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the crazy and yandere brother who has been coveting for you for a long time x the cool and beautiful sister

You live in a dysfunctional family.
    My father had an affair early on, dumped my mother, and married a mistress.
    In such a big house, your life is not as good as that of a servant, and the only one who cares about you is your mistress's son.
    He is one year younger than you. He is in the same class as you after skipping a grade. He has excellent grades and is better than you in everything.
    But he just likes to stick to you. No matter how much you annoy him, he will follow you shamelessly.
    During the college entrance examination year, you applied for a university far away from home.
    "Sister, your grades can definitely apply to University A." Lin Beixiao suddenly found you the day before the application deadline.
    You rolled your eyes at him: "It's none of your business."
    He didn't care about your bad attitude and still tried to persuade you.
    "Have you said enough?" You threw the cup in your hand irritably.
    It was just a casual throw, but he suddenly moved a step and the cup hit his forehead, causing blood to flow instantly.
    He wiped his hands casually, and his hands were covered with blood. When he raised his head, his eyes were extremely aggrieved: "Sister..."
    You quickly found the medical kit, "What do you want to do if you don't hide but still move up?"
    He squatted down and raised his head. He held his head and asked you to help bandage it: "I want you to calm down."
    You were stunned: "Why calm down?"
    He looked at you for a few seconds and said in a low voice: "Isn't it because of anger that he chose a school so far away?"
    When he said it right, your expression froze and you remained silent.
    "Sister." He took advantage of this and continued, his tone sincere and a bit coquettish, "Let's think about it again."
    At this time, your stepmother happened to be passing by and rushed over and pushed you away.
    The stepmother said angrily: "Lin Xue, what are you crazy about? You didn't do well in the exam and you took the anger out on my son?"
    You did not do well in the exam, and Lin Beixiao was the top scorer in the city. Everyone in the family thought you were jealous. go Ape.
    Your stepmother's attitude instantly wakes you up completely. You shouldn't hesitate.
    You threw down the gauze and let Lin Beixiao bandage it himself, then turned and left.
    "Sister!" Lin Beixiao suddenly panicked. He didn't care about the bleeding injury, and stepped forward to hold your hand, but you shook it away indifferently.
    Watching you leave, his heart sank to the bottom and his whole body became cold. He knew that you had made up your mind.
    The stepmother hurriedly cared about him: "Son, are you okay..."
    The cuteness on Lin Beixiao's face disappeared in an instant, and he threw her away impatiently, with cold eyes: "Who told you to meddle in other people's business?
    " She looked at him in confusion: "You were smashed by her, what did I say wrong about her?"
    "Even if I was smashed to death by her, it wouldn't be your turn to control me!" Lin Beixiao's expression suddenly changed, and he was so cruel. Shocked, "Don't let me hear you say anything about her again."
    The stepmother looked at him in disbelief. At this moment, she seemed not to recognize her son, who had been excellent and obedient since childhood.
    There are only twenty minutes left before the application deadline.
    The young man outside the door begged for a long time, "Sister, please open the door."
    You closed your eyes, walked over and opened the door, and said, "Don't waste your breath."
    "Sister..." He knew he couldn't persuade him. You changed your request, "Can you keep in touch after you go to college?"
    You shook your head: "That's not necessary."
    You no longer want to have anything to do with this family member.
    From the moment you arrived at college, you blocked everyone in your family.
    Since the beginning of the school year, you have received many requests, phone calls, and text messages.
    These all come from one person - Lin Beixiao.
    He always said tirelessly: [Sister, how are you doing there? 】, 【Can you just contact me? I won’t tell anyone at home. 】
    You ignored him once and blocked him every time. You didn't know that he had so many accounts and he hadn't stopped using them since you enrolled in school for two months.
    The latest time, he said he misses you so much and wants to come to you.
    You didn't take it seriously at all.
    But within a few days, he really traveled across most of Z country to find you.
    He stood at the school gate, unable to get in without a campus card, and dialed your number over and over again.
    "Sister, come out and see me. Just one meeting. Please."
    You looked over the fence and saw his lonely back. You hesitated for a moment, and finally cut off the phone call cruelly.
    Soon it started to rain heavily. He didn't bring an umbrella and was soaked to the skin. He still stood stubbornly at the door and waited.
    In the end, the security guard couldn't stand it anymore and drove him away.
    He hasn't bothered you since.
    one year later.
    On the weekend, on the way back to school from your part-time job, you met an alcoholic who didn't know where he came from.
    When he saw that you were alone, he suddenly became bolder and said, "Beauty, let's make a friend."
    You couldn't help but speed up your steps, trying to avoid him.
    Unexpectedly, this directly angered him. He stepped forward and grabbed your hand. The stench of alcohol made you want to vomit.
    "Get away." You struggled desperately, but you couldn't escape an angry drunkard.
    Just when you were about to collapse, the strength in your hands loosened, and screams followed immediately.
    The boy you haven't seen for a long time appears in front of you.
    "Lin Beixiao?"
    He grabbed the drunkard's hair with one hand and beat him hard with the other. Each punch was harder than the last, and every kick was extremely harsh. The hostility emanating from his body was terrifying.
    Soon the drunkard was beaten until he fell to the ground, wailing and begging for mercy, and there was blood on his body.
    stop fighting. "You were afraid of causing trouble, and wanted Lin Beixiao to stop in a furious state.
    But Lin Beixiao didn't listen at all, and you wanted to beat the man to death.
    "Lin Beixiao! You struggled to raise your voice, "If you keep fighting, something will happen. There is no need to ruin your future because of this kind of person." Only then did he
    let go, and his eyes were particularly bright under the moonlight: "You actually care about me, right?" "
    "It does not matter. "You quickly called 120.
    Lin Beixiao snatched your phone, pressed it off, and stared at you stubbornly: "It's important, you answer me first. "
    You are so anxious that he can't carry it clearly.
    "Yes, I care about you too. "You nodded perfunctorily, just wanting to take the drunkard who fell to the ground to the hospital.
    Lin Beixiao then returned the phone to you.
    It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night after I finished dealing with the drunkard.
    "I'll take you back to school." He said before he could.
    You were frightened by the drunkard and didn't dare to go back alone: ​​"Okay."
    When you arrived at the school gate, silence spread between you.
    In the end, it was you who spoke first: "How long have you been following me?"
    He said in a solemn voice, "It's been a year. I come here every weekend."
    You were shocked. He had been following you quietly for so long, but you actually stopped him once. not found.
    "Why?" You looked up at him.
    The ends of his eyes were very red, as if he was trying not to cry: "I want to see you, but I'm afraid you'll hate me."
    You were silent for a long time, then compromised: "I can see you in the future if you want."
    "Really?" He was overjoyed. Kuang, no matter what, he stepped forward and hugged you tightly, his voice filled with tears, "Sister, I really miss you." "
    Well, it's very late. Let's rest first."
    "Good night, sister." I
    'll wait for you to leave . , he immediately put away the grievance on his face, and his eyes were filled with ambition that he was bound to win.
    He went to the hospital again.
    When the drunkard on the hospital bed saw that he was the only one here, he immediately sat up and said, "You are too harsh. You have to pay more."
    If he knew that he would be beaten half to death for acting in this scene, he would never accept it.
    "You can add more money." Lin Beixiao smiled extremely coldly. He walked over and raised his hand to press the drunkard's arm, "But your hand touched her, is it fair to take it off?"
    ----- ----------
    Follow-up on Ai Power Generation: Xiong Xiongnan

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