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Miaojiang's yandere boy x sweet and cute little white flower you

 [Single articles can be read directly. Forced love + yandere + HE]
    When you first arrived in Miao Village, the tour guide always pestered you to buy specialties. You guys took the trouble and finally decided to leave the group and go shopping by yourself.
    There are three of you classmates, and you are all very curious people.
    Regardless of whether it is a wooden house or a brick house, you have to take a look. When you walk to the back hill, a brown-red stilt building there attracts your attention.
    You walked in front and asked politely: "Can I visit here?"
    There was an old woman mending clothes sitting at the door. She smiled at you with a sullen mouth and pointed in with her old hand.
    The general idea is that you are welcome to visit.
    You raise your feet to cross the high threshold and lower your head to pass through the vertical black curtain. It is very spacious and dark inside, with a strange fragrance.
    After taking a few steps, you suddenly stopped and saw a thin young man standing beside the carved wood in the center of the hall.
    He is wearing a blue Miao costume, his skin is particularly fair, his facial features are clear and handsome, and his eyes that look towards you are very bright, like the bright moon in the night sky.
    Your heart trembled at the sight of him, your heart beat involuntarily and rapidly, and the little man in your mind was screaming and dancing wildly.
    For a moment, one word comes to your mind - stunning.
    You felt happy to see such a young and handsome man in such an ancient Miao village, and greeted him with a smile: "Hello."
    He looked at you quietly without speaking.
    Soon, two other classmates also came in. The moment they saw the boy, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "He is so handsome!" "
    How old is he? He looks younger than us, right?"
    "I don't know." You Shake his head.
    He does look like he is in his teens, and the three of you are all about to graduate from college.
    The boy suddenly walked up to you, his thin lips slightly curved, revealing his first smile since entering the room.
    So is this greeting him before responding to you?
    Your smile grew even wider: "How old are you?"
    The boy remained silent, but his twinkling eyes remained glued to your face.
    Two classmates whispered: "He can't understand Mandarin?"
    "Probably." You agreed with your classmate's guess, and turned to look at the boy again.
    He still maintains the same posture as before, looking at you with bright eyes, his eyes are extremely focused, as if the other two people are nothing.
    "Why is he only staring at you?" A classmate whispered in your ear.
    You frowned and shook your head, saying, "I don't know."
    After wandering around for a few times, the boy followed you closely and never took his eyes away from you.
    "It's weird here, or let's go."
    This stilted building is much darker and cooler than other rooms. There is also a strange young man inside who has been staring at you. You nodded and hurriedly walked out with your classmates.
    When you walked to the door, the young man followed you at some point, walking faster than you.
    His tall body blocked the door, and he said his first words in a long time: "Are you leaving so soon?"
    You were surprised: "So you understand and can speak Mandarin!"
    The other two classmates They were all shocked.
    You said, "We only bought tickets for the one-day trip, and there are still many places we haven't seen yet. Let's go now."
    The boy stared at you silently, refusing to give in.
    "Will you give in?" You couldn't help it anymore and spoke again.
    The young man lowered his eyes, and through the light outside, you saw that the ends of his eyes were a little red.
    After a stalemate for nearly a minute, the boy finally moved a few steps to the side in silence, and you stepped out with relief.
    The moment you stepped out of the stilted building, you felt some itching and slight pain in the middle finger of your right hand.
    You raised your hand and looked, but there was nothing on your fingers. Maybe you touched the door frame and were pricked by tiny sawdust.
    But no one noticed that after you left the stilted building, the young man stood at the door and stared at your back for a long, long time.
    Night falls.
    You returned to a B&B that was a long time away from the Miao Village. You were extremely tired and your eyelids were chattering.
    After taking a hasty shower, you couldn't wait to lie down on the bed and fall asleep.
    I thought it would be like usual, unable to fall asleep even if you were extremely sleepy, but unexpectedly, you fell asleep deeply for a long time this time.
    When you woke up, your head was groggy. You touched the switch on the bedside, but found that you couldn't touch it.
    Only then did you realize that this seemed...not the B&B room you were staying in.
    This is where?
    "Are you awake?" A clear and ethereal voice gradually approached.
    You huddled up in fear. The room was dark, and you could only see a blurry figure gradually approaching you. You couldn't see the person's face clearly.
    "Who are you and where are you?" Your voice is trembling.
    "Can't you see clearly?" He chuckled, raised his hand and pressed the switch with a snap.
    The whole room suddenly lit up.
    The young man's snow-white and handsome face was clearly revealed, and his pair of bright black eyes were smiling.
    "It's you!" You were stunned. Isn't this the weird boy from the Diaojiaolou?
    You look around and see that this room is not made of wood. It is probably not the stilted building.
    Normally you would be happy to be alone with such a handsome guy, but this strange situation brought you nothing but fear.
    "This is not a stilted building, this is my real home. It's very remote and far away. No one will come." The young man saw through your thoughts and explained softly.
    You looked at him warily: "What are you going to do?"
    The boy still held a cup of hot water in his hand. He sat on the edge of the bed, put the water on the bedside table, and raised his hand to touch your cheek.
    His fingers are long and icy, and for a moment you feel like a poisonous snake is crawling on your face.
    You were so frightened that you wanted to knock his hand off, but you found that your whole body was so soft that you couldn't use any strength. When you touched his hand, you lost all your strength and lay limply on his hand.
    He took your hand, put it to his lips, kissed it, and said, "According to our customs here, I should have gotten married two or three years ago, but I was never interested until I met you."
    Your hair straightened . His tone changed: "Are you crazy? We just met once."
    The young man raised his eyes and did not answer her. His beautiful eyes suddenly felt aggrieved: "Why did you leave so quickly?"
    You quickly realized that he was asking why he left so quickly in the stilted building yesterday.
    "Didn't I say that there are still many places I haven't gone to? You can't spend too much time on one scenic spot."
    But the young man stubbornly said: "Why don't you stay a little longer?"
    up in AiDian, ID: Xiong Xiongnan

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