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the extremely possessive and sinister male protagonist x you who fell into the wolf pit (2)

On the weekend, you chose a nearby summer resort to play.
    Unexpectedly, after scoring twice, you were kidnapped again.
    Fortunately, you didn't suffer much and were rescued by He Cheng.
    But this time you were really frightened. You wrapped your hands around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist. You kept sobbing: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I never want to go out alone again."
    He Cheng comforted him patiently. You: "Blame me, blame me. Wherever you go from now on, I will accompany you, okay?"
    "Okay." You clung to him like an octopus, and the uneasiness and panic finally subsided.
    Since then, you have become more closed off and more dependent on He Cheng.
    It seems like he is the only one in your life.
    Sooner or later something will go wrong if this goes on. If you think about having a child, it might be better.
    In the evening, you kissed him affectionately and said coquettishly, "Shall we have a baby?"
    He Cheng rarely hesitated and said, "Is it too early?"
    "It's not too early. We have been married for almost a year."
    Seeing that you were serious, He Cheng quickly smiled and said, "I listen to you."
    The long eyelashes covered the undercurrent under his eyes, and even more concealed his true thoughts.
    Three months have passed.
    There is no movement in your stomach at all.
    You decide to go to the hospital for a checkup.
    You originally wanted He Cheng to go with you, but thinking that he was very busy with a new project recently, you couldn't bear to trouble him.
    I had no choice but to hire a bodyguard to accompany you to the hospital.
    Enemies meet on a narrow road. You didn't expect that the doctor who treated you this time was Bai Lin.
    You immediately want to change doctors, but all other doctors are fully booked today.
    Thinking that there is surveillance here and Bai Lin doesn't dare to mess around, you feel relieved.
    However, after the examination, Bai Lin's expression was very strange: "You said you wanted to have a child, so why have you been taking birth control pills?"
    "I didn't." You quickly denied.
    Bai Lin was stunned for a moment, then curled his lips and said with a smile: "The examination report shows that you have been taking short-acting anti-yang medicine for three months."
    You are sure that you have not taken it, but the examination report cannot deceive anyone, so there is only one It's possible...
    Thinking that the person you trust the most, while saying to cooperate with you, secretly drugged you, your blood suddenly ran cold.
    Bai Lin also guessed it, and her smile grew wildly: "It seems that he doesn't like you either. He is not willing to let you carry his child at all." "
    What?" Your scalp went numb. What did she mean?
    Bai Lin suddenly stood up and locked the door of the consulting room.
    She stood in front of you and sneered: "Actually, Feng Yihan never approached me. It was me who was creating the misunderstanding. He didn't celebrate my birthday on the day you were kidnapped. It was me who knocked him out. He is such an unlucky guy, so far. I don’t even know why you don’t want him anymore.”
    Seeing your confused face, Bai Lin smiled even more, she had been waiting for this day for a long time.
    She continued: "He Cheng asked me to do this. Also, why do you think He Cheng was able to save you in such a timely manner?" The
    blood in your body seemed to be flowing backwards, and your body was shivering from the cold.
    This reaction made Bai Lin even more happy: "Because he planned the kidnapping from beginning to end..." There was
    a loud bang, and the door of the department was kicked open from the outside.
    He Cheng appeared at the door inexplicably. His face was pale and panicked like never before.

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