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A yandere and clingy little dog × you who got caught having fun (hype, released

You are a busy professional, and you have been on a business trip across most of country Z recently.
    The night before departure, your little wolfdog boyfriend has yet to help you pack your luggage.
    You saw the empty suitcase: "Haven't you packed it yet?"
    Your boyfriend had just taken a shower, and his thick eyelashes were still stained with water drops. He stared at you, "I'll go with you. I don't want to see you in two weeks." It's you."
    Your heart trembled at the sight of him, and you almost relented, but luckily you managed to hold on: "No, this project is very important, I can't be distracted."
    Every time at night, his obedient mask would It will tear right off, knocking you down, and you won't be able to stop for an hour or two.
    If you take him with you this time, you're worried that you won't be able to get out of bed the next day.
    "I will restrain myself." Your boyfriend came closer, and the fresh male hormones hit your nose without warning. His bathrobe was slightly open, his white chest had clear texture, and his chin was pressed against your neck, "Really?" . Let me go with you."
    You closed your eyes and gritted your teeth and insisted: "No."
    Seeing that you insisted on refusing, he had no choice but to say: "Okay, then you have to remember to miss me."
    You nodded, thinking in your heart But I'm secretly happy that this time I won't be stuck 24 hours a day.
    Little did he know that the slight smile on your lips was caught in his sight.
    He lowered his eyes, and his tall and tall figure exuded an aura of depression and forbearance.
    The lights are on, the night view of City A is gorgeous and charming, and you successfully completed the project negotiation.
    After the meeting, you are warmly invited by your partner to join the lively party.
    The resident band is all handsome young guys with clear and pleasant voices. The lively backup dancers are dressed in fashionable and exaggerated styles. They are also very good at making troubles and coax the people present into joy.
    A handsome guy with long curly hair wearing a black shirt took the initiative and said, "Miss, can I invite you to dance?"
    You couldn't help but be startled when you smelled his perfume, which was similar to your boyfriend's, and then nodded: "Okay. ."
    Since you got together with your boyfriend, you have never held the hand of any handsome boy. This time, holding hands and dancing feels quite novel.
    The handsome guy with long curly hair seems to be very interested in you. While dancing with you, he keeps looking for topics to talk to you.
    In your excitement, you completely forgot about sending a message to your boyfriend at ten o'clock to say good night.
    The bag was placed on the sofa not far away by you, and the phone rang several times.
    However, the live music, drums, cheers, and laughter were intertwined, and the weak ringtone of the mobile phone was completely drowned out.
    After a few minutes, the phone started ringing again, over and over again.
    In a daze, the ringtone seemed to be a little angry, just like the caller's sharp impatience and anxiety.
    However, you, who are having so much fun, don’t know it at all.
    After dancing, the handsome guy with long curly hair took the initiative to buy you a drink: "You must have never tried our new products here, do you want to try them?" "
    Okay." You agreed happily, since there were no work tasks tomorrow anyway.
    The handsome guy with long curly hair smiled and asked the waiter to bring over two glasses of red and blue wine. The alcohol content of the wine was quite high.
    You hesitated a little: "Isn't this... the degree quite high?"
    "A little bit. But you guys often talk about projects, so you shouldn't be afraid, right?" The handsome guy said and handed the wine glass to your hand, his charming peach blossom eyes... He stopped firing at you, "Try it?"
    "Okay." You were indeed quite drinkable, so you took a sip.
    You didn't feel much at first, but it didn't take long for the wine to kick in, and your head felt a little groggy, but you could still hold on.
    The handsome guy with long curly hair glanced at you, and unknowingly came closer, his hot breath spraying on your skin, "You have some wine stains here, let me wipe them for you."
    You have long been fooled by this common trick to pick up girls. , but it was rare to relax today. You didn't expose him, and you half-leaned to see what tricks he was going to play.
    Seeing that you didn't refuse, he suddenly became bold and stretched out his hand towards your collar.
