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Crazy Bamboo Horse × Yandere Tiansheng × Sweet Little Qingmei You (Part 2)

Yes, the Provincial Museum...what's wrong?" Lin Zhihuai raised his eyes, his eyes were clean and clear, as if they had just cried and were stained with moisture, and he looked over in confusion.
    "It's obviously an artificial lake!" You are shocked. What on earth is going on?
    "I'll ask him." You walked out of the ward immediately.
    And the moment you turned around, the pitiful look on Lin Zhihuai's face disappeared.
    He sneered, Qi Xin, are you the only one who wants to steal her from me?
    You walked to the end of the corridor and dialed Qi Xin's number.
    "Why did you tell Lin Zhihuai that it was the Provincial Museum?"
    Qi Xin: "I was talking about the artificial lake."
    "Impossible, Lin Zhihuai said you asked him to go to the Provincial Museum, and he accidentally went out on the way. There was a car accident."
    Qi Xin paused, his voice was low, and he could hear his displeasure: "Do you believe him, or do you believe me?"
    You fell silent immediately, this was really a fatal question.
    "I'm not questioning you, I'm just wondering if you accidentally said something wrong?"
    Qi Xin said firmly: "No way. I'm sure it's an artificial lake. Lin Zhihuai must be lying."
    You : "..."
    There is no point in continuing to argue about this issue, so you cut your losses immediately: "Forget it, forget it, it's not important..."
    "Why isn't it important?" Qi Xin refused to let you avoid this topic, " Who do you believe?"
    Who do you believe? To be fair, you both believed it, but one of them must have lied.
    No matter who lied, you will feel bad.
    When you encounter such a difficult problem, you subconsciously choose to avoid it.
    After a long silence, Qi Xin asked you again, who do you believe?
    You sighed and whispered: "I don't want to answer this question. Let's talk about it later. I'm hanging up."
    You returned to the ward.
    When Lin Zhihuai saw you reappearing, his fair and frail handsome face immediately overflowed with a smile: "I almost thought you wouldn't come again..." "
    No, I just took a long time on the phone."
    " That's good." Lin Zhihuai was obviously relieved. He was afraid that you would leave soon, so he quickly added, "How about you sit down for a while first."
    You sat next to him and asked, "On Saturday, Did he really ask you to go to the Provincial Museum?"
    "Yes." Lin Zhihuai nodded without hesitation.
    His expression was serious and sincere, not like he was lying at all.
    You don't understand what went wrong in the communication between them, which caused the two completely different places of "artificial lake" and "provincial museum" to be confused.
    "Lan Lan, on Saturday, it wasn't Qi Xin who was looking for me, it was you who was looking for me, right?" A few minutes later, Lin Zhihuai suddenly spoke.
    You came back to your senses, nodded, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I don't know what went wrong here and let you go to the Provincial Museum, but if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have gone..." "
    What's going on? Can I blame you?" Lin Zhihuai gently interrupted your self-blame, "What did you want to say to me when you came to me that day?"
    Unexpectedly, he suddenly mentioned this matter. After multiple misunderstandings, you now feel complicated. , some of the things I wanted to say at that time couldn’t be said.
    But he looked at you for a moment, his eyes as clear as water attracting your attention like a whirlpool, "Actually, I guessed it. You don't need to say it now." You were
    shocked, he actually guessed it, Now I won't let you say it. Does this mean you refuse?
    "I don't mean to refuse." Lin Zhihuai accurately guessed your every thought and said promptly, "It's because I think it's me who should say those words."
    You finally realized what he meant, and your heart beat faster and faster. Coming faster and faster.
    Lin Zhihuai: "Qi Xin asked me to go to the Provincial Museum that day. I guessed that you might want to confess to me. I didn't plan to let you say it first. I bought the flowers and planned to confess my love as soon as I got there. I didn't expect to encounter a car accident."
    He paused and said solemnly again: "Lan Lan, I like you very much, can you be my girlfriend?"
    At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open with great force and a voice burst out. A noise interrupted your attempt to say yes.
    Qi Xin, who was supposed to be at school, appeared at the door unexpectedly.
    Qi Xin had obviously just run over and was still panting. He said in a deep voice: "Lan Lan, you go back to school first. Teacher Tan has something to do with you."

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