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The bad psychotherapist?? Anxious social animal you (3)

You were confused by his question and raised your voice: "What can I do with him?" "
    I'm just asking, why are you so anxious? Are you feeling guilty?"
    Your boyfriend frowned, and the veins on his hand holding the steering wheel bulged. He directly After parking the car on the road, the face that turned around looked a little scary.
    The image of a domestic violence man in the TV series suddenly flashed through your mind, and your whole body became alert.
    "Calm down, Dr. Xiao and I really have nothing to do with each other."
    Seeing your obviously frightened look, your boyfriend felt anxious. He didn't want to be angry, let alone appear angry.
    He just couldn't control himself. There seemed to be a will-o'-the-wisp controlling him in his heart, causing him to completely lose his composure.
    So much so that the moment he raised his hand to strangle your neck, he came to his senses.
    "Yuanyuan, I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to..." Your boyfriend's hands were trembling, shocked and guilty because he just pinched you as if he was being manipulated.
    Your face is so pale that there is no blood, there are red marks on your neck that he just pinched, and your whole body is trembling with coldness. Benzene逅continuationjǐāňɡ茬põ18w.ⅵp鲠新綪 to põ18wⅵpContinue reading
    Sure enough, the dream is a warning.
    You were scared and heartbroken, you didn't expect him to have such a scary side.
    You couldn't say anything and just ran away from the car. Your legs were so weak that you couldn't run fast at all.
    Your boyfriend chased after you anxiously, shouting urgently: "Yuanyuan!"
    "Don't come over! Please don't come over!" You cried and begged him, feeling desperate in your heart. At this moment, you returned to those nightmares.
    Your boyfriend won't really catch up with you and torture you to death like in the nightmare, right?
    When you are at your most desperate, a car suddenly drives up the road.
    Through the car window, Xiao Fang's voice was gentle and powerful: "Yuanyuan, get in the car."
    seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and got into his car as quickly as possible.
    Behind your ears, you hear your boyfriend shouting your name hoarsely, as angry as you want, as broken as you want.
    But you were trapped in fear and didn't dare to look back at all. You sent a trembling message to your boyfriend: "We are not suitable, let's break up." 】
    The end of this five-year first love is like a string being stretched out, and your emotions are overwhelming.
    The carriage was soon filled with your cries.
    Xiao Fang, who was in the driver's seat, thoughtfully handed over a tissue.
    Only then did you realize that you were in someone else's car, and you quickly stopped crying: "Thank you."
    "You don't have to be polite to me." He pressed the window down a little, and the breeze blew in, blowing away a lot of the dullness. , "Where do you live? I'll take you back?"
    "I don't want to go home."
    You came to City A to work. You usually live with your boyfriend, but you don't dare to go back there now.
    Not only is it expensive to stay in a hotel, but it is also easy for your boyfriend to find you.
    You are suddenly in trouble.
    Xiao Fang saw your difficulty and said gentlemanly: "If you don't mind, you can go to one of my apartments first. No one usually lives there." "
    How can this be done? You have already helped me a lot..."
    " Don't be so polite to me. You are not only my patient, but also my friend."
    When Xiao Fang said this, the light from the screen of the tall building opposite happened to shine on his handsome face, and his expression was extremely sincere in the colorful light.
    For a moment, your heart beat uncontrollably.
    You would never do such a presumptuous and troublesome thing before.
    But today, maybe you were scared out of your mind by your boyfriend, or maybe Xiao Fang showed up in time to save you when your heart was fragile...
    You didn't know why, so you just nodded inadvertently.
    Xiao Fang's apartment is in the city center, closer to where you work.
    You didn't have the nerve to live in vain, so you insisted on paying the rent to him.
    During this period, you continue to receive unknown calls. You don't have to guess that they are from your ex-boyfriend.
    I originally wanted to not answer the call, but considering that I have pushed my ex-boyfriend to the edge, it would be very serious if he went to the company to find you.
    So this time you answered.
    "Yuanyuan..." The ex-boyfriend's voice was hoarse and weak, as if he was seriously ill. "I really didn't know what happened that day. It was like I was possessed by a ghost. I didn't mean it. I was wrong. Why are you so angry and blaming me? It's okay, don't break up, okay?"
    "No. I'm sorry, I can't look at you directly now. We really can't be together anymore."
    There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time.
    Nearly ten minutes passed, and you almost hung up the phone before he spoke again: "Are you in love with someone else?" "
    I'm not."
    "Ever since you went to Dr. Xiao's every week, you started to have feelings for me. I'm very cold. You won't sleep with me at night and ignore me during the day."
    You sighed and said tiredly, "It has nothing to do with others."
    "Then why on earth?!"
    At this point, you have to be with me. He told the truth, confessing the month-long horrific nightmare and Xiao Fang's diagnosis of him...
    "It's impossible... I have never been violent. It was really an accident that day..." The ex-boyfriend's voice trembled slightly. , probably because he himself was a little shaken.
    After all, it was a fact that he lost control and strangled you that day, even though it was not his intention.
    You closed your eyes and said, "So let's stop here. If you have time, you should go to psychotherapy as soon as possible."
    After dealing with the ex-boyfriend matter, you finally breathed a sigh of relief.
    After Xiao Fang found out, he brought a lot of delicious food to celebrate your getting rid of all this.
    "Thank you, Doctor Xiao. I will find a good house as soon as possible."
    Xiao Fang paused and asked, "Isn't it good here?"
    "It's good. But I don't want to trouble you all the time."
    Xiao Fang tilted his head , those starry eyes looked directly at you without hesitation: "Yuanyuan, I don't think it's troublesome."
    The nights in City A have always been lively and luxurious, and the luxurious night view outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the apartment is charming. The way he looked at you at this time was even more unsettling. clean.

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