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the insidious and selfish crazy Phoenix man × the wealthy daughter who was deceived by him

  At the age of 21, you meet the person you will love forever.
    You chased him for three months and finally succeeded, and happily told your father about your love.
    He is two years older than you, has good looks, is 187cm tall, has a master's degree from a prestigious school, and works in a listed company with a good salary.
    It stands to reason that parents would like his conditions very much.
    But when your dad heard this, he immediately objected: "Absolutely not! Break up quickly!"
    You wondered: "Why?"
    "Your future partner must be a good match!"
    Oh, your dad is the CEO of that listed company.
    Your family is one of the most wealthy families in the entire city A. Your mother left shortly after giving birth to you. As the only daughter in the family, you are naturally more strict about love and marriage.
    But you have always been rebellious since you were a child, and you like to do things the other way around.
    What's more, this is the first time you like someone so much and you will never compromise.
    "No difference! I only like Zhou Shao, and I only stay with him!"
    Your words made your father very angry.
    In the past week, you have noticed that Zhou Shao is getting slower and slower in replying to messages.
    Today I will not reply directly.
    You got really angry and rushed directly to his house.
    "Yunyun, why are you here?" He opened the door, surprised.
    He was wearing home clothes, his skin was pale, and there was a circle of blue-grey under his eyes. It looked like he hadn't slept well.
    Your cheeks puffed up and you said displeasedly, "You didn't reply to my message."
    "Sorry, I was too busy and didn't see it." He touched your head guiltily, then quickly turned around and got you a pair of slippers.
    You put on your shoes and walked in, seeing the folder on his desktop, which was a travel island planning project.
    You are too lazy to know anything about the company, but you will pay special attention to his work content.
    This was obviously not his responsibility, and you immediately noticed something was wrong: "What's going on?"
    "It's nothing."
    You stared at him and said aggrievedly: "We agreed that we can't hide anything from each other."
    Zhou Shao smiled helplessly. , and then said: "Recently, my performance has been canceled for no reason, and the tasks are all difficult and heavy, so I am quite busy."
    You were stunned, and you could move your toes and think that this must be your father's fault.
    He must be trying to put pressure on Zhou Shao and force him to leave you.
    Your eyes instantly turned red, with tears streaming down your face: "I'm sorry, it's all because of me... that you were innocently implicated..."
    When you think of your boyfriend, whom you treat as your treasure, suffering such an unreasonable disaster, your heart twitches. pain.
    Zhou Shao raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corner of your eyes: "How can I blame you? It's all because I'm not good enough." "
    No! It's not your problem!" You retorted strongly, he is so good, how could it be his fault? .
    It's all because your dad is too feudal and old-fashioned, and he still wants to act like a well-matched person in any era.
    "Good boy, stop crying." Zhou Shao pulled you into his arms.
    Being so close, you can clearly feel his body temperature and heartbeat.
    The silence of the night always magnifies people's perceptions and impulses infinitely.
    You suddenly raised your eyes and said solemnly: "A Shao, let's get married."
    "Get married?"
    "Yeah!" You said excitedly, "Are you unwilling?"
    "Of course I am willing." Zhou Shao said firmly.
    His firm gaze made you more certain of your decision, and you said, "It's settled then. I'll see you at the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow!"
    You kissed him excitedly and rushed home to prepare.
    He looked at your excited back with twinkling eyes, then walked to the work table and threw a bunch of useless documents into the trash can.
    "It's so simple." Zhou Shao laughed dumbly.
    Next day.
    You successfully obtained your marriage certificate and you took him home that day.
    When your dad found out, he yelled: "Zhou Shao, you trash, don't touch my daughter!"
    "Dad!" You don't allow him to scold the person you hold dear like this, "You are not allowed to scold him!"
    "Divorce, Divorce immediately!" Your dad picked up the cup on the coffee table and threw it directly at Zhou Shao.
    Zhou Shao couldn't dodge, he was hit hard and blood started to flow from his forehead.
    "A Shao!" You quickly stood in front of him, and when you saw the bloody gash on his forehead, your face turned pale with anger, "Dad, you have gone too far!"
    Your dad was helpless and angry: "Yunyun, dad thinks that others are better than you. Yes, just listen to me once."
    "Don't you just think that his family background is not good? Don't think that I don't know." You retorted.
    Your dad: "Family status is one thing, but his character is not that good either!"

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