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The bad psychotherapist?? Anxious social animal you (2)

His gentle voice calmed you down a lot.
    After a few seconds of pause, you finally came to your senses and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I just had a nightmare."
    He breathed a sigh of relief and came over to hug you gently: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'm by your side."
    You lowered your head silently.
    It doesn't seem like it's a good thing to have him around now...
    "It's only around four o'clock now, continue to sleep, I'll hold you." He said and turned off the light again, holding you in his arms.
    In the past, when you were in a bad mood, he would put you to sleep.
    But tonight, the more he coaxes you, the more you can’t help but think of the scene in your nightmare.
    "Well, I'm not sleepy anymore. You can go to sleep." You struggled to get up.
    The boyfriend frowned: "Are you really not sleepy? You have to go to work tomorrow."
    "Not sleepy." I don't dare to sleep even if I'm sleepy. You'll be scared to death if you have such a dream again.
    You went to the living room and sat there until dawn.
    I thought this night's nightmare was just an exception, but I didn't expect that you would have similar nightmares every time you slept from now on.
    The people who kill you and torture you in your dreams all have the face of your boyfriend.
    So much so that when you see your boyfriend now, you feel a little bit PTSD, and you are subconsciously afraid of him and want to avoid him.
    Naturally, my boyfriend noticed it too.
    "Yuanyuan, I noticed that you have been so cold to me recently and you have been avoiding me."
    You lowered your head, not even daring to look at his face, and explained in a low voice: "I'm sorry... I'm not in a good state lately."
    "Yes. Did you encounter something unpleasant at work?"
    You didn't know how to explain it to him, so you could only say: "No, it's just that you always have nightmares."
    "Why are you ignoring me when you have nightmares?" Your boyfriend got angry. He felt aggrieved. He obviously did nothing wrong, but you were so cold and avoidant towards him.
    "I will go see a doctor."
    Your boyfriend is very helpless, but every time you get close, you are afraid, and he can only sulk alone.
    "Dr. Xiao, what is the reason for having such horrible dreams every day?"
    You have asked Dr. Xiao the same question for the nth time.
    But Xiao Fang never gets bored and remains gentle and patient: "This may symbolize your loss of control or insecurity in real life, or it may be a warning." "
    Warning?" You suddenly frowned, "Warn me. Will your boyfriend be a domestic violence man in the future?"
    "This is impossible to determine. If you are really worried about this situation, you can find a time to ask your boyfriend to come over and have a look." "
    I will bring him here tomorrow." You are very worried Trust Dr. Xiao, he is the most famous psychotherapist in City A.
    Xiao Fang smiled lightly: "Okay, I'll reserve time for you."
    You told your boyfriend about this when you got home.
    Your boyfriend is extremely confused: "Why do you need to see a psychiatrist?"
    "You happen to be under a lot of stress recently, so just take a look." You didn't dare to be too straightforward for fear of making him angry, so you had to act coquettishly and beg him to go.
    In the end, your boyfriend couldn't resist you and reluctantly agreed.
    The next day.
    When he first met Xiao Fang, his boyfriend's alarm went off: "Is he the psychiatrist you see every week?"
    "Yes." You nodded.
    The boyfriend frowned and was very unhappy: "You never told me he looked like this." He
    came to see such a tall and handsome young doctor every week, and still spent more than several hours alone in such a private space. The boyfriend had to think more.
    You heard what he meant and laughed dumbly: "What are you thinking? I'm really here to treat anxiety."
    At this moment, Dr. Xiao had turned around and said with a smile: "Come here and sit here first."
    Your boyfriend didn't After talking again, he walked over with a sullen face and sat on the machine.
    Anyone who saw it could tell that he was in a very bad mood.
    Dr. Xiao is kind-hearted to help you. He didn’t take any money from you for this test. Your boyfriend’s sudden expression made you very embarrassed.
    Fortunately, Xiao Fang didn't care at all and said to you with a smile: "You go to the lounge outside first. No third person can be present during the formal process." "
    Oh, okay." You didn't think much and walked away. Lounge etc.
    After about an hour, the process ended.
    While your boyfriend is still recovering from his sobriety, you quietly ask Xiao Fang: "How is it?"
    Xiao Fang rarely shows hesitation and says euphemistically: "It can only mean that there is a high probability. It may not really develop like that."
    Hearing this, your heart suddenly dropped.
    "Then what should I do..."
    "If you are really scared, I suggest you stop your losses in time."
    Tears welled up unsatisfactorily. You wiped them away a few times, choked and said thank you to the doctor, your heart was in a mess.
    On the way home, my boyfriend didn’t even ask about the results of this psychological test.
    "Don't you care about your own affairs?" You couldn't help but ask him.
    The boyfriend was puzzled: "I don't have a mental illness. It's because you kept pestering me that I came here. Could it be that I'm really sick?" "
    ..." You fell silent.
    "Ignoring this in advance, do you really have nothing to do with that Dr. Xiao? The way he looks at you is obviously not right." He changed the subject.

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