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the cruel yandere and crazy cat demon × Buddhist beauty you (2)

At this time, Tan Xu specially brought a plate of tripe and asked you with a smile: "Do you want to eat tripe? I'll help you rinse it...ah!"
    He suddenly screamed.
    Everyone looked over in surprise when they heard the sound, and found that the gentle ragdoll cat unexpectedly jumped on Tanxu and bit his arm.
    "Ozawa!" You were shocked. You never expected that the normally so well-behaved ragdoll cat would actually bite someone today.
    Despite such a commotion, it still glared at Tanxu menacingly.
    You scolded it and quickly took Tanxu to a nearby hospital to get a rabies vaccine.
    Others are going to follow. A good dinner party was ruined.
    When he saw that you didn't kiss him before going out as usual, Ozawa suddenly panicked, and he whimpered and ran over to chase you.
    But you just closed the door with your backhand.
    Ozawa stared blankly at the door that was slammed shut, spinning with anxiety, and his bright eyes suddenly filled with tears.
    Its snow-white body exuded translucent light, and after a few seconds, it gradually transformed into a handsome young man.
    The young man's flirtatious eyes glowed blue, his red lips drooped, and he was in a very bad mood.
    With a cold face, he wanted to open the door and walk out.
    "I'm sorry." You apologized sincerely after paying Tan Xu's medical bills.
    Tan Xu: "It's okay. Besides, there's nothing wrong with me?"
    He was so generous, which made you even more embarrassed.
    You bought him some fruit, apologized again and again, and then returned home.
    Tanxu watched you enter the subway station with a smile on his lips.
    When your figure disappeared from the subway entrance, Tanxu was about to turn around when someone tapped him on the shoulder.
    He turned his head in surprise and saw an extremely delicate young man.
    The person who came had handsome features, fair skin, and was extremely tall.
    "Who are you?" Tan Xu confirmed that he did not recognize this boy who was more handsome than a celebrity.
    Ozawa looked at him coldly and said slowly: "I am her boyfriend."
    Ozawa rarely spoke human language. When he suddenly spoke like this, his tone was a bit awkward, but he could understand it.
    "Her? Which her are you referring to?" Tanxu was confused.
    "Wang Qinyue."
    Wang Qinyue is you.
    Tan Xu's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Wang Qinyue? How come I don't know at all." After all,
    he is also a member of the same group who has worked with you for two years, and he even specifically inquired with your good friend, but you didn't know anything about it at all. Boyfriend.
    Otherwise, he won't be able to be nice to you and even plan to chase you.
    "There are so many things you don't know." Ozawa said disdainfully. As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and opened his circle of friends. There were several photos of him and you in it.
    Those photos were all taken while you were asleep.
    In the photo, you were placed in front of the window with your eyes closed, and he turned his head to kiss your cheek.
    It looks like you are hugging each other under the moonlight and you close your eyes to feel his kiss.
    So sweet.
    Little did he know that you were completely asleep at the time, and your body was supported by his hand on your waist.
    Photos like this are enough to prove your relationship.
    "Why, why has her friend circle never posted these..." Despite seeing such strong evidence, Tan Xu still refused to believe it.
    When Ozawa heard this, he continued without changing his expression: "You are just ordinary colleagues. Of course she won't let you see her in all her friends." "
    Then you came here to tell me what's going on?"
    Ozawa As if he were a palace official, his tone was cold and arrogant: "Yueyue is simple, she may not be able to tell. But as a man, I
    can tell what you are thinking at a glance." With one word, Tanxu didn't expect that he had hidden his thoughts so deeply. , and was actually guessed by the faceless person in front of him.
    He couldn't help but frown: "How do you know?"

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