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the crazy and powerful minister who puts profits first × you who were given to the prince by him (2)

King Rui: "They want to kill me. If I go with you, you will be in danger."
    "I leave, what about you?" There are only so many people in the palace, and they are all assigned to you. What should he do?
    King Rui kissed you unexpectedly, with tears in his eyes: "Don't worry about me."
    Time was running out, so he didn't say more and asked the people from the palace to escort you out of the city.
    Along the way, you kept looking back at the imperial city that was on fire.
    King Rui’s words kept coming back to his mind.
    When he encounters a crisis, his first thought is to protect you.
    Every detail of the past year in the palace came to your mind. You became more and more sad, and tears flowed down unknowingly.
    Just when the emotions were surging the most, the carriage stopped.
    There was a commotion and fighting outside, and you turned pale with fright. Could it be that you were being chased?
    The curtain was roughly lifted, and the light of the knife made you close your eyes.
    Just die. Ⓟö18Т𝖊.cöⅿ蒍楍攵伟①梿曧地址 綪之リⓅö18Т𝖊.cöⅿread dμ
    The moment it became a fine work, you never thought about a good death.
    "What are you still doing? Come out."
    The familiar and cold voice shocked you all over. When you opened your eyes, you saw the face you once loved most.
    Seeing that you were stunned, the first assistant grabbed your wrist impatiently and pulled you out.
    There were many tragic corpses lying on the ground, almost all of them people from the palace.
    Seeing these soldiers who were trying their best to protect you die, you were heartbroken. It was the first time you looked at him like an enemy.
    He frowned and said mockingly: "You have been in Prince Rui's Mansion for just one year, and you don't even remember who the real master is?" "
    I don't dare." You always knew the current situation, so you calmed down your emotions immediately and allowed him to take you. Pulled into another carriage.
    You felt uncomfortable being with him again after a year.
    "Sir, what's the situation in the palace now?"
    He glanced at you: "Dead and injured, who do you want to ask?"
    You hesitated, suddenly afraid to learn the news about King Rui.
    "Prince Rui?" He guessed what you were thinking, and deliberately said slowly and calmly, "There is not even a guard around him, so he is the one who will die the most miserably." The word "
    pierced your heart hard, and it hurt instantly. Attacks all over the body.
    "What? You can't bear to let him die?" His tone was unclear, and his eyes were fixed on your face, not knowing what he was looking for.
    You shook your head against your will: "No. I was just in a daze, and it ended so quickly."
    "It's not over yet."
    "It's not over?" You were very surprised. If the dust hadn't settled, how could he have the leisure and elegance to come here? you.
    He hummed, not intending to explain, and it was impossible to guess what he was thinking.
    You were brought back to the mansion by him, and soon moved to Nancheng.
    Only then did I learn that the chaos that night was not just the work of the chief minister, but also many princes who had long been ambitious and took advantage of the chaos to stir up trouble.
    No one was willing to give in too much, and the world was torn into pieces, with various forces dividing the country.
    But you don't care about any of this.
    As a spy who was sent to monitor King Rui, your mission has been completed and there is no longer any use value.
    "When will your Excellency fulfill your promise?"
    He asked back: "What promise?"
    "Your Excellency said that you will give me my freedom after the matter is completed."
    He curled his lips: "Isn't it true that the matter has not yet been accomplished?"
    You are so worried Puzzled, she frowned and looked at him.
    "The current situation is turbulent, and the great cause has not yet been accomplished." He lifted your chin as usual, with a smile in his eyes, "How can you leave?"
    Such a provocative gesture has been very useful to you in the past.
    But for some reason, I just feel bored now.
    So much so that when he leaned down to kiss you, you turned your head and avoided it.
    He suddenly froze, his handsome face turned cold, and he pulled his lips together and sneered: "You still stood up for that short-lived ghost?"

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