lin Zhihuai in front of him.
    Qi Xin's lips curled up slightly, "You'd better really be able to do it."
    "I will!"
    Of course you can do it. Others have rejected you so coldly. No matter how much you like it, you will never be cold-hearted. Ass.
    Since that day, you have never contacted Lin Zhihuai, nor has he contacted you.
    A week later, the club will have a meeting. The thought of meeting Lin Zhihuai makes you feel uncomfortable.
    But unexpectedly, you didn't see Lin Zhihuai at all.
    "Well, why didn't Lin Zhihuai come today?" You asked a boy who was closest to Lin Zhihuai.
    The boy was surprised: "Don't you know? Lin Zhihuai had a car accident."
    You were instantly shocked: "Car accident? When did it happen?"
    "It was just last Saturday."
    Last Saturday... wasn't it you who asked him to go? The day we meet at the artificial lake?
    You were shocked. Could it be that he didn't come to the appointment or reply to messages because he was in a car accident?
    After asking about the hospital where Lin Zhihuai is staying, you immediately take a taxi to the hospital to see him.
    In the car, the driver glanced at the rearview mirror several times and said strangely: "Little girl, the car behind seems to be following us."
    You turned around and saw a taxi following closely behind you, but you didn't take it seriously. It's probably just a coincidence."
    You're not a big shot, and you don't have any enemies.
    I usually say that just to joke with Qi Xin. You never feel like you're being followed.
    After arriving at the hospital, you successfully found Lin Zhihuai's ward.
    "Let me see you." You said, walking in and putting the fruit basket aside.
    Lin Zhihuai was lying with a plaster on his leg and his face was pale. When he saw you coming out, his gray eyes instantly brightened, but soon dimmed again.
    He lowered his eyes, and his pale handsome face looked depressed and pitiful.
    Seeing him so haggard, you felt distressed and asked, "What's going on with you...?" "
    Qi Xin invited me to go to the Provincial Museum on Saturday afternoon, but I didn't expect there was a car accident on the way..."
    "Wait a minute!" You interrupted him, "Museum?"

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