    However, before that big hand could touch you, his whole body was suddenly grabbed from behind.
    "Get out!"
    A shocking roar burst out from behind.
    As a gust of draft blew through the room, the handsome man with long curly hair was picked up unexpectedly. He rolled backwards uncontrollably and fell to the ground.
    The voice was so angry that everyone present was stunned. The dancers looked nervously at the person who broke in at the door.
    When you heard this familiar voice, you were shocked. You looked up and saw your boyfriend's face that was livid with anger.
    Shouldn't he be in City B? Why would he appear here?
    The handsome guy with long curly hair reacted and was so angry that he punched him, but was easily restrained by his boyfriend.
    The two of them started fighting without any surprise, but the boyfriend had the upper hand throughout. He punched hard to the flesh and kicked hard, beating the handsome guy with long curly hair until he was unable to fight back.
    The slight intoxication you had caused by the alcohol completely disappeared. When you sobered up, you quickly stepped forward to start a fight.
    "Stop it, it's a misunderstanding, it's just a misunderstanding."
    Hearing this, the boyfriend was stunned for a moment and threw the handsome long curly haired guy to the ground.
    The handsome guy with long curly hair grinned in pain and asked you vaguely: "Who is he?"
    "Her boyfriend." The boyfriend tugged on his clothes again, his eyes were cold, "Stay away from her, otherwise you will be missing an arm." As for the legs, I can't guarantee it."
    His tone was sinister, completely different from his usual coquettish and gentle demeanor.
    You were shocked, you didn't expect that he had such a side. In the past, he would only act fiercely in bed.
    After he said the harsh words, he grabbed your hand and walked out without saying a word.
    On the way back to the hotel, he looked gloomy and didn't say a word.
    You knew he was very angry and tried to explain: "It was too noisy. I didn't hear the ringtone. I didn't mean not to answer your call."
    "What about him?" Your boyfriend still looked unhappy.
    "Him?" You continued to explain, "We met here and chatted for a few words."
    Your boyfriend turned his head and said sarcastically: "While we were chatting, you held hands and danced, and he even came over and put his hand on you. ?"
    "Did you see it? When did you come?" You were embarrassed.
    The boyfriend curled his lips and said angrily: "Why, I came at the wrong time and ruined your good deeds?" "
    No." You were completely wrong. It was true that you didn't have the right sense this time, "I'm sorry, I was wrong. .”
    Just as the taxi arrived at the hotel, he pulled you out of the car and took you into the hotel room he booked without saying a word.
    The heavy door of the hotel was slammed loudly, and he locked it directly.
    Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak, a hot and domineering kiss blocked you without hesitation, blocking all the words you could say before you could say anything.
    He kissed you quickly and fiercely, with a strong sense of punishment. He grabbed the back of your head with one hand and held it with incredible force, as if he wanted to swallow you into his body.
    It had been a long time since you had received such a fierce and fierce kiss. You were almost out of breath. Just when you were about to push him with both hands, you were lifted up by your waist and thrown onto the soft bed in the next second.
    Your boyfriend's eyes were scarlet, and anger washed over his mind. He leaned over and tore your dress, which smelled of alcohol and perfume, to shreds.
    You screamed and couldn't help but want to crawl to the head of the bed, but he grabbed your ankle and pulled you over.
    He took off his shirt, put your hands above your head and tied them up.
    "I was wrong. I will never do this again. Don't be angry." You were frightened. You had never seen such a terrifying side of him before, and you cried and begged for mercy.
    When he saw your tears, he calmed down. He leaned down and kissed the tears on your face one by one. He said in a low voice: "Baby, it's too late to apologize now."
    He lifted the strands of hair from your forehead and dropped them. After a kiss, at the same time, he quickly took off his pants, and the contents inside immediately popped out, arrogantly.
    Angry play is something you have never experienced before. You beg him with some fear: "Calm down, don't do this." "
    Baby, I'm still very angry. What do you think can make me calm down?"
