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the crazy second generation rich people who sow discord × fall into the trap without knowing it

His tone was unbelievably gentle, and the white roses he held in front of him exuded a light fragrance, which smelled very good.
    Late at night can easily amplify people's emotions, especially if you are in a state of extreme sadness.
    Lu Cheng's appearance in such a soft and romantic way is tantamount to a 10,000-point critical hit, and your tense emotions finally collapse.
    You cried bitterly regardless, your tears falling like a flood that broke a dam, and your thin body trembled.
    Lu Cheng put the flowers aside and was about to step forward to hug you and comfort you, but stopped his hand.
    He probably thought of the fact that when he hugged you in a hurry, he was strongly rejected by you.
    "Can I hug you?" he asked hesitantly.
    You wiped your tears and remained silent, when your phone suddenly rang.
    You clicked it and saw a photo sent by Chen Zhian.
    In the photo, he was kissing a girl with his eyes closed...
    You just glanced at it and turned off your phone. You didn't know why he would send such a photo to humiliate you after he cheated on her.
    The time just happens to be on your birthday.
    The monstrous anger completely engulfed you, but there was a thought growing like a weed in the bottom of your heart.
    ——Since Chen Zhian betrayed you, why would you foolishly refuse others for him.
    With your mind heating up, you nodded regardless and said, "Okay."
    Almost as soon as you finished speaking, Lu Chengze came forward and pulled you into his arms, and he closed the door with his backhand. .
    His embrace is warm, and his big hands rub your back gently.
    The voice coming from above the head was clear and low: "What happened, can you tell me?"
    In the impression, Lu Cheng was a high-ranking prince. In the eyes of outsiders, he was calm and intimidating, and difficult to approach.
    But he always walks down the steps in front of you, and the pity and caution in his words are obvious.
    You suddenly realize that you have always been avoiding and resenting his pursuit, and you have never seriously felt his enthusiasm.
    "I..." you choked, "I seem to have been cheated on...Chen, Chen Zhian, he..." It
    was really embarrassing to tell such a truth, and it took you a long time to speak clearly.
    At this time, you were hugged by him, and you couldn't see the smile on his handsome face.
    Although he was smiling, he said regretfully and sadly: "Didn't you trust him very much before? Is it possible that there was a misunderstanding this time?" "
    That girl answered the phone. Just now, just now, he still Deliberately posting photos of the two of them in bed... I did something wrong, he wants to humiliate me like this..."
    You said while crying, your tears soaking Lu Chengze's clothes.
    But he didn't dislike it at all. Instead, he hugged you tighter and said, "It's all his fault. Don't think about it."
    "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." You cried harder.
    Lu Cheng paused and said softly: "No matter what, don't be sad yet. Today is your birthday."
    His words reminded you.
    Today is your twenty-second birthday. Birthdays are very important in your hometown.
    You lived happily in the past, how could you be affected by a cheating scumbag this time?
    You stopped crying immediately and said, "You're right, I'm not sad anymore."
    "That's right. You haven't eaten the cake yet, have you?" He let go of you, turned around, opened the door again, and pushed the cart. Come in.
    Only then did you see that there was not only your favorite mango cake on the cart, but also several exquisite gift boxes.
    The logo printed on it is a brand that you would be reluctant to buy even if you are frugal.
    "Thank you. I'll just eat the cake. These gifts are..."
    "I spent a long time carefully choosing them. If you reject them so hastily, I will be very sad."
    Lu Cheng interrupted you, being cunning. Now I have figured out your temperament of accepting soft things rather than hard words, and you are deliberately aggrieved.
    When he said this, you were immediately embarrassed to refuse, so you could only change your words: "Well, when is your birthday?"
    "April 20th." Lu Chengze's handsome eyes were bright and his smile was fiery. , "I finally waited for the day when you cared about me."
    The tips of your ears were slightly red, but it wasn't actually because you cared about me, you just wanted to return the favor later.
    But seeing him smiling so happily, you couldn't say anything to explain.
    Afterwards, he ate cake with you, sang happy birthday to you, and told you many jokes to amuse you.
    You found that he sang quite well, was well-informed and humorous.
    Tonight, you discovered many of his strengths.
    You suddenly feel that you shouldn't resist his pursuit so much.
    It's time to give up on Chen Zhian and accept others.
    Lu Chengze has been observing you very carefully. At this moment, he has keenly caught the changes in your emotions and knows that now is the best time.
    "Actually, I shouldn't have taken advantage of you when you were most vulnerable. But you are so good and there are countless people who like you. I'm afraid I might miss you if I'm not careful." He suddenly spoke.
    You raised your eyes and looked at him blankly. Even though you guessed what he was going to say next, you couldn't help but feel your heart beating faster.

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