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the yandere brother who spends all his time × the beautiful sister who loves to fool

You hate your half-brother Shen Jinze and always speak ill of him.
    But he never minds and always sticks to you like a follower.
    As the end of the semester approaches, you are in a bad mood: "Can you get out of here!"
    He moves a few steps at a loss and puts the freshly baked cake next to him: "Then remember to eat it."
    He looks aggrieved with his lowered eyebrows. He was pitiful and his tone was even more cautious.
    You ignored him and turned your head to continue thinking about the question you hadn't solved just now.
    After a long time, you go to get the cold cake.
    Only then did you see a piece of paper placed next to you, with the detailed problem-solving process written on it.
    It's those questions you don't know.
    You were stunned, as if every time you vented your anger on him, he didn't get angry and helped you without any complaints.
    Feeling a twinge of guilt in your heart, you took the initiative to look for him at night.
    When the door opened, surprise flashed in his eyes: "What's wrong?"
    "I'm sorry." You couldn't hide your embarrassment. This was the first time you apologized to him, "I shouldn't have vented my anger on you."
    "It's okay. "Shen Jinze shook his head quickly, "You can get angry however you want, as long as you don't ignore me."
    You just thought he had a good temper and didn't understand the deeper meaning of his words at all.
    After the final exam, you unfortunately caught a cold.
    You were in a very bad state, and when your father saw it, he simply didn't take you back to your hometown to celebrate the New Year.
    You are used to his neglect. Since your father remarried, you are almost like an outsider in this family.
    At night, you lie on the sofa and don't want to move at all, but you are very thirsty.
    "I really want to drink water..." You murmured softly.
    Just when you were about to push yourself up, a glass of warm water was handed to you.
    You looked up along the slender hand and saw Shen Jinze who should have been thousands of miles away.
    As soon as Shen Jinze came back, a few snowflakes fell on his head, and his eyelashes were wet with water drops.
    "Why are you here?"
    Shen Jinze helped you up and said, "I don't worry about you being home alone."
    You said nothing and took the water he handed you, your stomach growling a few times.
    "You haven't had dinner yet?" Shen Jinze frowned and immediately went to the kitchen to get busy.
    Not long after, he came over with a bowl of steaming noodles.
    Or your favorite garlic pork ribs noodles.
    You wanted to refuse forcefully, but you were too hungry to eat so much.
    He washed the dishes consciously and prepared cold medicine for you.
    You don’t have to worry about moving around during the whole process, and your dizziness is relieved a lot.
    People are most likely to be soft-hearted when they are sick and vulnerable. In the past few days when he has taken good care of you, you gradually no longer hate him.
    That night, he suddenly said: "Sister, I skipped a grade."
    "Skipped a grade? Then which class will you go to next semester?"
    He said: "Your class."
    Your expression suddenly froze, why did you just jump to your class?
    "Sister, are you unhappy?" He observed your expression, a little nervous.
    "No, no. I just think it's a coincidence."
    You pretended to smile calmly, but you secretly felt something was wrong.
    He cannot know about your relationship with your boyfriend Gu Huai.
    If he told his father, he would be in trouble.
    The new semester begins.
    When choosing a seat, Shen Jinze insists on choosing one next to you, and he usually likes to stick to your side.
    So much so that every time you see Gu Huai, you always act secretly.
    Gu Huai: "Your brother is too annoying. Can you ask him to stop following you?"
    You sighed helplessly: "He has been clingy since he was a child. I used to call him mean and he couldn't get rid of it, let alone now. ."
    "How long have we been alone together?" Gu Huai said, stepping forward to hug you and acting dissatisfied, "It's so annoying." "
    Don't be angry, don't be angry, just wait until graduation." You smiled and reassured he.
    At this time, you didn't notice at all, a pair of eyes flashed through the gap in the window diagonally behind, full of resentment and jealousy.
    The next day.
    When you first came to school, you received the mocking looks of countless people.
    You were pulled aside by your friend: "Wenwen, Gu Huai is a complete scumbag! You were cheated on by him!" "
    "You didn't watch the class group, did you? All the records of his chatting with the girl next door were posted It’s out!”
    With that, your friend will show you the messages in the group.
    Your pupils narrowed, looking at the dazzling chat screenshots in disbelief.
    Did those greasy and disgusting words really come from Gu Huai?

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