    You sobbed a few times and said to yourself I know I can't escape tonight.
    Who made you want to have fun for a while?
    Without waiting for your answer, he leaned over you again, kissing you domineeringly and fiercely, leaving marks after marks on your porcelain white skin, and pushing your slender legs apart with his knees.
    His bony hands reached for the bedside table, and he quickly took out a condom from inside and tore it open... His
    handsome eyes glanced at you who was kissing your cheeks red and out of breath, and said in a low and hoarse voice that was extremely sexy: "Baby, put it on for me."
    You knew that if you didn't let him calm down, you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow, so you had to put it on for him.
    However, in the next second, you were suddenly turned over by him, your head was pressed heavily into the pillow, and you were kneeling on the cotton wool...
    you cried out, almost getting knocked down by the impact. The wooden board at the head of the bed, your shoulders being clasped by him, your knees and the thin blanket were rubbing hard, causing your fair and tender skin to turn red.
    The sheets were rolled up layer by layer. In order to stabilize your body, you grabbed the edge of the pillow with both hands, causing the square pillow to change its shape.
    The sound of impact and your intermittent cries echoed through the huge suite, and they didn’t stop for a long time.
    Bead-sized drops of sweat were scattered on the originally clean white sheets, and ambiguous juices flowed into large pools. White mucus oozed from the depths of your legs.
    The whole room smelled of sweat and smell, full of alluring hormones, alluring and sexy.
    The windows were open at this time, and the salty sea breeze blew in, and the white curtains fluttered freely in the wind, adding a bit of romance to this charming and intense scene.
    After a few times, the room was in a mess, and you were so tired that you were about to fall apart, and you said plaintively: "I'm so tired."
    The overwhelming satisfaction finally calmed down your boyfriend's previously overwhelming anger.
    He lay behind you, hugged you tightly, and kissed the back of your neck tenderly and delicately, "Baby, it's me who exerts the strength. Why are you tired?"
    You: "..."
    After a while, your body When the temperature subsided, he carried you into the bathroom and helped you take a bath carefully and gently.
    He also changed the sheets and hugged you to lie down again. He then returned to his usual coquettish tone: "You don't answer my call. Do you know how anxious and worried I am? When I rushed over in a hurry, I saw you. When you were dancing with that man and he was still touching you, I lost all my sanity at that time." "
    So you came to City A a long time ago?" You grasped the key point.
    He admitted frankly: "I missed you so much, so I came here secretly."
    "Huh." You snorted softly, turned around and hugged him, "Then just say it."
    "I'm afraid you'll be unhappy."
    You shook your head: "No. It's my fault this time."
    He buried his head in your neck again and said dullly: "I was really angry at the time, but also scared." "What     are you afraid of?" "Afraid of you
Don't fall in love with me anymore."
    You were stunned to find out that he still had such thoughts, and quickly retorted: "No, I only like you."
    "Really?" He raised his head.
    He smiled maliciously, "How about we do it again?"
    You widened your eyes and looked in disbelief.
    I saw that the things that had been rested not long ago were lifted up again...
    "Have you not done enough?"
    He said aggrievedly: "You haven't done it for more than two weeks. It
    's not enough." So, that night was completely sleepless.
    From the bed to the carpet, to the coffee table and the balcony, you were too tired to stand still. You finally breathed some fresh air from the seaside and was carried into the bathroom by him. From the sink to the bathtub, he penetrated you to the end every time
    ... In the end, you couldn't stand fighting anymore and your whole body collapsed on him, but he still held you tirelessly with one hand, lifted one of your legs with the other, and hit you hard.
    The next day you unsurprisingly had no energy at all and lay motionless on the bed.
    Sure enough, it is very dangerous to make a puppy angry!
    more similar short stories, you can go to AiDang to read the collection, AiDan: Xiong Xiongnan

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